I was babysitting my grand-puppy, Mozi, because my kids haven’t given me any grandchildren, yet. (We need to talk about that!)
She’s one of those mischievous dogs you have to lock up when you leave the house, otherwise, you’ll regret it.
Sunday morning, I put on my shoes BEFORE I caught the dog. (That’s where I messed up!) I had to chase her around the house for more than 15 minutes!
On a Sunday morning, I just don’t have an extra 15 minutes in my schedule!
Eventually, I ended up crawling on my hands and knees in my dress and heels, underneath the dining room table to get her!
Now, I was running late for church! When I got to the green light to turn left, the car in front of me stopped.
Everybody knows you’re supposed to GO at a green light…. except for this blessed saint in front of me!
Now, I’m REALLY late! So, I push on that button in my car that lets people know “DO NOT DO THAT!” But they didn’t understand!
So, I pressed my “DO NOT DO THAT” button harder and longer! But, they still wouldn’t get out of my way!
Don’t they know, I have to preach in 10 minutes and I’m just trying to STAY SAVED?!
We can find a hundred reasons NOT to be happy. But, God’s asking us to look for JUST ONE reason that we CAN!
It’s never too late to change your attitude and decide to be HAPPY!
After all, the happiest people don’t have the best of everything. The happiest people just MAKE the best of
Have you ever had a day like mine? Maybe you’re having one, TODAY! Tell me about it!
Yup, lots. Thank you for sharing your stories I love it
Good morning from Chicago. Well said and much needed and received. Thank you for sharing.
I can sooooo relate to this story. I want you to know I look forward to your posts…they always make me think and laugh out loud.
Needed this sooo much this Marvelous Monday!

Thank you! Yes I need to work on my happy! I need to remember God will provide no matter what. He takes are of the birds in the air so He will take care of me. Yes I need to work on my happy otherwise no one wants to be around me. Thank you I needed that!????????????
AMEN!!! I have a lot of those days. Sometimes I don’t know how I servive. But God!!! How did we ever get along without Him? Thank you Jesus!!!