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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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November 14, 2016


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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God I wanted you to GIVE me patience, not TEACH me patience.
Does anyone else relate?

We want things from God. And He wants to give us things. But His delivery system is just so bizarre.

We want patience.
Instead, we get traffic. Or someone in a meeting that tells the long version of every story.

We want blessing.
Instead, we get an opportunity to help someone else out of a sticky situation or God tapping on our hearts to give something we don’t want to give. To which we promptly reply, “Get thee behind me Satan!”

We want great friendships.
Instead, God moves some people that we enjoy out of our lives and it seems that we have less in our lives than before.

God!!! Your delivery system, sir. It defies anything we are used to on the earth.

He doesn’t do like we do. He doesn’t see what we see. He doesn’t react like we react. And He doesn’t deliver like we would deliver. That’s how I would write Isaiah 55:8 if I was writing a Nicole version of the Bible.

Natural minds have trouble processing a supernatural God.
No comprendo. I don’t ‘get it’.

God gives us moments to strengthen our patience. Opportunities to sow towards receiving a blessing. He moves the ‘not best’ things out of our lives and relationships to make room for those ‘best’ relationships and scenarios.

I try to think of it like this. It’s hard to hand someone a gift when their hands are full of something else.

If I wanted to give you a diamond ring, but your hands were full off 20 cheap costume jewelry boxes – I would have to get you to put some of the costume jewelry down so I could hand you the good stuff.

When God gives us opportunities, blessings, relationships, gifts from heaven – the way they arrive might not make sense to us at first.
If we trust Him. If we take Him at His Word. If we believe Him. If we have faith in Him.
He takes the good and gives us the better. He shows us the way that looks obscure but leads to blessing. He reveals the promise to us somewhere we never saw it before. With God, it is never for less, it is always for more.

If you believe this is true today, can I get an amen?

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  1. Jenelle Hutchings says:


  2. Angela Norton says:

    Amen!!! Never for less always for more! Thank you Lord that our thoughts are not yours, that your way is always the best way and each day we are granted the opportunity to rise up you alone are opening our eyes to see your Love all around each and everyone of us! Thank you Lord for Pastor Nicole and her amazing messages she delivers for your children! ????????????

  3. Joyce Aton says:

    Pastor Nicole
    Thank you for all you do and are. This was a great reminder.
    I want to thank you too for that terrific message yesterday. Watched you at the Weldon Springs campus. That was so excellent!

  4. Connie Adamski says:

    Amen sooo goood!

  5. Christi La Plant says:

    AMEN & AMEN ! ! !

  6. LaTonya says:


  7. Collette Washington says:


  8. Gayle Beatty says:

    I have to believe. Amen

  9. Arlene says:


  10. Christina says:

    Amen!!!! We moved over a year ago…left our families…our friends..a successful business…a dog…a church we served in and loved…we left it all to pursue Gods will. We moved over 1000 miles away for my husband to attend bible college. After the year we had..God grew us, stretched us, we walked thru fire, He has always been there always helping when things looked bleak…He always showed up and turned what was look awful into something beautiful. We have a long ways to go but learning to put that stuff down so He can hand us something better is what we are doing. To God be the glory. Thank you for your words today. God bless

  11. Kathy says:

    Amen! Well said….helps me trust in hardship that he really does know what he’s doing and it’s always out of love.

  12. Pauline says:

    Amen. I love your teaching as they are bottom line easy to understand and apply in today’s culture

  13. Elizabeth says:

    Amen! Preach on!

  14. Helen says:

    It hurts Helen x

  15. Shantelle Harris says:


  16. Cathy says:


  17. I feel funny writing this but, just started doing it, guess that part is the holy spirit guiding me love you as my pastor Denise Welborn says:

    Amen. I find it hard to let go of the only things or relationships I have known or had for years. My friend told me I fear change, he is wise about a few things. I know God has strange ways of giving us blessings I have experienced a few now that I look back. I totally trust God but it’s hard to know if it is god or something else and exactly what should do. I do pray and try to hear that voice in my heart telling me. But, just never sure of myself decision. Even usually they are for good. I know God is my best friend I have and talk to him alot. Please help guide me or help it make some since to me. I seem to feel some days I just want to run away. It’s usually to church to volunteer lol I know I’m weird but it’s ok .

  18. Pamela Kemp says:

    Sometimes when we want something from God, we fear getting what he has for us. We also have to learn how to receive just as much as we learn how to give. The even exchange will allow us to let Go and let God.

  19. Romina Randall says:

    Thank you for this reminder. Amen!



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