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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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December 20, 2016


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Let your request be made known.

Can you imagine going into court, the judge asking you if you plead guilty or not guilty – and not answering? Or a spouse asking, “what is it you want? I’ll do it.” and not responding? Or a job offer on the table with a ‘name your price and we will pay it’ moment, and we don’t pipe up and say a number?


It’s one of those situations that if we were at a movie, we would be yelling at the screen, ‘SAY SOMETHING!”

Yet, at the same time, we go in and out of our prayer time with God and don’t tell Him what we want. We talk to Him, some. We try not to ‘bother Him’ with too much. We asked one time and it didn’t turn out the way we wanted. And so…we don’t ASK.


It takes a certain confidence to do that. After all, there’s potential rejection. From God or anybody we ask. Is that what holds us back? The potential that God will say no?

I know how to get a guaranteed no – don’t ask. Don’t ask for popcorn at the movie theatre, and you won’t get any. Don’t ask for an upgraded room at the hotel, and you will be sure to stay where you are. Don’t ask to be included in the game, and they play without you.

I’ve spent two weekends at our church talking about asking (check out YouTube or the podcast if you need encouragement to ask for things to happen).

Not bothering to ask certainly doesn’t make you holy. ‘Oh, I’ll just stay here with what I have.’ That doesn’t take faith. And it takes faith the please God. Therefore, not asking Him is just us exercising a lack of faith and not pleasing to Him. Ouch.

He Says ASK

Ask and it shall be given. (Matthew 7:7)
…let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6)
…you have not because you ask not. (James 4:2)
…ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. (John 15:7)
…whatever you ask in prayer, you shall receive. (Matthew 21:22)
…you can do exceedingly, abundantly above all I can ask… (Ephesians 3:20)
And on and on and on.

Why are you shy about asking again?

Praying a bold, audacious, faith-filled prayer makes the heart of God pleased. You know you can’t do it. But you trust that God can if you ask Him. Who WOULDN’T be honored by that kind of trust and faith?

So Get Asking…

What do you want? You gotta think about it. And write it down. The shortest pencil is better than the longest memory. And pray over it. Ask Him to do it once, and then thank Him for moving on it, working on it, changing things around for it every day until you see it come to pass.

Ask big. If you can do it without God, you aren’t really trusting Him with anything. Ask bigger than you are. Ask beyond what you can do. And watch God wow you.

Our church is fired up and asking God for some pretty bold, courageous, audacious, only-God-could-do-it kinda things. And guess what? He is answering.

Get In On It. Ask. BIG.

And so we don’t get lazy and put off until later what we will forget about and end up staying where we are (oh yeah, I called you out, because I do it too!) – make your first ask HERE. Right now! Comment below, what is something you need to ask God for? And friends, let’s ALL pray over it!

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  1. Nastashia Alvarez-Hill says:

    Thank you Soooo much!!! I need that this morning, you are Awesome!!! I don’t want to pray mediocre prayers, I want to ask and pray BIG!!! Heyyyyyyyyy:)

  2. Herschel says:

    I want to be a multimillionaire . By putting the ideas that God has given me, and that he gives me to work. So that I can not only honor, him , but that I may also sow, seed in the church, and outside of the church. And that I am able to make my wife really happy, with, those things that I have come to learn that she likes.

  3. Julie says:

    God’s supply to self contract my nursing skills across the 26 states i can practice. God’s supply for bobdong fees n malpractice insurance.

  4. Constance says:

    I love you my precious sister!!! My baby sister is my big sister!! I just want to thank GOD for Nicole right now!! I am saying something!

  5. Ree says:

    My husband has been waiting on something big to come through these past two weeks…losing sleep over it. God I’m asking for it to come through today. Jesus Name Amen.
    Thank you Pastor Nicole….I haven’t really said those words out loud. You’re right, God wants us to just ask him.

    Praying for us all.

  6. Tryna Gierer says:

    My back taxes to be paid off speedily!! My son entering the marines to keep his heart and mind right and his safety! My business to do triple this year what my best year has ever been. My husbands safety as a police officer and to keep his mind in check as bad things happen around him. In Jesus name!

  7. Keturah says:

    I need God to bless me financially I need to fly to Miami and back in the next 24 hours my 13 year old niece is stranded out there and I need God to bless us with tickets I know you expect us to ask big Father God I trust that you will do above and beyond what I can think are imagine I pray and trust you in Jesus name Amen

  8. Jamie says:

    I’m asking and expecting God to provide me with a new car!
    It’s totally out of my hands, and totally in the impossible realm , so I’m trusting God in this!
    I’m trusting God for the finances for a spring break/mission trip with my daughter’s class in April.
    I’m praying for miracles for my dad’s business, and his lots for sale. They’ve been sitting for far too long, and when they sell and he starts building, it’ll all be a God Thing!
    God is amazing!
    thank you Pastor Nicole for today’s blog 🙂

