Years ago, a well-meaning doctor tried to convince me to have a certain radical procedure.
If I DID, I could never have another baby. If I DIDN’T, I would be going against medical advice and my insurance wouldn’t pay for anything else that happened.
I needed a second opinion. Hmmm… I’m my own second opinion and I think I want to see a DIFFERENT doctor!
They wouldn’t even send my medical records so I had to hand-carry them. On the way, I did what any normal person would do when no one else is looking… I snuck a PEEK!
I couldn’t read most of the handwriting, but I did find my pathology report.
Immediately, I pulled over and called David. “What are we gonna do?” Without missing a beat, he said, “After you see the doctor, come home and we’re gonna PRAY.”
The new doctor did a biopsy and sent it off to the lab. (The LONGEST two weeks of my life!)
Meanwhile, David and I prayed in faith, rebuked this attack of the enemy, and thanked God for His awesome HEALING POWER!
When the results came back, they found NO TRACE of cancer cells in my body! Thank you, JESUS!!!
I never had to have radiation, chemotherapy, or the radical procedure. Instead, I had myself a BABY… Ashtyn Nicole!
Right now, if you’re in a fight for your life, it’s okay to take the medicine from the doctor. Do it IN FAITH. It’s okay to start the therapy. Do it IN FAITH.
But, leave the doubt and unbelief at home. And never stop believing that we serve a God that HEALS!
Do you know someone who needs encouragement in the healing department? (“Yes” or “No”) Share this blog and my teaching “Would God Heal Me?”