Our Anniversary Dinner
I think it may have been the best anniversary ever.
I didn’t get a spectacular present. We didn’t have some fancy dinner.
And somehow, it seemed more special than ever.
The day was completely normal. Work, busyness, go, go, go.
Then we only had a few minutes for dinner before heading off to church that night.
Anniversary Dinner
When we had gotten home, Mary, the wonderful woman that watches our daughter, had made us dinner. She set it up in our dining room by candlelight with linen napkins and fancy placemats.
I felt loved and it didn’t cost a thing.
My 7-year-old daughter had helped to decorate the table. As we were eating, she had a hard time leaving the room. She really wanted to celebrate with us.
She finally stood with her toes off of the dining room carpet and she said, “Technically, I am not in the dining room.”
Again, I felt loved and it didn’t cost a dime.
My Very Own Crooner
Then we headed to church and from the stage my husband sang for me. This is where some ladies would melt. However, he does this for me every year.

Impromptu Preaching
It is a great tradition and knowing that I had been in a marriage long enough to have traditions felt wonderful!
I felt more love and it didn’t cost a dime.
Then the surprise came. He asked me to preach with him on stage. Impromptu.
No notes, no study. “That’s sweet,” you may think. But to me, the meaning was so much more.
You see, to me it showed that my husband believed in me. Trusted me. Valued me. It showed me that he thought I could preach a live service at the drop of a hat. He thinks I’m it.
I felt immensely loved and valued – and it didn’t cost a dime.
The best gifts in life are free.
Figuring out how to give those kinds of gifts is really difficult. But the result is unbelievably valuable.
What is the best gift you have ever received that couldn’t be bought?
One of the greatest gifts that I got that couldnt be bought.. Hmm….. going way back is the birth of my children. That was totally an amazing gift to me. Another gift is that I have people that acually trust me and have faith in me. I thought I would never earn that back. Have to mention my awesome friends. Finally the greatest of all is that Jesus loves me no matter what. Thanks for the blog it really made me sit and think about all the wonderful gifts in my life.
You are appreciated!!!!
Kelley – You seem really in touch with the things in life that are the BEST gifts. That makes you a treasure yourself!!!
~tear~ How amazingly sweet. True love. 🙂
Suzanne – I agree!!!
This gift is still my favorite of all time. My youngest son Tristan was in 3rd grade and the teacher had them make Christmas gifts for us. I had no idea. He kept it all a secret and for him I am sure that was hard cause he loves to talk and tell stories. So I opened up the gift Christmas morning and it was a calendar that he had made for the whole next year and it was bound together nicely. For each month there was a personally made drawing or image of something that was totally Tristan, something that he knew was a special moment for us or our family for every month. Each month has these wonderful personal touches. I cried as I turned each page and I cry just thinking about it as I am writing to tell of this special gift. I have received many gifts from both my children but this one just touches my heart in a way I can’t describe. I still have it and will cherish it for many years to come. Tristan is a sophomore in high school now and I still cry whenever I think of that beautiful gift. I just have to say specially made gifts from your kids always ROCKS!! I have many from both my boys and they are my favorite gifts of all and they cost nothing and to me they are priceless just like my boys!
Andrea – How touching! I truly believe that the best things in life can not be bought. Like love. Like loving your kids so much you are still effected by a gift they made you years ago. PRECIOUS!