  9. Sherri Evans says:

    I need a new house that hopefully won’t cost much because this house was my inheritance
    I need out because this house has been in the family since I was 2 and I landed back her after my dad died to take care of my mom with stage 4 colon cancer until she died in this house I’m so ready to move on This is one of my major prayers I’m believing God for
    Another prayer I ask God for is a source of income working for the Lord not the “world” I have a fragile sensitive spirit that hates having to battle ungodly things all the time I believe that God will answer this prayer because my inheritance was spent up on taking care of my boys needs and wants along with some foolish spending
    Please pray with me and for me
    Thank you

  10. Marsha Brown says:

    My husband got fired from his job in November, he has gone into n several interviews but we fill that there is one particular one the “fits” our family. We WANT this job!! He has been in two interviews for this company already.
    Everyday we ask, and thank God for it, please be in agreement with us.
    Thank you

  11. Kristin says:

    I went to school 2 years ago for Radiography in Florida. Since I was a little girl I’ve always wanted to be in the medical field. After a bad car accident in 2010 I decided X-ray was something I wanted to do. I completed the course with a diploma and had to take an exam to get my license. I didn’t pass the exam on my first attempt. I worked for 2 years for different doctors doing other things and didn’t retake the X-ray test. I recently moved back to New York where I grew up after finding out I can take the exam here and be licensed in this state. I studied my butt off for a few months and felt really good about the test. Once again I didn’t pass, only by a few points. I was devastated but I keep telling myself God has something else is store for me. My family is pushing me retake the exam and encouraging me that I will pass. As much as I want to take it again, I’m not sure what I should be doing. I want to pass. I’m not someone who doesn’t get back on the horse.


    My grandma has a travel agency here that she has built over the last 27 years. She really wants me to learn her business to someday leave it to me. I am not as interested in travel as I am in medical. Since I failed the test again I’ve been praying for God to give me a sign to help me figure out my next step. I believe in the power of prayer, and I believe in the power of prayer in numbers. Please pray for me, and help me figure out my next step. Xoxo

  12. Cheryl says:

    God has blessed my husband immensely over the years and we both have our own businesses. God, I ask that you bless our business 30, 60, 100 fold so that we can increase our blessing to others as we give all glory, honor and praise to You Lord!

  13. Anjanette Walker says:

    A more rewarding job closer to home.
    A financial blessing so that I can be a blessing to others.

  14. holly says:

    Hi, I have been wanting my own business. My own house again. To be able to end my marriage.

  15. Joanna says:

    Pastors Nicole & David u r both so awesome. Many Sundays u had the answers for my prayers from God.
    I am praying for the biggest event in my career. I am praying for corporate sponsorship for my race car and driver for the INDY 500 in May 2017. The biggest auto race in the world. And the honor and privilege to race in Gods temple of speed this May 2017. This is my banner year 2017!!!!
    God is my racing partner, best partner I could ever have!!!

  16. Kelli says:

    I’m praying for more room to be added to our house!! In Jesus name!! We will receive it!! God, you keep bringing us family and children that have no place, but you know we need more room! We’ve built on once, now we’ve gotta do it again! We’re sitting on 5 acres of paid for land and You God did that! Amen!! I also keep being spoken over by many people to open my bakery, but once sagain God, you need to supply ALL my needs for that!! Your will be done!! I believe that!! Our women’s conference, Restore will be over attended this next year!!! You’re going to bring every women who needs to be restored as it says in Isaiah!! Thank you Pastor Nicole, for reminding me what God can do with a faith filled woman!! He can’t be stopped!! This is our banner year!!!

  17. Angela says:

    I strongly and boldly ask God for the wisdom and strength to dream again. To believe in my ability to live life without hesitation or reservation. To stand tall , and to walk the path that He has for me.

    I ask for my sisters reading this blog to pray that I will find the opportunity that will help me care for my family financially, while making a difference in the lives of others in God’s community.

    I ask for my pastor, Pastor Nicole, to receive God’s strength and His wisdom to continue serving and inspiring women of all ages and backgrounds, so that we can model her example for our sisters and daughters.

    With the support of my fellow soul-sisters, I pray this in Jesus’ name.

  18. Diane says:

    I’m praying for a healing of an illness that I believe God wants me free of but is helping me “clean house” before He removes it. I’m asking for a cleaning of the mental “lies” I’ve been believing and His peace to come over me so I can get passed it. I feel a calling to go on a mission trip but that’s not possible until this healing takes place. Praying that I will see clearly what God is trying to show me so I can do great things in this upcoming year and be free of the chains that have been binding me for probably 35 years

  19. CHERI says:

    I ask for a major financial miracle to occur in my life, before I lose everything

  20. Romina Randall says:

    I am asking God to heal and make whole my little 8 year daughter with cerebral palsy for her to walk, talk, and sit up.



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