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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Have you ever heard these words?


October 30, 2012


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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“Do it again Mommy! Do it again daddy!”

I’ve said those words myself recently, and you won’t believe what happened!

But I’ll get to that in a second.


My sweet 8-year-old daughter has NO concerns about asking me for “MORE” …or “AGAIN” …or whatever she wants!

Neither does my 6’4″, 200 lb, 22-year-old son!

And actually, when they come to me for things, I LOVE IT! Especially as they get older, it makes me feel valued, needed and wanted by them.

Then WHY is it that we have such guilt and selfishness issues going to God, our Father, for the things that we need, want or desire?

Under the sea…

I was diving last week in Jamaica on a 15th anniversary trip with my husband. While under the water, God started REALLY speaking to my heart.

One thing He said was, “Wanna see more?”

My heart leapt! I LOVE seeing things underwater! It’s a completely different and marvelous world that I could get lost in. I wondered HOW MANY other amazing things that God has created that are so crazy, interesting and funny looking, beyond anything I ever imagined was on this planet! (Some look like ET!)

So I answered Him.

“God, if it’s ok, I would LOVE to see more before I have to leave. I don’t get to dive very often…” and on and on I rambled for about a minute.

His answer???
“When YOUR kids say, ‘Do it again Daddy (Mommy)!’ do you love it or hate it?”

“I love it God!”

“Then WHY do you ask me things with 27 disclaimers? I LOVE making things happen for you! Even better, I love when you acknowledge that it’s Me, even before it happens. It shows me your faith. Faith pleases Me.”

Watch this, baby girl!

Within minutes of asking Him to “Do it again Daddy”, I saw two of the BIGGEST lion fish I have EVER seen in my life! Then saw a PUFFER fish and got taught how to make him puff!

Then I turned around again and saw MY FIRST SEA SPIDER (if that is even what this huge thing was) ALL within just a few minutes!!!

If you’ve ever been diving, you know that it doesn’t happen that way very often.

Oh, how He loves us!

God LOVES to hear, “Do it again Daddy!”
He LOVES being asked, “Daddy, can I have that?”
He LOVES when we talk to Him and acknowledging Him in everything we do.

HE JUST LOVES US! So much in fact, that He sent His son to die for us! So why in the world wouldn’t He want to “Do it again Daddy”?

What do you think?

What have you not bothered to ask God to do – or do again? Maybe, it’s because of guilt or condemnation or just not wanting to trouble Him with something so small.

Ask away! Ask today! What are you encouraged to pray for right now????

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  1. This so spoke to me!!! My husband grew up not knowing his biological Father nor was his Mother going to allow him to meet his Father, you see, Tonys dad was married… back then that was a no-no to have out of wed-lock relations, the way it should be!!! but anyway he now KNOWS HE HAS A FATHER IN HEAVEN!!! not an earthly father but a Heavenly Father, he has a sence of calm about him now…. we pray together and he has finally forgiven his Mother and all his relatives for lying to hi for soooo long, what an accomplishment, I am so proud of him, but if it werent for the Love of Faith Church, I do not know where we would be right now!!! Grace be to God for the things He does for us, allowing us to ask Him and ask Him to “do it again Daddy”…. what a wonderful way to explain it too Pastor Nicole, sometimes I wonder what I would do if I didnt have your FB, Blogs and twitter to read, so love you!!!!!!

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Gerry – His story is not too different from mine. It is hard not to get the affirmation of an earthly father. I know in my life, I crave affirmation – probably more than the average bear. Extra compliments and encouragement to your hubby will probably keep the healing going!!

  2. tricia e reimer parks says:

    ty pastor Nicole for this! we were n Hannibal this past weekend and we visited a new satelite church there and the topic was “man up”. it really addressed the man, dad, father figure in our lives. i was blessed to hav a biological father n my life. altho, we scraped the bottom of the bucket to survive, i always knew my daddy loved me. i wonder somtimes how som people who dont hav a biological father n their lives handle it. I hope they realize how much their heavenly father lovs and adores them. i kno its not the same but, certainly better. i mean, if i had to choose one or the other, well, my heavenly father has certainly done more for me than my earthly father has or will ever b able to do. thankfully, i don’t hav to choose and i get to enjoy both. i realized i am “extra” blessed and humbled to hav such a priveledge. my prayer tonight wil b that those who hav no earthly father will realize their heavenly father is there and waiting for them to just call His name. b blessed!

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Tricia –
      It is fantastic how you realize that you are doubly blessed in this area and not all people are. What a double portion you have truly received!

  3. Toni says:

    This has warmed my heart!! Falling in deeper love with my heavenly father more and more each day!!



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