Don’t for a second buy into the fact that just because you might have ran out of gas that the race is over. Just because it’s on ‘E’ doesn’t mean that you’re finished.
Think about ‘E’ and consider Esther. It looked like the Israelite car couldn’t continue – Haman had convinced the king to sign an edict to destroy the Jews. Yet, there sat Esther, the king’s wife and unbeknownst to him a Hebrew woman.
God was going to use Esther to deliver an entire nation.
Step Up And Step Out
God spoke to her through her uncle to step up and step out during a dire time for the Hebrew people. And against all odds she decided to say, “Listen, I’m not going say it’s over. I know I’m not supposed to go in before this King without him calling for me, but I’m going to actually push past it; I’m going to step up and step out.”
That’s the horsepower of God, delivering Esther by His power and might. And He’s the same God who lives in you to deliver you. All through the Bible the emphasis is on the horsepower under the hood. He said, “The battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s” (1 Samuel 17:47).
I remember thinking, “God, I want to be used by you, but who would want to hear my story?” That’s when I learned that the battle is not mine. God had a plan in my trial and in my sense of abandonment.
Going From Not Enough, To More Than Enough
For too long, I was basing what was going to happen in my life on what had happened. That’s the worst thing that you can do. Don’t judge what God’s going to do by what the enemy has done to you.
I promise you what God is doing in you right now is GREATER than what the devil is doing to you right now.
If I refused to put my faith in God’s ability to do something great with my life we wouldn’t have the churches we have right now.
It has very little to do with what happened to you but VERY MUCH to do with what is happening IN you.
“Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world” (John 10:10)
Thank you Pastor Nicole for such a powerful and encouraging
(and much needed) word!
Thank-you. I needed to hear that today. I know God has a plan in my life. I am just going to keep believing in him and now that I am listening I know he will show me the way and my purpose
When my gas tank seems like it is on empty….God is there to fill it if all I do is ask.
This is such a timely post for me. Trusting that God DOES have a plan within the chaos is a concept that has been seared into my mind during the past week…….For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future……That verse has been brought up several times during the past week by random people in my life, and it’s a blaring sign that there is still hope for me, despite how dour things may seem on the surface. And now your reminder of that plan….. 🙂 Someone who quoted that verse today put it this way: “I don’t have to know what the plan is. I’m just glad there’s a plan.” It’s comforting to know we are not alone in the battle, even when we feel otherwise. I can only see a tiny portion of the situation. God is the one who sees the whole picture, and I know He is in control.
This is amazing! You go, Jill! 🙂