Isn't she cute?
I actually love kids in general, but especially my own.
I love how they get so visibly excited when something good happens.
And by something good, I don’t mean winning the lottery.
Not even a year’s supply of m&m’s or even Christmas morning…
With a child, something good can be as simple as being allowed to run through a sprinkler fully clothed (a horror to an adult).
Or eating a dessert – any dessert, any time (even adults like this, but we act as if we deserve it).
Even the act of petting a puppy can send a child into giggles, and shrieks, and smiles that will light up a room!
It doesn’t take much to dazzle a child!
What Happened?
So what changes between childhood and adult life that makes us so much harder to impress? To be thrilled? Or to be dazzled?
Are we so burdened down with the cares and responsibilities in life that we have lost our ability to be dazzled by the beautiful and simple pleasures in life?
Do we think that worrying about life actually causes life to be better?
Maybe that is why the Bible says:
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
— 1 Pet 5:7 (NLT)
God wants to dazzle us with His ability, His love for us, and His faithfulness.
More than You Could Imagine
He cares for us in ways that we cannot fathom or imagine. His plans for us are dazzling (Jer 29:11) and those plans are to bring us to a place of His blessing.
Jer. 31:13 in the Message version says:
Young women will dance and be happy, young men and old men will join in. I’ll convert their weeping into laughter, lavishing comfort, invading their grief with joy.
— Jeremiah 31:13 (MSG)
No matter what life looks like today…
No matter how you may lack direction or inspiration…
If things look dismal or bleak, one thing is certain…
God’s future for you is dazzling!
Matter of fact, His right now for you is dazzling. He wants you to enjoy your life right now.
Be dazzled by the sunset.
Be encouraged by a baby’s smile.
Take heart in young blossoming in a young couple holding hands.
Be wowed by your God.
Be excited about His future for you.
Be thrilled in knowing that He created you because He loves you so much!
Join Us Friday Night
If these words are striking a chord with you today, be sure to join us at the It’s a Girl Thing, Dazzle Me event, this Friday night (November 18, 2011) at our Earth City campus at 7:30 pm.
We are having an evening designed to dazzle you, to encourage you and to help you remember that God has a sparkling future for you!
We are also having a fashion show by Dillard’s and a Dollar store gift exchange, so bring a little something to exchange and join in the fun!
See you there. I’m sure you will look dazzling!
Great words! When we are children we want to be adults and when we are adults we want to be children. Perhaps the key is having faith in God to guide and just enjoy the journey…no matter where we are at?
Thanks so much Nicole.. For this refreshing Reminder of How God’s sees us ~ Woooo-Hoooo!!!!
I am both Wowed & Excited about what God has in store for me!!
Thanks for the Refresher 🙂
Glo 😉
God’s got a lot for you Glo! I hope that you share with us and the dazzle unfolds in your life…
Cant wait! Havent been at the last few and I need a dose of dazzle, whic Pastor Nicole always brings!
“Something good can be as simple as being allowed to run through a sprinkler fully clothed.” This summer I had so much going on with 3 teen agers, and Trey (12) was feeling bored. It began to pour down rain and I told Trey to get his flip flops on so we could go out and play in the rain. He thought I was crazy, and I am sure the neighbors thought the same as I (53 years old) ran out into the pouring rain. Trey followed behind me and it continued to pour for approx. 20 minutes. We were in t-shirts and shorts, and had a blast. I had forgotten the simple pleasures in life and since then, I remember that day when I am feeling overwhelmed by the burdens of today. Trey and I laughed and screamed forgetting all about everything that was going on…I was dazzled that hot summer day.
Rick – What a dazzling day indeed! One of the things that is dazzling to me is the brightness of fresh snow, especially when I am sliding down a hill in it with my kids. LOVE your input!
Yes and Amen Pastor Nicole! We live in such a fast moving generation. If we are not careful we can rush through life not noticing the little things that really matter. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.” Let’s take time to check out His glory and enjoy His handiwork!
Omar – so we need to take time to be dazzled….great point!
Enjoy the journey, whether in the rain like Rick, in the snow, on a sunny day or any old way. Profound statement!
Eat something good