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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Tell Me If This Is Your Story, Too


June 1, 2017


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

Read Her Story →


I Declare Affirmations

Use these to maximize performance, develop a healthy body and live life the way God intended – blessed! Download Here

Circle Of Friends

Upgrade your circle, upgrade your life! COF is a monthly partnership that accelerates your growth with monthly coaching zoom calls, guest influencers and leaders that you love, and bi-weekly emails. 







No matter how early you set the alarm, it seems like you could use more time to make everything happen.

We run around so frantically trying to get things done that we don’t actually stop and do anything spiritual. We are “spiritual” but not spending time with the Spirit.

This is why I wrote a book.; a little devotional to help you—oh mercy, to help me—in those moments when our spirit needs strength and encouragement.

It’s for those clutch situations and urgent scenarios—those everyday, “somebody-please-tell-me-I’m-OK-and-I’m-going-to-make-it” moments.

Each day’s devotional is God’s Word to you. They’re simple, straightforward, and give you words when you may not have any or may not have the time to think of any.

They are bite-size pieces, written as prayers, that you have time for every day. There is no pressure to read a whole chapter—each devotional is super short.

These devotionals will make sure you eat spiritually on a regular basis and, over time, give you bigger, stronger faith in the midst of your busy life.

The power of God’s Word is amazing! Try letting these words and verses soak into your heart and mind, and feel life flow back into you.

Can you believe it? I wrote a book!!!

Since it’s my first, I’m kind of excited and terrified…all at the same time. So, I’d really love to share a “sneak peek” with my closest friends.

This coming Monday morning at 7:00am (CST) if you’d join me on Facebook “live”, I’d like to show you the cover before anyone else sees it. (Even I haven’t seen it, yet!)

Everyone who logs on Monday morning will receive a special “promo code” that will allow them to pre-order the book at the very lowest price.

In addition, if you’ll enter your email address below, then I’ll send you the entire introduction portion of the book to read before it’s even released to the general public.

Thank you so much, for all your prayers, good wishes, moral support and encouragement. It means more to me then you will ever know!

See you “live” on Monday!

If you’d like a free copy of the introduction, click here.

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  1. I am so excited for you! I’m also very excited about reading your book! I can’t wait! I’m ready for a sneak peek! Thank you!

  2. Lisa Beckring says:

    So excited about your book, Pastor Nicole, and really can’t wait to read it! You inspire me every time you open your mouth to speak- thank you for all you do, all your hard work and your prayers! xoxo

  3. Holly Graham says:

    Nicole, I am so happy and excited for you and the success of completing your first book. What an inspiration and blessing you are in Jesus! Lots of love, blessings, and positive prayers in your direction for the great things to come. Thanks for being such an awesome pastor and getting me through so many tough times and growing pains throughout the past several years. Love you, congrats!!!

  4. Francine Smith says:

    Great message. Can’t wait to get your book. I love everything you share. I helps me to go higher.

  5. Diane B. says:

    Good for you! I’d love to read the book, you inspire me to be the best version of me that I can be!

  6. Victoria says:

    Look forward to using your book as part of my daily prayer time

  7. Kathryn says:

    Suoer excited for you!

  8. Juanita Brown says:

    I would love to get a peek of your new books.

  9. Tammy Humphrey says:

    I would love to read the introduction portion of your book!

  10. Belinda Burwell says:

    Hi Nicole

    This certainly me. I can relate.

  11. Brinda Prance says:

    It was such a blessing to be at my 1st I am Woman Conference!
    The music was wonderful! But my favorite part was You,Paula White,
    and Christine Caine! The messages were all right on ! It was so humbling
    When you came out and took off your makeup. Thank you so much for your
    obedience to God! You are such a blessing! I bought your book, and I got to
    meet you and have you sign it.It was my 1st time meeting you.You are a
    Mighty Woman of God!

  12. Brinda Prance says:

    It was such a blessing to be at my 1st I am Woman Conference!
    The music was wonderful! But my favorite part was You,Paula White,
    and Christine Caine! The messages were all right on ! It was so humbling
    When you came out and took off your makeup. Thank you so much for your
    obedience to God! You are such a blessing! I bought your book, and I got to
    meet you and have you sign it.It was my 1st time meeting you.You are a
    Mighty Woman of God!



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Whether you're working on your personal or professional life, one area specifically, or yourself overall, dig deeper with me on the topics that give us the fuel we need to take off. 

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