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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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December 15, 2016


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Nothing left.

Have you ever pulled the plug in the bottom of the bath tub and watched the water kind of tornado vacuum out the bottom? Disappearing into…well, nowhere.

Sometimes I feel like that’s what my energy and fun does. It slips out the bottom somewhere no one can see at a rapid rate and then there is just the shell.

Maybe I’m not supposed to admit that, being a leader, a Christian, a mom, a pastor – or whatever other reason you might feel inclined to be surprised or judge me right now. But the truth is, it happens to all of us.

Even the great prophet Elijah. He won this epic battle. (Sometimes the bathtub-draining-where-did-my-life-go feeling comes right after something awesome. Don’t be surprised. The enemy comes immediately to steal your joy IF he can).

And he’s tired and hungry and scared because a new problem cropped up – they wanna kill him. No time to celebrate the win, straight on to the next big thing. (Another way the enemy tries to pull our plug. By distracting us with the next issue and no celebration time.)

Here’s the cool thing. Even in the middle of Elijah’s depression and emptiness, God was watching over him.

An angel helped take care of him. (Your angel might have flesh and be your spouse, a parent, or a great friend). Eat. Rest. A lot.

And then the Lord wanted to show Elijah how big and strong He is. And yet that He is not about the big and bold, but He is in and is about the small and fragile. God is in all we notice, but He is also whispering to us and making moves for us so slight and quiet that when we are tired and hungry we just simply don’t see or notice them and assume nothing is happening.

If you are empty right now. If you are thinking about googling the symptoms of depression. Don’t feel bad or weird. Know that these feelings have come to each one of us in desert times of lull between mountain tops AND also right after a mountain top experience.

Don’t be afraid to rest. Sleep. A guilty pleasure. Dumb right? God created you to sleep. Don’t feel bad about it.

And EAT! Not the junk they serve in drive-thru. Eat some real food. Ask mom to cook. Or a friend to make that dish you love. Trade in Chinese take-out for a home cooked meal. You’ll be surprised how a friend will be flattered you want something they cooked. Or you can cook too! (You can, I can’t…lol)

And look for God. How? Thank Him. Get intentional. There is something to be thankful for no matter WHO you are, WHERE you are or what is happening to you. I guarantee if you are having these empty, drained feelings – the enemy is at work on you with his distraction technique. Get a pen (now, I’m waiting – OR comment below, actually comment below – I wanna see you did this! #accountability) FIVE things you can be thankful for right now. No cop outs. There are 25. But you CAN find five. And as you thank Him, listen. You can start to hear His whisper. Latch on. Follow that. Eat. Rest. And watch the tub start to fill again.

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  1. Carla says:

    I am thankful that Jesus died on the cross for me….thankful for my family….thankful for life because some arent here now…thankful that I got to pray with my husband everyday until he died of cancer thst his soul is saved….thankful for my job because if i didnt have one how can i pay my bills..and thankful for pastors who can preach the word of the bible and pray for you as well.

    • Sheila says:

      I am thankful that Jesus will never leave me or forsake me, even when all others do. I am so thankful for this ministry that is helping me to challenge and change me. I am thankful for the gifts and talents God has given me to start a business from home. I am thankful for His word that gives me hope. I am thankful for social media that makes ministries like this one available at all times.

  2. Deb says:

    My 5 things I’m thankful for are
    My son just stopped by before work
    My house is warm
    I woke up today
    I’m having lunch with my sister
    I have money to Christmas shop

  3. Jane Owusu-Agyeman says:

    I think this was meant for me. I graduated last night from grueling nursing school. Close family and friends who have been my stalwart support made time midweek to be with me. I was on a high. Woke up at dawn with my mind running…. need to find some overtime hours to start tackling all the bills and stuff that I had been unable to keep up with…. need to find the means to go see my Mom…. need to figure out….. and on and on.
    Then my first message this morning is from you, with a message that allows me to give myself permission to rest a little and savor this victory, this mountain high that my good God has brought me to. He is ordering my next steps and I just need to “chillax”. I will do that today for sure and try and grow in the ” rest in the Lord” aspect of my Christian growth.
    Today, I will binge watch the Gray’s Anatomy season I had to miss due to school and work.
    Thank you PN.

  4. Deb V says:

    Thankful for my church
    Thankful for my core church family
    Very thankful my car got me to work today
    Thankful for you and Pastor David
    Thankful for my son and his family!????
    Thankful I live in the USA!

  5. Suzy Davis says:

    1. My hubby Randy
    2. That Lindsay , my you gest, wome up and left a narcasistic relationship.
    3. That my son in law sold his business and got closer to the Lord.
    4. That my youngest has rekindled her relations with the Lord.
    5. That sll the grandkids are doing great!

  6. jacqui says:

    PERFECT timing! PERFECT message!

