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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Has this ever happened to you?


October 8, 2012


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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I Declare Affirmations

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Upgrade your circle, upgrade your life! COF is a monthly partnership that accelerates your growth with monthly coaching zoom calls, guest influencers and leaders that you love, and bi-weekly emails. 







You told your staff, or even your kids, what you wanted them to do.

You told them WHAT you wanted to happen, HOW you wanted them to do it, WHEN you wanted it done by – and then you went on your busy way to accomplish the things that they aren’t yet able to.

You come back and much to your surprise, the whole thing has gotten completely off course – or even worse – NOT DONE AT ALL!!! How does that happen????

The answer is in the explanation.

We so often take for granted that people understand what we’re thinking. And even beyond that, we actually think that WE know what we’re thinking. Huh? Yep! We often leap before we look and launch off into our future without fully planning the route to get there.

Now that’s a great question!

Are you like me???? Have you ever given someone what you thought to be clear and concise direction and they asked a half-dozen FANTASTIC questions about it? Information that you really should have given them to begin with? And what’s worse, you have to think to come up with the answer because you now realize on the spot that you hadn’t thought that part through?

God is in the details.

We’re building and renovating our new church property. We had DETAILED architectural plans before we ever broke ground. Those plans change almost weekly. As I walk through and details slipped past me or as things take shape and we think there is a better way than what is beginning to emerge – we change. But we could have NEVER started the process, gotten buy-in, developed a timeline, counted the cost or allocated resources without the months of planning.

Now it’s your turn.

In goal setting, we reach for the stars. In planning, we try to figure out how to get there. Write down everything you can think about to reach your goals in life. A place to start might be… Will you need to research? Where? For how long? Alone? Should you reach out? To whom?

Have more questions that we should be asking?

SHARE them here to help the rest of us learn how to explain what we want out of life so that we can get there!

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  1. Bob Bunjan says:

    I am a 75 year old single man….I grew up Catholic..however…I consider myself an open Christian relying strictly on the Bible…I watch Pastor Dave every Sunday on TV….I live in Glen Carbon, Illinois with my loving dog Gracie…..My goals are to be a servant for Jesus in every way….My life is a total mess….however…my strength is alive through Jesus!!
    Pastor Dave helps give me support to live through Jesus.

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Bob, What a sweet thing to say! I love my puppy too! She is 2.2pounds of pure love 🙂

      Thanks for reading the blog and taking time to comment. Jesus has a lot for you to do on the earth still. I can’t wait to hear what he is speaking to your heart!

  2. kimberly fielder says:

    reach my goals in life..lets see
    My # one goal is be closer to God and be the women He created me to be and with this I need to study, spend quiet time and listen for His voice, follow His directions
    Keep losing weight are for this I have to eat right, drink my water and exercise, yuk exercise but it does work
    The last is to be a RVT..well my hands and feet need to be 100% better, then get a job in my field, study and when the time is right take my VTNE and PASS
    There are others but ill stop here

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Kim – I love how you have put your goals out there for all to see. What gusto! I am proud. That is a great step.

      Keep listing!!!!

  3. Shannon says:

    I’ve found that what I put on paper doesn’t always play out in day-to-day life. Often because I don’t include enough day-to-day detail. I generalize too much and leave out the unappealing details that might “muddy” up my pretty plan. I have realized that if I can’t be detailed and honest with myself in the planning, I’ll never be successful.

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Shannon – That is incredibly honest. That kind of honesty is rare and God can bless the humility that comes along with it!

      If you are this honest in public, I believe your self-honesty in goal setting and plan making is going to take off!!! Look out world – here she comes!

  4. Angie says:

    Goals!! Goals stretch us to reach for something but a goal can’t be reached without a successful plan. How do I make a goal? First I decide what the goal is and I try to be specific. Step 1) What is my goal? Is my goal independent or will I reach it with a team? When writing a goal it must have a timeline be specific and be attainable. Step 2) Make a plan. What steps are needed to reach the goal? Research? Gathering of items? How will I know whne the goal is reached? Retrieving resources? Gathering a team? How are you going to reach it? Step 3) Set a timeline for each step of the plan and the final deadline to tech the goal. Step 4) Celebrate at the deadline. If you reach the goal and are successful celebrate big. If you don’t reach your goal then celebrate, reevaluate and set a new deadline to attain it. Better to have tried and failed then to never try!

  5. Shafique says:

    By exercising in front of her and innicdlug her in our active activities! She knows her mama loves exercise and being active, and she’s an active little critter herself. We play together as a family I want her to see that exercise (the fun kind and the kind only I seem to think is fun) is awesome!



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Whether you're working on your personal or professional life, one area specifically, or yourself overall, dig deeper with me on the topics that give us the fuel we need to take off. 

I Declare Affirmations

Goals Worksheet

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