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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Timing Is Everything


April 11, 2017


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Sometimes, it doesn’t seem like we’re moving fast enough, that we’re growing, making progress or that anything is really changing. God, give me patience…and give it to me right now!!!

The start is exciting – The end is rewarding… but the wait in the middle can be excruciating!

In life, we don’t like to wait! We don’t like to pause for a yellow light, so we usually speed up. We don’t want to actually stop at a stop sign if no cars are coming, so we just roll right through. We don’t enjoy standing in checkout lines at the store. (Sometimes, if the lines are too long, I just put stuff back.)

None of us likes to wait. We just can’t stand it when control of a situation is totally out of our hands. So why does God make us wait?

It’s funny, but most of us would rather wait for coffee at Starbucks that wait on God!

Don’t worry about the wait. It may look like nothing’s happening. But behind the scenes, God is hard at work on our behalf.

Defeating our enemies.
Opening doors.
Placing people.
Positioning resources.
Developing our skills.
Preparing our hearts.

Waiting is the period when our faith is most active. It’s the place between our dream and our dream-come-true. Waiting is the “time sandwich” between our prayers and our blessing. It’s where we figure out how strong our trust in God really is.

It’s not just about doing the right thing – it’s doing it at the right time, God’s perfect time. You may be ready for what you had in mind, but you’re not quite ready for what God has in His mind!

Waiting on God, means directing our attention to Him in happy anticipation of what He’s about to do. God created us to wait – to see if our hope is really in Him, or if we’re operating in our own strength.

Don’t grow weary in well doing or waiting. Timing is everything! You might, actually, be doing the most important work of your life!

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  1. Michelle Miller says:

    Today, I will wait. I need to exercise more patience. Thank you pastor Nicole for the words. I will wait. “They that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength” I want to run and not be weary so I WILL WAIT!

  2. Lynn Kirn says:

    Amazing post & thank you. A message that I need a constant reminder. I feel that God has huge plans for me to help many people, but the waiting period is tough, it’s hard to stay focused, but I know in my heart, he has big big plans for me to touch millions of lives.

  3. Nadine Alvarez says:

    I was diagnosed this weekend with a life threatening diseases called von hippo laundu. I was told I had 8 brain tumors and tumors in my pancrease. I beleive God died for all diseaSe iniquity sin and I proclaims this. This generational curse has killed my father his father etc. please pray for me as I go into brain surgery tomorrow at JFK hospital.

    Thank you

  4. Sharon says:

    Thank You -Pastor Nicole
    What a great encouraging word
    I thank GOD for my Pastors/Faith Church
    I’m sooooooo BLESSED !!!!!!!????????????????

  5. Secunda Lewis says:

    Yes, I do have problems with my waiting sometimes????????

  6. Angie says:


  7. Diana Niewald says:

    Very well said! You do a great job! Just wanted to let you know that!!!

  8. Siara says:

    That was a beautiful word right from God and so on time!!! Printing it for my prayer wall!

    “This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.”
    ‭‭Habakkuk‬ ‭2:3‬ ‭NLT

  9. Arlene Scott says:

    Amen Pastor Nicole… It is always worth the wait…I can tell you that. When you least expect it, God comes through.

  10. christianpturner says:

    very nice reading pastor Nicole. Always enjoy your writings, keep up the good work. Greetings to you and your family.

  11. Sarah Alvers says:

    I found if it is God’s timing, everything will fall into place. I have been waiting to hear if I should retire and just work part time, as I am my only income. Then all of a sudden dates and events have been happening, that I know deep in my soul it is because of God showing me the way. Yes, the devil tries to put negative thoughts in my head, but I know that God has only the best for me. I rebuke the devil in all forms, and ask for your prayers in this new adventure. I now start the second half of my life. I am excited to see what God has in store for me. I thank Him for blessing me with you and Pastor David. Bless you,

  12. Susan Davis says:

    Yes sister, thank you for being such a diligent servant. Keep the words coming , we are edified, taught, and it gets sent to our loved ones as well
    God Loves you and so do we

  13. Pastor Jimmy says:

    Awesome Word



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