We all get so….threatened. Uncomfortable. We start feeling — like we come up short when we get around people that are better than us in an area.
I was at dinner with my daughter-in-love (most people say daughter-in-law, but who wants a daughter because of law instead of love?) and her mom. Morgan was telling stories about how her mom would never miss a SINGLE game for any of the SIX kids that she had.
How she would criss-cross town, kids changing in the car, dropping off one kid, racing BACK across town, catching the first half of another child’s game and back in the car at break-neck speed to catch the second half of someone else’s game.
I thought of a dozen times that I dropped Austin or Ashtyn off at something, tried to fit too much in, and missed the whole thing. I felt…small and insignificant. Like a flop as a parent.
BUT WAIT….my kids LOVE me. I love my kids. We are CLOSE. So how could I have failed and my kids turn out so well and so close to me?
There is only one answer. I wasn’t called to parent like Morgan’s mom did. AND THAT’S OK!!!
We get ALL FREAKED OUT when people do something that we think is ‘better’ than how we do it. But I have news!!
We aren’t called to be them. We aren’t called to do things the way they do them, EVEN IF we thinks it’s ‘better’ than what we do.
We were created for such a time as THIS. This place that we live in. These kids that we parent, in our unique style. This job that we have, that sometimes we aren’t even sure WHY we do what we do.
What you do makes a difference. It’s not that God isn’t working on us, He is. But He isn’t trying to change us into someone else. He is just trying to bring us closer to Him.
So relax. You AREN’T SUPPOSE TO measure up to anybody else, in ANY area. You are just supposed to be you, in pursuit of Him.
These are the things that we are talking about at the Be-YOU-tiful Women’s Conference June 9-10 in St. Louis with Christine Caine and Paula White and June 23-24 in West Palm Beach with Real Talk Kim and Sheila Walsh. I want to invite YOU. And if you’re guy, PLEASE invite the ladies in your life.
Early bird tickets are still available in WEST PALM BEACH. And the CUTEST gold sparkly tumbler is free with the first 1200 St. Louis tickets and first 500 West Palm tickets. DON’T MISS the best prices and free gifts by getting your tickets TODAY at www.iamwoman.tv
This year’s Guest are going to be amazing!!!! I will be on a Mission’s trip at the same time of the conference- I was soooooo wanting to attend! I know it will be explosive! Ladies have a super God filled time! Thanks to ournPastors for bringing these conferences to us!
Pastor Nicole,
Thank you for this wonderful reminder that when we try to benchmark ourselves against others we feel like we never quite measure up. It is only when we accept ourselves as being who God has called us to be as parents to our own children that we can see that we are loved and accepted by our children for being exactly the kind of parents they need. We are our own worst critics and the devil knows that and uses our insecurities as parents to undermine the confidence that can only come from seeing ourselves through the lens of not only our childrens’ eyes and love for us, but God’s.
What an amazing post!! Can’t wait for Conf!!!