We probably all have some kind of CRAZY family drama that we don’t want others to know about. You know, the kind of stuff that could headline on Jerry Springer! Lol
So, don’t worry…you’re NOT alone!
In my life, a lot of things have happened to try and distract me and get me off course: abandonment, high school pregnancy and divorce… (Just to name a few.)
But, even Jesus had family drama. His mother and brothers came to see Him but couldn’t get in. So, they sent a message that they were outside and wanted Him to stop doing what God had called Him to do and come out.
(I’ve always wondered… if the messenger was able to get through to Him, why couldn’t THEY? Hmm?)
The good news is, when family drama crops up, it usually means that we’re CLOSE to a new breakthrough. When we’re headed towards the Promises of God and taking new territory, the enemy will use those closest to us to HURT us.
We have to understand that it’s not ABOUT US. It’s just the enemy who’s desperate to get us off track.
God has big plans for us! Don’t get distracted! Stay STRONG!
If you’re dealing with your own outrageous relationship drama…congratulations! You’re probably on the verge of your BREAKTHROUGH!
Do you feel like you’ve been dealing with family or relationship problems all your life? Am I all alone? Show me a raised hand!
Don’t miss our NEW series, this weekend, “He Said, She Said”. David and I will share some of our own personal family drama and try to help you with yours!
Such a timely word for me, still wondering if I should forget the broken relationship of marriage and go on? How can one know? To stand or move? Hardest thing to discover.
My brother is years old and going through a hard time, he’s been ill since 2015 and he hasn’t recovered yet, it seems his getting worse day by day. His losing his mind and doing weird things. With God’s grace and kindness we will be healed and we will overcome this family attack so to say… In Jesus name Amen
I watch your series He Said She Said, enjoyed it so much. I live in Minnesota, I wish I was closer, but so enjoy watching you on youtube
Have you ever tried joining our online campus?
Oh my!!! This is my family are you here? Thanks for confirmation.
Amen. Thank God for the both of you keeping me strong in the word.
Lol, when my book comes out you can read my drama…Hollywood blockbuster lol
Wow, that is soooo true. As the eldest child with a “A” type personality, and the 1st to receive the truth of Word of Faith and being the righteousness in Christ, I have felt burdened.
Burden from major family issues as well as my own personal struggles.
But , Praise be to God, He is the Comforter and here lately has been showing me to REALLY give Him ALL my concerns and make confessions boldly and consistently,,calling those things that be not as though they were.
I am particularly standing in faith that my son , Alex is delivered and reconciled unto the Lord and the lust of the flesh and pride of life is removed off his life . Please brothers and sisters , please stand in agreement with me.