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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Just For You


March 22, 2011


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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This flower is just for you!

I can’t believe that you actually logged onto my blog to read this today.

I mean, I knew that some people would read it – but YOU, and YOU alone were the person I was praying that this would get in front of.

I know, right now you’re asking, “Did Nicole really rig this blog so that when I personally clicked on it that the blog would read just to me?”

The answer is a resounding YES!!!!!!

How did that happen?  Well, let me explain.  Because I am not that technologically advanced.

I was sitting in my bed last night, with my laptop open, asking God, “What do You want me to blog about God?’  I thought maybe some inspiration might come.  Maybe an idea.  Something vague or a story.  And then BAM!

I thought of you.

You see, God was revealing to my heart that you really needed to be reminded of how much He loves YOU personally.  I know that you still doubt that this is to YOU – but it is.

I know you have those days and times when you think that your significance in this world has diminished.  That you don’t matter that much and that the world could spin on its axis just fine whether or not you were here.  But YOU couldn’t be more wrong.

You see, God made YOU special.  For a purpose – for an intended purpose… To talk to people that others won’t listen too.  To listen to people that others won’t talk too.  To reach your world in a special and unique way that no one else can.

The rest of the world – they don’t always appreciate that.  The enemy – he HATES you.  And YOU, you just think it’s trivial and just life.

YOU couldn’t be more wrong.  It’s the enemy pulling the oldest trick in the book.  Seriously, the Bible book!

Even Isaiah said,

But my work seems so useless!  I have spent my strength for nothing and to no purpose. Yet I leave it all in the LORD’s hand;  I will trust God for my reward.
— Is. 49:4 NLT-SE

Sound familiar?

We all hear it.  As we hit the daily grind and especially when a challenge comes.  Health issues, financial problems, family tension, kids that won’t listen and change when we know they need to.  If even our own kids won’t even listen, then what kind of influence can have on the world?

We have the same kind of feelings even Isaiah had.  And in case you didn’t notice, these feelings were so important God decided to add them to the Bible!

Just like Isaiah, God had purpose for YOU before He even began to form YOU.  As He decided on your amazing skin color, and picked your eye color, and thought about how the nose He chose for you was perfect in His sight – He had thoughts, plans and big purpose for YOU.

And He went to work watching and encouraging you along the way so YOU didn’t forget – He loves YOU.  He believes YOU can succeed.  And He is on the sidelines helping it happen.

In fact the Bible says:

We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
— Rom. 8:28  NLT-SE

He has Big Plans for You

God has so much purpose for your life that He talks about it all through His Word.  By reading this today, He caused something to work for your good to encourage YOU along the way.

You are not just another person and your life is not unimportant.  He loves YOU so much, He made me stay up and type this letter to YOU on His behalf.

YOU are special.
YOU are loved.
YOU have massive purpose.
YOU are instrumental.
YOU can do the purpose God has for YOU like no one else in all of time. 
YOU are the apple of His eye.
He loves YOU.

P.S. – He said that He thinks of YOU when He paints the sunset and places spring flowers growing in your path.  He knew it would make YOU smile.

P.P.S – I hope you got the message, because tomorrow night I’m hoping he let’s me sleep.

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  1. Kathy Ioannou says:

    Thanks…I needed that! Have yourself an awesome day 🙂

  2. Rebecca Parker says:

    This is exactly what I needed to hear and everyone else that reads it needed to hear it too. Thank you for all that you do. I will keep you in my prayers that God keeps leading you on the great adventure you have handled so amazingly. You are truly an inspiration to all women! Love you so much!

  3. Gennie says:

    Thank you..
    I really needed it today
    Hopefully He will let you sleep tonight.
    Tell Him Thank you again and I love Him too =)

  4. Patti Edington says:

    WOW Pastor Nicole – you should be a motivational speaker!! — oh, wait – you ARE one! Thank you so much for going without some sleep and blessing us with this blog post. It really blessed me and was absolutely a word in due season for me. Always amazes me how God knows when we go to certain “places” and find ourselves there before we even realize we went. Thank you so much for your beautiful heart, your sensitivity to God, and caring for all of us. Love you lots —

  5. Lisa Mash says:

    Thank you for being a wonderful Bible teacher who speaks the Word so true and tells me the things I need to do.

  6. Marie says:

    What a nice reminder!! Really needed to hear that one today!! Thanks!! You are such an amazing woman of God and such a stupendous example for all of us!!
    Have a great day and I do pray that you can sleep tonight!! lol

  7. Amy Proffer says:

    I run a small Pit Bull rescue and I was reading a story this morning on how a guy cut his Pit Bulls tongue off and I really started to feel like what I do will never be enough. We are trying to find a house where I can make my rescue bigger and help more dogs and it seems so hopeless. We have looked at 161 houses as of today. I am a veterinary technician and I have brought dogs back from near death and spent my own money to ensure that they are healthy and adoptable. I have had “Jonah” for 5 years and he is still looking for a home. I rescued a 7 week old puppy “Journey”, that after 9 weeks of constant care and 3 times a day bandage changing, lost her foot. She is now 9 months old and looking for her forever home. Today I read Pastor Nicholes Blog and It gave me the hope I needed to keep looking for homes for these guys and a home for us! It is unbelieveable the autrocities I have witnessed rescuing Pit Bulls and I completely thank GOD that he gives me the strength I need to do what he put me on Earth to do! Now for that house… LOL!

