The other day, I was driving to a conference with MJ, my FUTURE daughter-in-law.
We got SO excited talking about the upcoming wedding, the flowers and all the details!
It’s going to be one of the BIGGEST days of my life, watching my only son marry this beautiful woman!
When suddenly I realized…I’m 42 years-old and I’m gonna be the MOTHER-IN-LAW! When did I become a grownup????
Just The Way You Are!
Have you ever wished that photographs and mirrors agreed with what YOU thought you looked like? I still think I’m 25 in my head.
Ever caught a glimpse of your own reflection in a store window and thought, “Ugh!!! Who is that person?”
We all have SOMETHING about us that we wish we could change.
▪ The shape of our NOSE!
▪ The COLOR of our HAIR!
▪ Our crooked little SMILE!
▪ That weird BIRTHMARK!
Don’t Change A Thing!
God made us just the way HE wants us, and He likes us this way.
“For we are God’s MASTERPIECE. He has created us new IN CHRIST Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)
We are God’s special creation…His beautiful masterpiece!
And if HE likes us this way…then we should TOO!
Hard to believe sometimes, but amazingly true.
Prayer For Today
“Father God, thank you, that you made each of us a unique masterpiece, unlike any other. We know that we are Your extraordinary, individual creations and You love us just the way we are! In Jesus’ name.”
Share With Us
What is your outstanding feature that makes you SPECIAL in God’s eyes? Let’s hear you brag about what God has done in your life!
Have trouble believing God could use a certain feature about you, but then you watched God make that very thing shine?
Share it and give us all encouragement!
Talking about message from God! I just finished the watching an infomercial on the Tummy Tuck Band. The moment I got ready to push the “submit now” button on my order, this message ” God likes you the way he made you” from Pastor Nicole popped up on my screen..needless to say, I deleted my order.
This makes me happy! 🙂
Pastor Nicole I am so proud of you. We have a few things in common in our past and you have certainly come through with shining stars.you inspire me each and every day with encouraging words. Wish I could give you a hug! Thanjyou and GOD bless!
You are too sweet! *Hugs* 🙂
Love you blog Pastor Nicole. When I was seven years old I started singing. Right out of the blue for no reason at all. I don’t have the great voice like the country singers do but I don’t mind. Singing is my way of expressing myself. Whenever one of my friends or family members are having a bad day they always ask me to sing to them and their day gets better. In god’s eyes I am special because I was created his eyes.
I used to feel sorry for myself because I have a mild case of CP. I never understood why I was born that way. However, I now know that God made me that way to be able to understand what children with disabilities go through. Today I work with children that have speech & language impairments and my disability has truly become an asset.
All I can say is…WOW! Andrea, you are truly an inspiration! 🙂