Life is like a path that has forks, potholes and endless choices. We are always on the path, but we should be asking if we are on the right path. Where does our current path lead? Are we trying to do things the world’s way?
Do we:
- Date someone but betray someone else?
- Go to a ball game, but lie to our boss that we’re sick?
- Close a deal but slightly mislead a client?
Our Choices Direct Our Path
Choices now are outcomes later. Right now we are living the outcomes of our past path choices. (Say THAT 3 times real fast!) It seems like what God is telling us to do RIGHT NOW is SO HARD. What we don’t realize is that more obedience in our choices will lead to long term happiness, health, prosperity, and blessing.
Don’t Try To Figure It Out On Your Own, Let The Hero Help!
When we face a challenging time, it’s easy to become weary in our minds and emotions. Trying to figure it out in our own strength can be exhausting. But we aren’t meant to try to figure everything out, we are meant to trust. We are meant to call on Him and let Him be the hero of our story!
Be Careful Whose Advice You Take
When we have to make a decision, and we don’t know what to do, we have a tendency to go to people who are in the same place in life that we are, then we ask them what they would do WHEN THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE EITHER!
Wisdom is WISE counsel. We have to go to someone who has been there and has navigated the waters successfully. LISTEN to what they say and DO what they say, ONLY IF they have been there and IF they are godly.
Some Direction At That Fork In The Road Would Be Nice
There is a wonderful path! I can lead you there because I have been there before. I know right where it is. It isn’t a mystery to me. God is like that. He knows where all the paths are, where they all lead, and which ones have danger.
“Seek His will in all you do and He will show you which PATH to take.” (Proverbs 3:6)
Pastor Nicole,
Such an awesome blog… Especially the part about going to the wrong people for advice that can oh so lead you in the wrong direction… God is the one that is the one that can lead you and his word…. Otherwise you may shift in the wrong direction quickly… Thanks again for your words of encouragament…
I’m so glad you liked it! Thank you, Kelley!
Seeking him and being quiet to hear his direction is something I am always working to improve. Often my own thoughts try to speak more loudly.