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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Looking Back


January 3, 2018


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Looking back at 2017, I can’t help but have mixed emotions.

I can’t help it. Maybe that makes me the sentimental sort.

There is so much I wanted to do that simply isn’t done yet, and that makes me a little apprehensive.

I was going to exercise more than I did. Miles more.

I swear, I was going to read a pile of books that I ordered with the best of intentions, but never got around to.

I was going to be more organized, weigh less, be cooler, have time management mastered and a have a whole checklist of items completed and neatly filed away.

NOT happening!

But, before I slip into a funk, I have to remember all the fun opportunities that came my way, this year. So many special moments, orchestrated by God, that I wouldn’t trade for anything!

Like our Christmas celebration, when my family was all in PJ’s, tripping over each other trying to cook breakfast at the same time. We were laughing (not getting a lot accomplished) and making lasting memories just being together.

When my first book came out, I felt like I’d gotten something done that I’d been wanting to do for a long time. It gave me a sense of accomplishment and a little smirk whenever I think about checking that off my list. (What was that ‘thing’ for you?)

As the sun sets on 2017, I’m sure you didn’t get everything done that you wanted to do. That’s why God created 2018. More time. Another chance. One more shot.


You made it through. You crossed the finish line. You closed it down and rode it out. And here you are, STILL STANDING. And standing on His promises, by the way!

It’s the dawning of a NEW day. It’s the beginning of a fresh opportunity! God knows how to close a chapter and start another.

We’re in awe of the blank tablet before us, as God hands us the pen and whispers in our hearts how to compose our own future.

This is it! Be poised and ready. Go boldly ahead and come BLAZING out of the gate!

But, what if 2017 was your BEST year ever? Did you get married? Have a baby? Buy the house? Get the job? Make the money? Get healed?

Don’t fear the close of your best year. God takes us from faith to FAITH, from level to LEVEL and from victory to VICTORY!

As good as 2017 might have been, you aren’t capped out. 2017 was simply your “on ramp” to the accelerated blessing that God has in store for you in your Banner Year 2018!

This is a new day. This is a new year. 2018 is yours for the taking…and you’re going to CRUSH it!

I call you blessed!

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  1. Lisa Parsons says:

    I Call You Blessed Pastor Nicole!

  2. Karen Cade says:

    As a member of Faith Church EC I know how busy you are. And just the fact that u get up early or stay up late or somehow find the time to write a word that inspires ME, to keep going, to get started, and to get it finished. Thanks so much Pastor Nicole… I needed that! Peace and continued blessings to you!!

  3. Sheree Riney says:

    Amen, Pastor Nicole!
    I’m ready for a Victorious 2018! I have a lot to do and I trust in the Lord to give me the strength and diligence to complete. Last year was not good; procrastination set in and I was hurt by a church member and allowed that to hurt my feelings. I know better but it really hurt me. I’m not seasoned, I got saved only 4 years ago and this hurt me. But I’m ready to lay it all on the altar and truly forgive this person and myself. I must in order to proceed!

  4. Christina says:

    Thank you! I’m writing, running and reaching higher!

  5. 2017 was an amazing year! I cannot wait to see what 2018 has in store. As I grow my faith and strength in God. Hi God, It’s Me Again is on it’s way. I know that I’m in the right direction personally and professionally. Thank you!

  6. Val says:

    Amen Amen Amen time for much needed healing inside and out. From the crown of my head to the soles of ny feet.

  7. Marinda Ferrell says:

    A New Year for me always represent new challenges; What can I do better than last year?

  8. LaShunda Gardner says:

    Love your blogs!

  9. Stephanie Lightfoot says:

    I call you blessed too Pastor Nicole! I am looking forward to what God has in store.



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