On Christmas Eve at bedtime, my nine-year old daughter Ashtyn decided that she simply MUST camp out in the living room next to the fireplace so that she could catch Santa in the act of coming down the chimney.
She NEEDED this proof because she doubted his existence. Which is not shocking to me because about two weeks ago she asked me some very tough ‘yes or no’ questions and I gave her the real answers reluctantly, yet truthfully.
So even armed with the truth, from a very credible source – including all the whys and hows – she still is desperate to believe in Santa.
While I LOVE this about my daughter (there are times I fight to still believe in him too), I wish that more Christians were so passionate about believing in God and His goodness.
Grownups seem so quick to turn their beliefs off. One rumor from someone about how God ‘failed’ them (in their opinion). Listening to another person spewing doubt all over everyone. Trying to reason about why that just might have a point – and BAM! You have gone from a believer to a doubter.
Know what doubters get? They get exactly what they believe – nothing!
Only it must be in faith that he asks with NO wavering (NO hesitating, NO doubting).
No camping out in the living room of looking for proof to see if God comes down the chimney with the answer to your prayer the way that you want it answered. (I added this part)
For the one who wavers (hesitates, doubts) is like the billowing surge out at sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. For truly, let not such a person imagine that he will receive ANYTHING [he asks for] from the Lord, a man of two minds, [he is] unstable and unreliable and uncertain about everything [he thinks, feels, decides]. – James 1:6-8 with the emphasis and add-ons by me
Cling to believing like Ashtyn clings to her belief about Santa. Child-like faith pleases God! Without faith (believing in the unseen) it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God.
Say right now (ok, maybe in your head if you’re at your desk at work) I DO BELIEVE!!!!!
Never stop believing. That is the one limiter to God.
Oh and by the way, Ashtyn reported to me Christmas morning that she was indeed awakened in the middle of the night by footsteps and jingle bells.
Have you had the opportunity to stop believing and something changed your mind? Or the opportunity to believe outside all circumstances and saw the amazing happen?
PLEASE share with us to help build the faith of our blog friends!
Pastor Nicole..as I find it hard to fight the tears as I write this to you..I found the opportunity to believe outside of all circumstances almost 6 yrs ago when the enemy had a hold on me ..I couldnt believe that God could love me..until someone God used to help me see..and it was Faith Church..my life was so horrible and I was spiritually dying..sick and so full of hate..and then a light appeared and guided me threw it..and since then, my life has changed and I TRUELY BELIEVE.. in the greatness of God and Jesus who saved my life from me..and has shown me that Threw Christ who strengthens me I can overcome anything..I have daily fights but when the fights begin I fall to my knees and give it to God and to Jesus and they always fix everything..at first I was so unsure..(in the beginning) but now I dont know who I would be without God and Jesus and Faith Church and you Pastor Nicole and Pastor David and Pastor Omar and Pastor Morgan..I feel like I am the riches woman in the world with the love of all of you..I dont know what my life would of been if I wouldnt have had God at the drivers wheel and even if I was going to be alive..but today I am..and I owe it all to the mighty God and Jesus..and the great teachers and friends that lead me in the right direction..I am still a work in progress but I would never go back ..Im only moving ahead..I declared my life to Christ..and to God..and I am proud to believe in such a wonderful life..I said to Stan the other day..If I would of believed in them sooner my life would of been so much more full of love and richness..I love you guys..and Thank you from the bottom of my heart..
Tina, We are all works in progress!!!! Don’t get weary in well doing. You are God’s masterpiece according to Eph 2:10 and He loves you just the way you are but too much to let us stay this way. He is the author and the finisher!
There have been times when it seemed that one thing after another was just crashing down on me, not in a good way, and I would let it bring me down — but every single time I turn to God he ALWAYS turns things around for me. I could never doubt him because of all He has done for me.
Jennifer, That is so encouraging because many people are in the TIME part when they have already prayed and are now waiting. The more people that can encourage them by telling about what God has done for them will help keep them strong!
I believe and then worry, I try to take my life back when I know that His plan is way better then mine…I was told once if you are going to pray don’t worry…if you are going to worry – don’t pray.
Kris – I like that line. If you are gonig to pray, don’t worry and if you’re going to worry, don’t pray! That is AWESOME!!!!! Except, pray anyway
Pray even if you are still worrying believing that God can take the worry away too. Worry is such a tricky little sneaky thing!
Pastor Nicole,
What great timing….. So true how that doubt slips in… I have found out that by just throwing the word out there… Like my Armor as it says in Ephesians.. It’s so easy for doubt to come in…. I’ve been facing a bit with health. While facing it ….I have kept myself in the word healing scriptures and listening to worship music. Just like Pastor Dave teaches. It is so less stressful being” faith filled” vs “doubt filled”… For me anyways……..Thanks for the blog
Thank you so much, when I hear your words, whether through a blog, or sitting in a pew at church, you are a calming force in my thoughts. Being new to Faith since July, has brought me inner peace, and I know that 2013 will be awesome. Thank you so much for your blessings, and the blessings and gifts of your husband. Also wanted to reply to one of the comments about worrying- Brandon Heath has a song called Hands of the Healer, pretty awesome about leaving it in the hands of the healer.
Thank you for listening