Have you ever wondered how you’re going to get from here to there?
Have you ever thought there is no way?
Or said this is impossible?
The truth is there are many things which are impossible for us.
Perhaps you’re in one of those situations right now.
You say Pastor Nicole, there’s no money left. The relationship is over. There’s no way in the world this is going to work out.
You’re right. There are certain situations in life we cannot overcome in our own strength, but I have good news for you.
All Things Are Possible With God
You see, God has placed a dream within you and He who has begun a good work in you will complete it. (Philippians 1:6)
It’s not up to us to figure out how He’s going to do it, and we shouldn’t over-analyze God or the situation. It’s always best to just take Him at His word.
This is why we’re called believers. Our part is to believe in the finished work. His part is to make it happen.
Hebrews 12:2 says that Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. When we set our eyes on Him, He is able to add His super to our natural.
Are You Leaving Room For The Supernatural?
When we face seemingly insurmountable obstacles, challenges and setbacks, it’s easy for our human minds to discount God’s ability to work a miracle in our lives.
But God wants to show you that He is still able. He is still willing, and He is the answer for your “right now.”
When you trust and rest in Him, He’ll take you from “here” to “there” in no time.
Invite Jesus Into Your Boat
In John 6, the disciples were taken from the storm to the shore as soon as they invited Jesus into their boat. The Bible uses the word “immediately.”
Jesus said to them, “It is I; don’t be afraid. Then they were willing to take Him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading. John 6:21 (NIV)
Friends, today I challenge you to expect Jesus to take you from where you are to where you need to be… immediately!
When you decide that it’s not by your might, but by His power, His Word will not return void.
Are you ready to bypass the natural processes for supernatural promotion? Today is the day.
Thank you Pastor Nicole, I am praying and believing for God’s mercy and the restoration of my marriage. I spoke to you briefly and am praying with Pastor Ardon…I have faith but it’s so difficult right now. Thank you for your encouragement. God Bless.
Thanks Nicole
Very encouraging and uplifting
God has more power and I trust in his plan for me! I know his super natural with my natural will take me to places I never imagined.
Pastor Nicole what wonderful timing. ” Supernatural Promotion”. Those words within themselves speak volume. Short and sweet. When God speaks to me personal promises ,when He’s given me glimpses of my future that may seem to be unobtainable in the natural. I have sometimes had a tendency to try to figure out how it all is going to unfold, or even try to assist to make it happen in my timing or construct a plan. Because naturally in order to accomplish certain things in life you must set goals, make plans in order to make them happen. Then we sometimes find ourselves out of Gods will. Some of us are impatient at times and lose faith in Gods promises wondering and second guessing when things don’t happen in a timely manner. I sometimes think myself into discouragement because of disappointments and my way of thinking. Knowing my thoughts are not Gods thoughts and neither my ways his ways. I have not been leaving enough room for the supernatural. Well I get it. Pastor Nicole some things are just that”supernaturally” acquired totally by Gods grace and his will for my life. I realize from my own personal experience that somethings even concerning my naturally obtainable goals and plans. God has intervened and make it a supernatural accomplishment as well. So I get it Pastor with Jesus in the boat he is the navigator. Jesus is in the boat…. I indeed surrender all and trust and rest in him concerning my ” Supernatural Promotion”. Thanks for the word and be blessed just like me.
Thank you pastor Nicole,
for every attack the enemy show me I counterattack saying WITH GOD NOTHING IS IMPPOSIBLE