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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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New Beginnings


August 21, 2017


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Do you feel stuck…waiting for something to change in your life?

In numerology, the number “8” represents “new beginnings”. So, in this month of August (the 8th month of the year), I want us to consider this to be OUR month of new beginnings!

We need to be reminded that, God is not waiting for a door to open, for the new job to come in order to bless us, or for the right person to show up in our life.

God is just waiting for us to have FAITH!

We can’t wait until we’re unstuck to start living by faith. We have to start living by faith, TODAY, and that’s how we get unstuck.

  • God wants us to have a positive attitude!
  • He wants us to smile!
  • He wants us to put our shoulders back and hold our head up high!

Even if you’re not a reader of the Bible, it’s okay, because the principles are still true!

Why are we waiting and why are we doubting? Where has that gotten us, so far? Stop looking at the circumstances!

Don’t WAIT for the change to happen in order to act like everything has changed! That’s what faith is!

If we BELIEVE that it’s our time for a new beginning, then we’ll HAVE new beginnings!

This month is our month! “8” is GREAT! Write it down.

Go ahead and, unabashedly, live by faith and believe God for all that He is!

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  1. Michael Larson says:

    I struggle with addiction I find you and your husband very awesome help for a positive outlook thank you so much
    God bless you both

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Praying for you to be set free from your struggles! Complete healing from the top of your head to the sole of your feet. Amen!

  2. Marinda Ferrell says:

    Thank you for the message, it is what I needed to hear today. After 50-years of marriage it is a blessing to hear it’s a new beginning for me and Charles.

  3. Christine Alane says:

    I am at the end of my rope. I have had faith. I have visualized this simple happy life I desire. I have had faith for it. All hell breaks loose and I think here it comes, it’s the enemy fighting……and then nothing. One preacher-teacher says yours dreams aren’t big enough, dream bigger…so I do. Another says well if God doesn’t want you to have it you ain’t gonna get it. The secret is in the tithe, God won’t bless you if you don’t tithe. The Mr is too afraid to because when we have then bills went unpaid and put us in a bigger financial mess. I get ‘angel pennies’ all the time. Since I don’t and can’t work, I don’t have my own income to tithe, so my daughter and I decided to use our ‘angel pennies’ as our tithe starting last month, and to do so anonymously. I pick up the Bible and it plops open to a page where God is angry and punishing the wicked, I grew up abused and was told I was bad and all that was wrong. So then I feel like maybe I am the exception to the rule, maybe I’m not a child of God. I read the promises in the Bible., and then I feel like they are lies. My husband has done nothing but broken almost every promise in almost30 years of marriage, why is this any different. One sermon says ask once and believe and receive. Give it time, like an order from amazon. Give thanks. Another says pray. Ask a hundred times a day. Keep asking. Keep praying. Keep giving thanks. I’m exhausted. I am lost. It is getting harder and harder to walk in to church with a smile and fake it till you make it. I have some medical issues, most people would not be able to do what I do 5 days a week for 4 hours a day. I have survived so many horrible things that I feel like there is an A-Z book on what can we put her through today to see if she survives. I joke that before I was born I signed up for this life because of the challenge. I give God thanks every day. I talk to God, and invite the Holy Spirit in, I lay things at Jesus’ feet. I believe in the signs I receive. I wait in faith.
    What am I doing wrong.? What am I missing?
    I don’t even know why I am doing this. A couple of times I have left comments on fb. When they say oh, we will check back throughout the day and respond to comments. Mine always go I answered, so after a couple of days out of embarrassment I delete them. I am praying now this isn’t posted somewhere public where once again I will feel like a total idiot.

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Christine, I am praying for you! The faith walk is not easy but our God will not give you more than you can handle, remember that. The hard times are preparing you and making you stronger! Please don’t lose you faith!

  4. Jackie Becker says:

    HI Nicole. I would like to ask how to get from point A to point B. If you don’t have faith, how do you get there? You say God is waiting for us to
    have faith, but what if we feel weak and not faithful? How do we turn that around?

    Christine. I’m sorry dear that you’re going through such struggles. I will pray for you, too. I just wrote your name on a post-it near my computer and I’ll keep it here and pray every day until the end of September unless God tells me to pray longer and then I’ll keep going. You sound like an amazing person and I’m sure that God is very very proud of you. One thing about my own journey, if it feels hard or difficult, I’m usually trying too hard and I just need to cast my cares on to God and take care of myself better. I’ve learned that I can go to a park with a blanket and a picnic lunch and read my bible and look around at the beauty of God’s creation and it seems like vacation instead of work. I purposely nurture myself and give to me. I keep my prayer requests on index cards in the car and when I stop at a stop light, I randomly pull one out and pray. I just added your husband and little girl to my prayer list at the prompting of the HS. I don’t know much but I know that God loves you and that He is good. Blessings to you sweet Christine.



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