Today I am talking to the women in the house.
You are unique. You are special. You are significant.
HUH? What makes you say that?
Take a good look in the mirror. On a regular day do you notice all the things you are, or all the things you’re NOT?
The things you love that are reflecting back or the things you would love to change?
Most of us THINK we don’t measure up, we aren’t good enough and that our existence is mediocre at best.
I am here to bust that myth today and there is a community of women that has gathered to make sure that you know that you are special, you are on-purpose, and you are woman!
Whether it’s beauty tips you need, creative inspiration, advice on how to beef up a resume, or just one girly giggle here and there – we’ve got you covered like your favorite Martha Stewart apron!
You have a vital role to play in this world. You are woman!
It’s time to break through those symptoms of insignificance and tap into your inner ninja. Only a woman can foresee many things happening and react to them all at once. Men call it Jedi training, we call it multitasking.
You are queens of the house, a magician with an eyebrow pencil, slayer of all things Gerber, and master of the spray tan can. YOU are lovely in the midst of chaos.
For more encouragement like this, follow @iamwomantv on Twitter, like iamwomantv on Facebook and share this link with a girlfriend RIGHT NOW!!!!
Pastor Nicole than you so much. I enjoyed reading it. Love you and God Bless you and yours.
Thank you for your kind words! Blessings!
Thank you for the blog this week pastor Nicole. Everyday when I wake up I look in the Mirror and I say to myself I am Woman. Just the other I day I was on facebook and I posted a status that said I am a sister, daughter, student, friend. My friends told me I was all of those things. I am woman. I am special because god made me special. Thank you for the blog this week pastor Nicole.
You’ve got it goin’ on sister! That’s exactly right, being a woman encompasses wearing different hats and adapting to different roles like mom, sister, aunt, friend and wife! You keep telling the woman in the mirror that she’s a hero!
WHY is it so easy to only focus on things we deem less than great? ALL women can use this as a daily reminder!
I agree! I sometimes have to encourage myself multiple times a day just to stay focused on the positive! It’s about all the things we ARE, not the things we’re NOT! Even some of the prettiest of apples have worms on the inside