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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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The Power of the Pause!


May 6, 2019


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Circle Of Friends

Upgrade your circle, upgrade your life! COF is a monthly partnership that accelerates your growth with monthly coaching zoom calls, guest influencers and leaders that you love, and bi-weekly emails. 







Sometimes, it doesn’t seem like we’re moving fast enough; that we’re growing, making progress, or that anything is really changing.

“God, give me patience…and give it to me RIGHT NOW!!!”

The start is exciting. The end is rewarding. But, the WAIT in the middle can be excruciating!

  • We don’t like to wait! We don’t like to pause for a yellow light, so we usually speed up.
  • We don’t want to actually stop at a stop sign if no cars are coming, so we just roll right through.
  • We don’t enjoy standing in checkout lines at the store. (Sometimes, if the lines are too long, I just put stuff back.)

None of us likes to wait. We just can’t stand it when control of a situation is totally out of our hands. So why does God make us wait?

(It’s funny, but most of us would rather wait for coffee at Starbucks than wait on God!)

Don’t worry about the wait. It may look like nothing’s happening. But behind the scenes, God is hard at work on our behalf.

There’s power and purpose in the PAUSE!

He’s defeating our enemies, opening doors, placing key people, positioning resources, developing our skills, and preparing our hearts.

Waiting on God, means directing our attention to Him in happy anticipation of what He’s about to do. God created us to wait, in order to see if our hope REALLY is in Him.

Don’t grow weary… TIMING is everything! Right now, you might actually be doing the most important work of your life!


Do you feel like you’ve been waiting for your breakthrough a LONG time? (Show me a raised hand.)

I’d like to invite you to attend Dr. Sam Chand’s FREE Online Summit, May 7th, 7:00 pm (ET) and 6:00 pm (CT). I’ll be sharing some leadership insights, along with several other invited guests.

Dr. Chand will be giving away 500 copies of his new book, New Thinking, New Future, to those who attend. Don’t miss this!

Register @



El Podér de la Pausa!

A veces, no parece que nos estuvieramos moviendo lo suficientemente rápido; que estemos creciendo, progresando, o que algo realmente esté cambiando.


“Dios, dame paciencia… y damela AHORA MISMO!!!”

El comienzo es emocionante. El final es gratificante. Pero la ESPERA en el medio puede ser insoportable!

  • ¡No nos gusta esperar! No nos gusta tomar una pausa cuando el semáfora esta en amarillo, pues solemos acelerar!
  • En realidad no queremos detenernos en una señal de ALTO si no vienen carros, así que dejamos rodar el carro.
  • No disfrutamos estar parados en las filas de pago en las tiendas. (A veces, si las filas estan muy largas, dejamos las cosas.)

A ninguno de nosotros nos gusta esperar. No podemos soportarlo cuando el control de alguana situación está fuera de nuestras manos. Entonces, ¿por qué será que Dios nos hace esperar?

(Es chistoso, pero la mayoría de nosotros preferiríamos esperar por un café en Starbucks que esperar a Dios!)

No te preocupes por la espera. Puede parecer que nada está pasando. Pero detrás de las escenas, Dios está trabajando duro en nuestro nombre.

¡Hay poder y propósito en la pausa!

Él está derrotando a nuestros enemigos, abriendo puertas, colocando personas claves, colocando recursos, desarrollando nuestras habilidades, y preparando nuestros corazones.

Esperar en Dios significa dirigir nuestra atención a Él en feliz anticipación de lo que Él está a punto de hacer. Dios nos creó para esperar, a fin de ver si nuestra esperanza está en Él.

No te canses… ¡el TIEMPO lo es todo! En realidad, ahora mismo podrías estar haciendo el trabajo más importante de tu vida!


Te sientes como si has estado esperando por tu avance por mucho tiempo? (Múestrame una mano levantada)

Me gustaría invitarte a que asistas a la cumbre GRATUITA en línea del Dr. Sam Chand, el 7 de Mayo a las 7:00 PM (ET) y 6:00 PM (CT). Compartiré algunas ideas de liderazgo, junto con varios invitados.

El Dr. Chand estará regalando 500 copias de su nuevo libro, Nuevo Pensamiento, Nuevo Futuro, a los que asistan. ¡No te lo pierdas!

Registrate @

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  1. Amy says:

    ????????‍♀️ Been waiting a very long time.

  2. PASTOR RAYE says:

    My my what an onTIME reminder to JUST Ps 46:10 today. I am literally moving into a new dwelling MAY28TH!! WHOOHOO! & the pieces needed are literally showing up one at a time. BUT I shall WITH JOY patiently & expectantly persevere to finish & see this expected end. Thank you Father God I love you. LOVE NEVER FAILS! Amen

  3. Mark Wayne Cooke says:


  4. Jose Rangel says:

    I need goals, I think. I have seven goals. How to I acjhiever them in 2019? My address is 1157 So. 6th Street, San Jose, California 95112.



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