  7. Naomi Randazzo says:

    Thankful for Faith Church. Thankful for you, Pastor Dave, Pastor Omar Morris, for the awesome sermons, for the Bible studies I get to attend, for the FB posts and mini sermons, for my children, for my grandchildren, for my cousins, for our Savior who always knows what we need and speaks to us when we listen….. this post is especially amazing to me today. I am a widow. And that’s a tough spot that I know others share with me. I am also a nurse consultant, blessed with an awesome career, but I travel weekly. So I travel alone, I spend every week in a hotel and there are times that I feel so encouraged and blessed, but then just like you’re saying, for no reason at all, the water drains out of the bathtub on Monday morning when I have to leave for the week. Even though I am a nurse last week I Googled how to feel happy. Natural supplements or something that could elevate my mood because I hate taking medicine and I hate feeling sad and lonely, I hate feeling sorry for myself. So I read that lavender scents help and I read that a vitamin called SAM-e helps. So I went out and bought lavender and I went and bought SAM-e and I’ve been taking it now for 2 weeks. One of your guest speakers talked about gratitude and said we should list three things every day that we’re grateful for and that we should do that for 30 days. So my cousins and I have started texting each other everyday three things that we are grateful for….this post today, is straight from God. Thank you Pastor Nicole, for sharing a piece of yourself. And thank you for the confirmation that I’m not the only one who goes through these things and even “googles” looking for help. “My help comes from the Lord” Thank you for this encouragement as I’m working today….Yes, I’m thankful and grateful!

  8. I am thankful that I am a child of God
    I am thankful for a joyful spirit
    i am thankful for Pastor David and Nicole for there passion for Jesus and there great teachings that they bring each week.I watch
    them on the computer live because right now in my life i care for both my parents at my home.
    I am thankful for the Banner year and for the blessings that are coming in the next 4 years.
    I am the thankful that I can give each week.

  9. Terri says:

    1) A warm home tonight
    2) My son home from college
    3) My husband who I love, and who loves me
    4) God gives me the privilege of practicing medicine to help people
    5) Faith Church!

  10. Lisa Quinn-Meadows says:

    I am so very thankful
    1. Jesus
    2. My Husband
    3. The roof over my head
    4. My children
    5. David and your YouTube sessions!!!!

  11. Deb says:

    Nicole i love hearing your words, I just don’t know how to get unstuck. It seems like everything i do or try leads to a dead end. Nobody knows that I feel this way cause I’m always the positive one but inside I’m so tired of not having my prayers answered or even close. I really don’t know what to do anymore,and with the holidays here it’s worse. I’m so tired of being alone.

  12. Anjanette Walker says:

    I’m thankful for…
    1. Waking up this morning
    2. Health
    3. Family
    4. Lights and running water
    5. Being a part of Faith Church

  13. Marie says:

    Thanks so very much
    – I woke up
    – I ‘am breathing
    – Thinking about widows, orphans
    – Sick people
    – Thanks God

  14. jamie says:

    1) my daughter
    2) my car that works despite being ridiculously old and in need of being replaced (God’s keeping it together!)
    3) having a job that pays the bills
    4) my loving family
    5) the winter season – the snow is so pretty, the air is crisp, and I love seeing God’s creativity displayed in way that’s completely unique from the other 3 seasons.

  15. Kristin says:

    1. Scripture
    2. My family
    3. My health
    4. Recent unexpected opportunities
    5. Faith Church duh (changed my life)

    • Kristin says:

      Actually let me rephrase that. You, Nicole Crank changed my life. I saw you on tv for the first time a year ago and I was completely affected by your sermon. I started going to faith church in WPB and little by little my life started to change. All for the better. Xoxo

  16. Karen Lawson says:

    1. The health of my family and friends
    2. Provision
    3. Knowing God, even though at times I stuggle
    4. The creation of Dogs & animals
    5. No horrible freak accidents or anything truly horrible happened or succeeded in happening.

  17. Joanna K says:

    5 things I am thankful for?
    Being alive and OK. This past Sunday on my way to Faith Church in West Palm Beach I got into a bad car accident. My car lost traction in a sharp curve. It whipped around and flew over 2 curbs and the median into on coming traffic.
    No one hit me. I restarted my car and went to church. Only the next day I realized how bad the accident REALLY was. I was in shock, somehow I managed to go to church and drive home. God and his angels had me the whole time.
    Faith Church is the second I am so thankful for. I am one of those people PD & PN God said open a church in WPB for. Third my dog Indy my great faithful love. Fourth Pastor Nicole and David for ur awesome, amazing inspirational sermons. And most importantly my God Jehovah and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  18. Maria says:

    I finally got out of bed been suffering from insomnia depression and panic attacks lately insomnia for years now 48 hrs couldn’t sleep , medication got all jumbled keep me in prayer that I recover from all these I woke up and your name came up still thankful for being alive I feel really alone now and want to run from people., still thankful for the my savior and Lord Jesus, I have stable job as nice nurse, my friends my church my family in the Philippines and my daughter who I hope to see soon ., the Lord has blessed me but to feel the way I do i need to find time and start worshipping and praising God again who so loves us the reason for Christmas thank you For allowing me to vent MerryChristmas to you Nicole and Pastor



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