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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Itty-Bitty Strength


October 7, 2019


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Before I was a pastor, I had a job working in technology sales. I was hired by the corporate office and sent to a branch where I was the ONLY woman on the sales team.

At first, it didn’t really bother me. Then, I was told that the local management team didn’t want a female salesperson in their office.

They made my life TOUGH!

There were many days when things got hurtful, rough, and really stressful! Some days, I found myself rubbing my head with my hands, as thoughts of everything from screaming, “It’s not fair!”, to quitting, to “I’ll just show them!”… and everything in between flooded my mind.

What do you do when you feel like you just can’t take one more step? (Can you relate?)

But, God is on our side and He has a plan to make our lives VICTORIOUS! Don’t let the enemy fool you into thinking that you’re weak or that you’re alone.

Just keep moving in the strength that you DO have. (however small) Do what you CAN and know that God will handle the rest!

You’ll discover that your itty-bitty ounce of strength is MORE THAN ENOUGH when the Creator of the Universe is on your side!

Note: I hung in there and became one of their top salespeople nationwide! (Ha! So much for the good-old-boys club!)

Have you had a day, recently, when you felt like you were down to your absolute LAST ounce of strength? (Tell me “Yes” or “No”.) I want to know who to pray for.

Continue reading on page 193 of Hi God, It’s Me Again and fill in pages 189-192 of the Journal & Study Guide.

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  1. Wanda C says:


  2. Maria says:

    Yes ????????

  3. Randy says:

    I have been struggling keeping my business afloat.
    My wife also opened up a bunch of credit cards in my name and ran them to the max and spent all the savings.
    And to top it off had multiple affairs
    The only good that has come out of this is finding faith church but so far my prayers have not been answered
    I am trying so hard to stay positive but this past 11 months have really weakened me
    I wish things will change for me and I will succeed in the business and find me a honest woman

  4. Shelley says:

    Yes last ounce of strength and sanity ????‍♀️

  5. Annamarie Castro says:

    Divorced mom of three boys, parents have health issues, I heed to find full time work to pay my bills, no doors are opening. I am taking care of my mother with Dementia & my dad taking him to Diaylasis 3 x’s a week.
    Trusting & Faith in JESUS. God is my strength. ????????

  6. Gail says:

    Thank you for Itty-Bitty Strength. I’m in the midst of a fierce spiritual battle… literally hand to hand combat… I’m bleeding out, but not dead. Thank you for praying for me.

  7. Marinda Ferrell says:


  8. Patrinne Foster says:

    Yes some days I just feel like I can’t handle one more thing and I can’t do anymore.

  9. Nancy says:

    Praying for the he salvations of loved ones and friends makes me weary after many years.

  10. Yes I have been in a difficult position in my workplace for many years being bullied by a narcissist co-worker. I have hung in for fourteen years but there have been many times I went very low in my thoughts almost to the point of leaving this earth. I have learned to set boundaries to a degree and I am learning to let go and let God but it is still difficult. I pray for my co-worker but it can still be hard when you have to face this 5 days a week. Being treated as a non-person can be humiliating and very hurtful. I most welcome your prayers. God is good.

  11. Swendrini says:

    I first heard you on Marcus and Joni Lambs show and bought your book for my daughter and began receiving your blog which I on and off pass on to my daughter of 27 who is walking away from the life style that the Lord has planned for her. Anyway, Reading your word today for me was so encouraging and I thank God for his guidance to your message. You see, i am trying to organise my mum’s 100th bday coming up in two weeks time for 225 guests. I am doing this all by myself with not much family support as all are not living in the same city as myself.
    Today in particular has been quite over whelming wondering if things will all fall into place etc. so thank you Nicole. We so often have to be reminded that our Lord is the God of the Universe and we need to place our hand in His , and walk through whatever we are
    faced with big or small along side Him. I feel cheery now and will re read your message whenever I feel overwhelmed in any situation I am faced with????????

  12. Leslie Butler says:

    yes pls! i need strength to make it through this school year. i’m currently taking 2 college classes as a high school student. pls pray that learning will be easy for me & that i will be able to manage my stress in a healthy way!

  13. KM says:

    Thanks Nicole!

    Really needed that! Sometimes it’s not your job, it’s your family. People who are supposed to love you. We want to react to manipulation, control, and demeaning words. It is often hard to love those closest to you. Really had bad day of it today. Thank you for the encouragement. It was well received.

  14. Irina says:

    Yes i can relate especially past few weeks. Please add me to your prayers as you said on your post.

  15. Rob says:

    Dear Nicole- I just read your recent post and that is AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wanted to tell you that I REALLY LOVE reading all of your posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE ALL VERY VERY INSPIRING, UPLIFTING AND ENCOURAGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a recovering alcoholic and by God’s BEAUTIFUL GRACE AND MERCY I celebrated 3 years of being clean and sober on May 3rd 2019. I read a lot of daily devotions and your posts and they all ALLOW ME TO KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU- BLESSINGS TO YA Rob

  16. Shady Brooks says:

    Yes ma’am…I’ve had a couple months of those days….every day at work has been 1 of those days…..sigh.. Thank you for this post.

  17. Margaret Shelby says:

    I have been dealing with health issues the doctors say auto-immune. Of course we know nothing is impossible with our God but I want turn down prayer from a sister. Thank you
    God bless

  18. Kate says:

    Hi Pastor, I really needed that boost today. I have been working new commercial costruction for the last 5 years and I am usually the only female. I am in a great Union but its still TOUGH! Not physically but mentally. The good ole boys are not always good. Lol. Thanks again. Take care. xo

  19. Brenda says:

    Yes. Recently broke a small bone on the side of my left foot. Stomping around in a boot is very tiring and not the latest fashion. It does seem God is telling me I needed to slow down so I’m trying to not get discouraged and listen more to that still, quiet voice of the Holy Spirit.



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