I love to sing! I always have!
I’m like a broken jukebox in almost every conversation. While people talk, lyrics to some random song start playing in my head.
Before I know it… it escapes my lips and… yup… I just start singing in public. Ooops! I did it again! (Yeah, that WAS a Brittney Spears song.)
Both, David and Ashtyn have been worship leaders. So, when they sing the melody, I automatically jump in on harmony.
But, just the other day in worship, the band quit playing and everyone started singing in unison. I wanted to blend in, but panicked when I realized I didn’t even KNOW the melody!
Oh well, I guess I’ll never lead!
Right then, the Voice of the Lord spoke to my heart.“You DO lead. But, you lead differently. Just lead how I called you to lead.”
I’m aware of the melody, but it’s already being sung. God doesn’t need more of that. He wants a little of THIS!
And if I won’t give it to Him… WHO will?
We’re called to be who we are. And when we don’t or WON’T, we leave a huge hole in God’s perfect plan.
Sing that harmony, friend. Sing it LOUD! You don’t have to be like anyone else on the planet.
We need your sound, your ideas, your art, your inventions, and your perspective. We need ALL the gifts that you’ve hidden!
They aren’t obscure. They’re the precious MISSING NOTES in God’s magnificent concerto… and we’re all waiting for you to chime in!
We’re waiting for you to SHINE!
God loves it when you sing for Him! Amen? What’s your favorite worship song? Post it here.
It’s almost here! SHINE- The 2019 Women’s Conference! I look forward to this, every year! Do you have your ticket yet? They are going to sell out – so don’t miss getting to come! AND price go up memroial day!!!
I can’t wait to share the weekend with you! https://www.iamwoman.tv/2019