FEAR only seeks to keep you from the greatest things you are meant to do, achieve and see. Let me encourage you today.
When they told me “RUN OFF THE EDGE OF THE MOUNTAIN, don’t look down and keep running even in the air” my sensibilities said “NO WAY!” But I did it anyway and the results were sooooooo worth it.
Whatever you’re afraid of today – DON’T LET IT STOP YOU! Your blessing is ahead!!!! Go! Run toward your destiny and blessing!!! Do it afraid! The results are magnificent and you will be SO PLEASED with yourself!!!!
The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather the Spirit you received brought your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Romans 8:15-16
It’s ok to do it afraid! Press in…just do it! Thanks Nicole.
You have got this GIRL!!
Thanks Pastor Nicole! You have no idea how much I needed to hear this very thing TODAY!
Enjoy the rest of your vacation!
Tried to post this beautiful message to my Facebook page but it didn’t transfer. Thank you. My fear of heights started after I fell and fractured my arm age 10 & 15 and told by the doctor that if I fracture it again they wouldn’t be able to fix it.
The pain and the doctor’s message keep me a prisoner.
Look me up on Facebook Marcia under Nicole Filla Crank, I will be praying for healing and the release from the pain!
I have vertigo and weary of heights. It would truly been a giant leap of faith for me to run off the mountain. God does want us to take the leap and if we fall he will catch us. A good reason to over come fear.
I have missed out on so much in life because of fear. I love all of your messages. Thank you!!!!!
Not any more! You Got this!!
Pastor Nicole,
Thanks for the encouragement. I started a book years ago and due to many unforeseen circumstances ( a divorce after 42 years) and all that goes with it I quit writing. I now have may circumstances in my home that makes it difficult for me to get back to it.
There is also a lot of fear – of failure, of success and all that could go with that.
I believe I am constantly getting messages from God to get it done but there is so much going on in my life I keep using this as an excuse to not move forward.
So thank you for the encouragement and I hope I can kick myself in the rear and get going.
Stay strong and remember you Can Do THIS!