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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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How To Get Ahead


March 12, 2013


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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There is only one promotable posture.

Want to know how to get ahead? That’s easy. Quit trying to get power.

I can’t tell you how many times at the office, at church, in circles of friends, or at Ashtyn’s school that I sit back and watch someone trying to PUSH for their way ahead. It is really better than TV!

I guess they think that by trying to force their way to the top that they will get their way.

Really I think with every comment (or verbal claw mark), every ‘calculated’ conversation or relationship move, every ‘pick me’ moment – most others just see them as self promoting and PUSHY. Not promotable.

Is there another way?

The only thing crazier than that is watching people slander and tear down other people around them in an attempt to get ahead.

“I’ll make everybody around me sound bad and terrible, THEN they will pick me!’ REALLY??? That’s the plan? Deep down it doesn’t even sound like that person thinks they should be promoted unless everyone else fails!

When we boil it down it really seems like a great plot for a cartoon instead of life.

Then why does it happen?

When we think we are ready for something, why do we try to push our way there or push others down so that we get lifted up?

Really it’s our flesh and the plan of the enemy to keep us down.

The only true promotable posture is humility.


What about ‘it’s a dog eat dog world and you’re wearing milk bone underwear?”

I didn’t say be a door mat. I said be humble.

Serve. Do what you’re asked, when you’re asked, because you’re asked. (humility)
Support the vision. (humility)
Support the leaders. (humility)
So what’s right, because it’s right – even when you don’t want to. (humility)

A leader like that can’t be passed up for long. This is truly the way to get ahead in life.

“If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.” Mark 9:35

So what do you have?

I know you have something to add.

A great story. A quote. A question. How you saw this happen.
Add it to the conversation. We want to hear from you!

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  1. Dear Pastor, that’s exactly how my ex-husband treated me and is treating me again…… at times I want revenge, an eye for an eye…… but I stop myself because we have children ages 12 & 13yrs old…… he has been talking bad about me to them for the past 2 months and it kills me that my children are exposed to this. No matter what he says my children love me and I try to explain to them what he is doing and why he is doing….. an its exactly what you speak of….. he wants to look better then me….. so I pray and hang in there because my children and I will be together 24/7 soon…. I just have to hang in there a little longer…. we have share custody…. so sad for him that the children don’t want to live with him any longer…… but the way I see it ……. he did it to himself for trying to be ahead all the time….

    • Nicole Crank says:


      Hang in there sister! If you continue to walk in love, you will come out on top. Jesus had a Judas, and everyone has people in their life that test their faith. God’s word says in Matthew 5:44 “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” My life and many other women with stories just like ours are proof that God can make a masterpiece out of a mess! 🙂

  2. Linda Jackson says:

    I’m glad I never learned to be that kind of person. I’ve never gotten ahead by pushing people out of the way or putting them down. I find more enjoyment in lifting people up. Being the way I am has caused me many problems over the years because some people don’t like it(Probably the pushy ones). They wanted me to be more like that pushy person you described. Its nice to hear its ok not to be that person. Thank you so much.

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Hi Linda,

      It’s rare to find people like you now a days! Encouragement and being someone else’s biggest fan isn’t really promoted in the world. It’s all about self-glorification. However, it is considered a true gift in God’s kingdom! We are all called to help others, I like your attitude and perspective!

  3. Deborah Buss says:

    Dear Pastor Nichole, while meeting with my divorce attorneys, the lead council asked me to call the husband of one of the women with whom my husband had had an affair. I refused. Then, the same attorney suggested calling this man himself in order to gain any information that could aid my case. I explained to both my attorneys that no one would be calling this man because we had no means by which to determine how he would react. The thought of this woman, being harmed in any way by her husband as a result of a “fact-finding” conversation precipitated by me, or the legal staff representing me, was absolutely unacceptable.
    I met this woman shortly thereafter, and learned that my instinct, the voice of God, to conduct myself in a humane manner and to protect her was correct. She, as was I, was the survivor of many years of domestic violence.
    Her apology for the affair was welcomed and accepted, and I forgave her immediately.
    From time to time I call to see how things are going. My heart goes out to her, and she knows it. She seems a lost soul, and can’t forgive herself. Hopefully, she’ll take me up on my offer to come to church one day.
    I thank God for keeping me calm and humble through the whole divorce process and for turning all the energy from that pain and suffering into a drive to go on without malice or hatred.

  4. Heidi Elznic says:

    Hey Nicole! I loved this! What a great message for our generation! My husband & I pastor the Fusion, part of the C3 network, & I was wondering if you’d mind if I posted this blog “How To Get Ahead by Nicole Crank” on my blog. I thought of taking your idea & writing it in my own words, but I think you hit the nail on the head! 🙂 Let me know what you think, Heidi



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