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Fantastic purpose! Undoubtedly you were called to it. Like the boy on the beach with thousands of beached starfish. He threw one back in the ocean and a criticizer said’ “You can’t possibly make a difference here.” The young boy replied, “well, I made a difference to THAT one.” How many ‘that ones’ are in your wake? YOU are amazing.

  8. Krystal Sasak says:

    Thanks Pastor Nicole!! I really needed to hear this. I have really been tryin to figure out what my purpose is. This post really touched my soul and made me tear up! Seriously. Thanks for staying up and listening to God. You are totally an insperation. Thanks so much again. You are an amazing person and a blessing to us all. =)

  9. Shelly Gefroh says:

    Yes! Jesus Loves Me! Thank you Pastor Nicole. We Love You!

  10. I so needed that! With the big changes going on in our house right now, I often think I am not prepared to stretch into a new location, job, or homeschooling adjustment. But this wonderful blog today reminded me that I do not have to do it alone, and that God loves me sooooo much, that He will walk right beside me all the way, giving me the wisdom and ability to handle these changes and stretches!

    • Nicole Crank says:

      We are believing and praying with you and your family every step of the way. Our Washington connection! We have been connected a long time and it doesn’t end now!

  11. Donna says:

    OMG!!! That realy was just for me! lol I was just having my very own lil pitty party with god just yesterday about how my husband hasn’t made me feel special in so very long, and how my kids aren’t as appreciative as they should be….

    So thank you so much Pastor Nicole for allowing gods small wisper to be heard and you to be used… You are truely AWESOME!

    Love ya bunches, Donna 🙂

    • Nicole Crank says:

      The worst kind of party is a a pity party – because no one has any fun! May your day be blessed. Filled with fun encouraging thoughts. And no one thing, God isn’t the only one who appreciates you. I do too 🙂

  12. Christne says:

    Thank You, Pastor Nicole! Encouraging words that help the challenges of the day seem so much smaller.

  13. Rocio says:

    Wow, i been feeling discourage and thanks for allowing God to use to write this letter and it made me cry and realized God loves me the way i look!! thanks and Im important! and i have a purpose! Thanks and God bless you Pastor Nicole

  14. Cathy says:

    Thank you so much Pastor Nicole! This is exactly how I have been feeling lately! Thank you so much for staying up all night! Sweet dreams tonight!

  15. Jill says:

    Thank you Pastor Nicole ! Your words are always encouraging !

  16. kerri says:

    thanks so much i need this..

  17. Gwendolyn says:

    Encouragement and power always come at the right time of trouble. Having a pity party for two days about a situation that is in God’s hands is difficult. Your letter touched my heart, soul and mind. God is always in control and I might not like the outcome but it will be his will. Be Blessed and try getting to sleep, Pastor Niclole.

  18. cynthia louis says:

    Thank u sooo much I’m sooo not might self right now!!but my faith and trust in God will lead me back in place.lord take my womb and take over!! Thank u nicole 🙂

  19. cynthia louis says:

    Thank u sooo much I’m sooo not my self right now!!but my faith and trust in God will lead me back in place.lord take my womb and take over!! Thank u nicole 🙂

  20. Bobbie says:

    Pastor Nicole, Thank you so much for being in touch with the Spirit of God and being obedient to His call. You are an awesome woman of God and I thank Him for you. It is so good to be reminded of how much God loves and cares for us (the real us). I just turned 66 yrs. and it is so good to know that God still has a plan and purpose for me. Spring is my favorite season with new growth and beautiful plants. Love & Prayers

  21. Laurie P. says:

    Thank you for the inspiration…… it was exactly what I needed . 🙂

  22. Lori Burton says:

    Thank you, Pastor Nicole I need to hear that so much, so much going on in my life for the last year….;)

  23. Vanessa Anderson says:

    I just checked my email today and saw your blog. Boy do know how to touch my heart right when I need it. After Pastor David’s sermon on reget Sunday, I have thought about ALL the mistakes I have made and thought there is no way God could forgive therefore I can’t forgive myself. Then your blog comes just as I am feeling so alone in this world and you remind me that God loves me and I just cried. Thank you for being wonderful Annointed Woman you are Pastor Nicole, luv with all my heart.

  24. Jen V. says:

    Thank you Pastor Nicole. I do have to say, though, it’s hard to read the computer screen when I’m crying so much. God bless you.

  25. Shannon says:

    YOU hit the nail on the head… Or God did through you. 🙂 God just gave me a revelation on this topic today and you are a secondary confirmation… How exciting! Thank you so much! I love your blog! (Currently at the end of a 3 week business trip to Omaha NE… I love technology and staying connected to my home church fam!!!) Have a GREAT day!

  26. "Katie K" says:

    I cried as I read these words of Love. This is exactly what I wish I could say to my very special daughter in whom I am well pleased! I wish I had your gift of words. Thanks for your uplifting blog. This is my first time reading it and now I wonder why I hadn’t gotten to it sooner. I love you Pastor Nicole.

  27. Eric says:

    Hi Nicole,

    I have read some of you story..It really makes sense to me.. I have been living a horible life with out GOD.. I have been Baptiszed and went to church..I havent been in church in a long times..I mean years I keep telling my self I may go…My g/f she goes But I just cant feel the holy spirit in the church where she goes..I wrote an e-mail to you and David. Hopeing I can recive all the dvd’s and more in the furture if I can. I love the way the show is..It is awsome. Please write back or respond with the e-mail I worte. Thanks So much. Bless you . Eric Baxter

  28. Marie R. says:

    March was a while back, but I feel I stumbled over this message for a reason. Thank you for always being so uplifting.



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