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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Shut Up Already!


November 21, 2016


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Words I’m usually not excited to hear. Say that to me and I’m likely to shoot you a, “what did you just say to me” glance you would get from your momma. How about you?

However, it’s exactly what God told me recently and he told Zechariah too. If you’ve listened to my talk “Don’t Let ANYTHING Steal Your Joy”, ( you can listen here if not) you heard me talk about my friend @hopesnider Instagram post.

God had JUST finished talking to me in the middle of the night about – ‘Don’t say ANYTHING. Stop. Look. Listen” and right when I finished putting it in my prayer journal, I went to social media and BAM! BE SILENT is right there. Top post. In red.

I know Psalm 46:10, “Be STILL and know that I am God.” But NO. Not THIS version. Not right now. God was telling me – Shut up already! Be SILENT and know that I am God! (and for those of you who heard the talk, you know why! OMG!)

Something I Didn’t Share Was This…

As I studied some more that morning, God led me to the story of Zechariah, John the Baptist’s father. When his ‘older than child bearing age, formerly barren wife’ (mmmm, I wanna preach my tail off right now on ‘it’s never too late’) became pregnant – God had to PHYSICALLY shut Zechariah’s mouth so he didn’t mess it up.

God knew that if he let Zechariah bump through life and say whatever thing he FELT like saying, he would inadvertently CURSE what God had just done!
‘She’s too old.’
‘I don’t know how this could happen!’
‘I doubt she can carry the baby to term.’
‘Could the baby possibly be born healthy?’
‘I hope she is strong enough to survive childbirth.’

It’s SO EASY to judge Zechariah, but what about us? What about when God wants to do something BIG in our lives, bigger than we thought possible. OR when God starts moving in a way we don’t understand at all. We want to open our mouths and ask, question, weigh in with our nonsensical two cents that we see in the physical realm.

And yet God doesn’t operate in the physical. God isn’t limited to what we know and understand. And God’s miracles and methods are above all we can ask, think or imagine! Yet we comment on God’s actions as if they were an Instagram post and He wants to see how many comments He can get.


If we are considering speaking words of doubt, God wants us to lock them out! Be silent! Be quiet! Be still! DON’T SAY ANYTHING! Don’t curse what God is blessing. Don’t limit an infinite God with our finite mind!

So today, if you have to buy duct tape to keep your words under control – do it! Let’s not let our words get in the way of the miracle God is doing on our behalf! Can I get an AMEN?!?!?! Now where is that emoji with no mouth???? LOL

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  1. Susie says:

    I wish I would have seen this message along time ago. God told me in 2009 what he was gonna do in my life, but I’ve cursed his blessings, I’ve had such negative thoughts, I’ve complained to him so much over this situation.

  2. Ayera Rabbeck says:

    You are talking about me. So amazing.

  3. Karen says:

    Pastor Nicole,

    I’m so glad you sent this email. I’m a mortgage counselor and I help people that are losing or have lost their homes. I recently met a man who lost his home. He was talking to someone on the job about what happened and I told him I could help him. We started the process and through the whole time, he kept saying “these people are dirty and scandalous, you can’t do ANYTHING to get relief for me. After listening to this for the past 30 days, I finally told him to SHUT UP WITH THE NEGATIVITY. I told him “your tongue is the most dangerous thing on your body” When I met him, he said GOD sent you to me, he was sleeping in his truck and had paid over $15000 to different Attorneys without any results. I immediately went to work, with GOD’s assistance, and found out he was a victim of an illegal foreclosure. The bank actually didn’t own the house when the foreclosure occurred. No one he’d paid could found that out. He continually speaks NEGATIVITY even though we’ve already established he was victimized and I’ve asked the 4 lenders involved for almost a million dollars. I don’t know how he can be this way as close as he is to getting relief. I told him if GOD sent me to him, which I believe, why can’t he just relax and let GOD work through me.

    I’m going to forward your email to him in hopes he will relax and let me do my job. He hasn’t paid me anything, I’ve allowed him to move in with me since I live alone and have a spare bedroom, I pray everyday he’ll stop with the NEGATIVITY but he still hasn’t. Please pray for us, ask GOD to tame his tongue.

    Thank you Pastor Nicole,


  4. Taneshia Stanley says:

    This morning I was just asking God why? Why did have to happen this way? And as I was self-doubting and about to respond to a text I receive that was the reason why I was questioning God…I came across your post on Instagram and I stopped because want I was hearing now I just read. So grateful for you Pastor Nicole and for posting this comment. Please keep me in your prayers. I just need direction in some areas of my life one in particular that deals with my lil guy, my son, and my finances. I just about write how I was feeling bit I remembered reading “put duct tape on it”.

  5. Pamela Kemp says:

    Sometimes when we’re talking God won’t speak because we can’t here him in the moment. There is also healing in still silent moments.

  6. Genesis says:


  7. Ashley Washington says:

    Amen????????????shut yo mouth!



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