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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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I Will Not Quit


May 16, 2011


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Does life have you down?

Have you ever had just about enough out of life that you were to the point, in an empty room…

You just said out loud,

“WHAT???? What do you want from me?

Frustrated with trying to please people, doing the right thing, being at the right place…

Staying saved… just staying sane

Then more things come out of the woodwork?

Its Not From God

You realize God doesn’t throw all this, this… junk and bunk your way.

So, I guess that means the person we are asking that question to is – the enemy.

What’s scary is that he answers. His answer is the same every time, to every person, in every instance.

“Just quit,” he suggests. “It would be easier if you just give in and quit.”

That is the same answer he gives to the addict trying to hang on — the marriage that seems so unfulfilling in the moment — the job that feels like there is no upside.

To some… just life in general.

The enemy whispers in our ear to quit and walk away. It will be easier somewhere else with someone else in another time.

The Devil is a Liar

You know what? HE IS A STINKIN’ LIAR!!!!!!! A big, fat, ugly, hairy liar!!!!!

The ONLY reason he wants us to quit is so that he doesn’t have to work so hard. He knows that if we step out of the will of God, we will be miserable without him having to do anything.

Read that last part again. It is soooooo important!

He knows that if we step out of the will of God, we will be miserable without him having to do anything.

Trust me! I have seen many people believe him and then have MORE than double or triple the feelings of unfulfillment and unhappiness than they had before they quit what they were doing in the will of God.

The enemy does NOT want us having any peace, joy, happiness or anything that goes along with God.

And many times, right before we move to another level or into a sweet spot in life that God has for us – the devil kicks and bucks and does ALL he can to try and keep us from attaining the mark.

He doesn’t want us to win and be happy. So he will lie, cheat, steal and tell us everything but the truth, 24 hours a day, to try to derail us.

I Will Not Quit

Well guess what enemy? I WILL NOT QUIT!!!!

You better just saddle yourself in because you are going to be in this one for the long haul! We are going to fulfill God’s destiny for our life. We are going to serve the King of kings in the place that He wants us.

We are too smart to fall for your second hand shoddy chicanery. We are King’s kids destined to rule and reign in this earth. It may not look like it now, but we are on our way up. Up and out. Beyond all we can ask, think or imagine according to the power of God that works in us.

God has a plan for us that He planned and destined before we were born. We have a purpose in life and that purpose is to fulfill His plan for our life. A plan that includes happiness, overcoming, peace, blessing and victory!

So the next time you hear that little voice that nags at you and says, “Just quit. It would be easier without this mess,” just put on a sly smile and know that the blessing must be right around the corner for you!

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  1. Shelly Gefroh says:

    Thanks for sharing this message. I hope it touches many more people. I know it did me. Luvya Pastor Nicole.

  2. Kathy Ioannou says:

    I really needed to hear this today…Thank you! In your willingness to serve God, in turn, He has chosen to use you as a conduit to the world; a wonderful messenger of His word. Have an awesome day Nicole!

  3. Donna says:

    Good word in season, thank you Pastor Nicole.

  4. Debbie V. says:

    Pastor Nicole this timing is by God!!! Wow! The devil has been knocking at my door for the past week wanting me to slow down or even quit the work I am doing for God’s kingdom. I’m pushing on through his nonsense! Always blessed!

  5. Karl Schroeder says:

    OK, found out Friday I am losing my position at work, on call this weekend where I ended up working 15 hrs, STILL trying to stay positive, Monday a new week… Walk out the front door to find that some one had misplaced their paving stone in my vehicle, back windshield is shattered all over the place…… ENOUGH ALREADY PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

    This was my post right before I read your article. See that your opening new location in South County, Congrats on that.. I will not quit just overwhelmed to the max and needing to find something good to help support my wife and 3 kids.

  6. kaleigh wurtz says:

    This screamed at me…god speaking to me right through you thank you so much Nicole your awesome!!!!

  7. Andrea says:

    its crazy how often i feel this way too! i knew it was that stinking devil all along! Thanks for sharing! Its great to have a pastor who humbles herself in showing that she is a regular woman just like myself. You are an awesome and amazing role model. Love you!

  8. Joyce Rogers says:

    Amen sister ! The Devil is a big fat, ugly, hairy liar ! and my God reigns and rules forever and ever… so thankful for your words of encouragement and thankful for your wisdom to share… We love and appreciate you and your dedication to the work God has laid before you and Pastor David. Blessings to you and your family. xoxxo

  9. Linda Pollard says:

    Pastor Nicole THANK YOU for the encouraging word (tears) the Liar enemy is on attack on my family right now but he has messed with the wrong family HE IS GOING DOWN in JESUS name..LOVE YA

  10. Kelley says:

    The devil is a liar. Thank you so much for your words of encouragment.

  11. ashley says:

    Thank u! Great word!

  12. Janice says:

    Beautiful thanks for sharing The Devil is crafty he has to be he is losing so many Praise God….

  13. Nita says:

    Hi Pastor Nicole. You know this is a message that somehow needs to be crafted into a wall portrait so I can look at it everyday 🙂 This year has started out rough for my husband and I as far as my marriage goes. I entertained the thought of quitting. It just seemed so much easier. But I thank God for His grace and for putting Godly people like you and others in our life. Because of this blessing I feel like can definitely stand and fight until I reach the finish line. Stay Blessed!!!

  14. Kim Harris says:

    Very encouraging words, thanks for the message.

  15. sandy says:

    I needed this very much at this time. I have been battling this very thing lately and have been praying for God to lead me into what He wants me to do but with a broken and hurting heart it makes it difficult sometimes to know and hear what He is telling us. Thankfully and humbly I now know!

  16. Donna Woods says:

    You are so right Nicole. The Devil is always trying to get me to quit my job, but only when God has told me to move on will I move on.

  17. michelle kubernat says:

    Thankyou so needed to hear that now!

  18. Kimberly Fielder says:

    It’s as if you here knowing what’s going on in my life, and always at the right time with the encouraging words I needed to hear. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
    *teary eyes*

  19. Deborah- says:

    Exactly what I needed to hear- I have something VERY important that I have wanted to quit- but really struggled with. I’m just going to let it go, stop worrying and TRUST THE PLAN- Even if I don’t see it right now…

  20. Vince B says:

    It was as if Pastor Nicole was talking to me. Just when I begin to question my faith, GOD reminds m he’s still there. HE was speaking through you. I don’t think HE cares how long it takes us to find him so long as we do.

  21. Lupe Salazar says:

    Thank you so much for writing this blog. I have gone through these emotions and thoughts at different times of my life. But there always seems to be a sermon that wakes my heart and mind up. Thank you again.

  22. Shelly says:

    Just when you think things are getting better. Something knocks its ugly head at you and your back to feeling back in the same boat. I think the devil tries so hard to keep you in limbo, unsure, and wanting you to give up. But I’ll tell you what ,he is messing with the wrong christian. Thank you for helping me with my spiritual walk, Keeping us all strong and not letting the setbacks hold us from moving forward. You always seem to know what our hearts need to hear. Love you for the superwoman you are.

  23. Lisa Law says:

    Awesome word! It’ s nice to remember that the devil is a liar. Seems like he’s been working overtime on me lately trying to get me to give up and bail out. However, the jokes on him …. I AM NOT BALING OUT!!!!

  24. seraphina says:

    Thanks,,., this is So TRUE



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