There’s a self-sabotaging mindset in the world that tells us, “I can’t be happy until I have EVERYTHING!”
We have to realize that we’ll NEVER have everything we want.
There’s always going to be something MORE out there that we THINK will make us happy.
The truth is, if we’re not happy NOW we probably won’t be happy LATER.
It’s Always Something
Many times, I’ve made the mistake of looking at what other people have accomplished and thought to myself, “Now THAT would make me happy!”
When in reality, they were probably looking back at me thinking, “I wish I had what she HAS!”
No one has a PERFECT life. We all have different challenges to contend with so we might as well just be HAPPY!
“Now godliness with contentment is great gain.” 1Timothy 6:6 (NKJV)
High Hopes
We all still have great EXPECTATIONS that haven’t materialized yet.
- Not EVERYONE understands our vision.
- We haven’t met a target GOAL.
- A FAMILY member is being difficult.
It’s moments like that, that could rob us of our JOY, peace, and happiness for the rest of the day.
Incredible Favor From God
We have SO many hopes and dreams that have ALREADY come true.
Sometimes we’re so motivated that we forget to slow down and CELEBRATE all that we DO have.
We can’t allow what DIDN’T happen keep us from celebrating ALL the good things that DID!
Nicole crank I love ur scripture all or nothing very good very true ,, just want to tell u I attend ur church at earth city campus & I really enjoy coming there its very uplifting , u and ur husband are excellent pastors , I’m glad I’m coming to ur church I think u are very a beautiful woman I don’t know u but want u to know that u have a have a beautiful smile. & I can tell u are happy , & I want what u have ,,, I want to be happy like u but I get mad a lot of times at the littlest things that don’t mean anything & I let other people steel my joy I shouldn’t let other people get to me Joel Osteen says if u let some one get u upset & get u get mad at someone u are letting them steel ur joy I need to learn how not to let others steel my joy any tips for me ,, I love coming to see u & ur husband preach @ church
Angela, you are too sweet! I’m so glad you’re a part of the Faith Church Family! Don’t worry–trust God. He’ll give you more joy than you could ever imagine.
Praise God and celebrate him! Often I find my so busy doing a variety of things that I forget to praise him. Each morning I am going to go back to waking up with a list of things I am grateful for and praising god for his glory in my life.
That’s a nicely made answer to a chnlgenliag question