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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Welcome to My Blog


January 21, 2011


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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WOW! This is it! The day when we actually put a little window to the world from my brain out in public! It’s a little scary actually. To know that my random, personal, and bible study time thoughts are going out into cyberspace. The thought keeps coming to me “AM I EVEN QUALIFIED TO SHARE ANYTHING??????”

It is that very thought that stalks me that let’s me know – YES I AM! I am qualified to share because me and you are so much alike. ‘But Nicole, you don’t even know who all will read this!’ I know and that is really exciting! But it doesn’t matter if we have met or not – we have soooooo much in common.

We all have dreams and aspirations that are coupled with fear of rejection and lack of significance. Think about it. Every time we double check our outfit (don’t let the men lie, they do it too), we trip in public and look to see if anyone saw, we speak up at a meeting and wonder if we came across the way we wanted to or looked totally stupid and tripped over our words and got interrupted, meet a new neighbor or friend and really like them, we wonder if we are going to be accepted for who we are.

Then if we ‘feel’ they do accept us, the same feelings of ‘whatever we bring to the relationship isn’t as important as what everyone else is bringing’ or ‘I wish I could do something to make a difference’ creeps into our head to attempt to steal the joy of the victory of ‘I did good!’ or ‘They liked me!’


It is about an enemy

Believe it or not, there is an enemy out there jealous of the very place we are now!

1Pet. 5:8 NKJV Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

We have an enemy and his main tool is to whisper diminishing thoughts in the ear of you and I. If he can keep us from accomplishing, he has won. And he is so GOOD at it! And we believe him! Oh Snap!

So what do we do? How do we fight these feelings? Who says we are any better than these thoughts and feelings tell us we are?

I’ll tell you who says – God!

He created each one of us just the way he wanted us. And He is a fantastic artist. He took His time on each person with each nuance, unique gifting, a certain appeal, and an exclusive look. A couture original! (Don’t let me loose you here guys, think of it as a your favorite pair of sneakers that are perfect and worn just right for your feet and you love them and wouldn’t trade them for a new pair because they wouldn’t fit the same. That’s like couture for men.)

He said,

Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations—that’s what I had in mind for you. Jer 1:5 Message

God has plans for you and me

To reach our world. We are so important that the creator of the universe took time out of His schedule to form and create us just the way He wanted us. You can touch lives that no one else has access to. You can encourage someone that no one else will listen to. You are the person that God created to live in this time and make little comments, touches and changes on our path to encourage others to not listen to that enemy.

So that is why I am starting this blog. To remind you and I on a regular basis that we are significant. We have a mission. We are important. That God loves even us.

Here we go!!!

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  1. Margie says:

    Oh Pastor Nicole I am so looking forward to what you have to say to us! Words of encouragement, of correction, of kindness and healing. I know that what you have to say will be just what I need at that time that I am reading it. God bless you and your new blog. I know He will bless you in this new endeavor.

  2. Katie says:

    Pastor Nicole you speak into my life and I am so blessed to be a part of this amazing ministry. Thank you for sharing, I am looking forward to learning and growing with you.

  3. Bobbie says:

    Pastor Nicole this will be such a blessing to read your blog..

  4. Amy Spoelstra says:

    YAY! A blog I will actually read. What better way for you to mentor the many women in the church that need a spiritual leader (including myself). I am very excited to have this blog to read now. I know it will lift my spirits and help me grow. 🙂

  5. Patti says:

    Pastor Nicole – so happy you are doing this. Your experiences and victories from God over them are going to help heal and encourage so many women! Through your trials and God’s working in your life – and actually saving your life – you have become a mighty woman of God. You bless me always. You are beautiful inside and out and we respect and love you as our Pastor. Thank you for sharing with everyone. We will all be abundantly blessed by it. xxoo

  6. Kelly says:

    Pastor Nicole – What a blessing! Thank you for following the prompting of God to create this blog. It will be a blessing to many women in the city, country, and world.

  7. Adrienne says:

    Pastor Nicole~

    Thanks for being a woman of high integrity and your willingness to share with the world! You are truly the prototype of a Proverbs 31 woman and the epitome of Christian love.

    Thank you for being the living demonstration and replication of Christ in the earth! You are simply amazing and I cant wait to read your blog!

  8. Judy says:

    God is love. What comes out of your mouth is what is in your heart. When you speak Pastor Nicole, it is from your heart….love….God’s word…in a real way. That is the God in you coming out speaking to all women to help them through their journey. You truly care for all of us. Your love has a way of manifesting inside people that can truly change them and steer them on a brighter course that they feel worthy and loved. Many blessing to you for sharing your words, experience, faith and encouragement for all women. (Although, I think the men will enjoy it too!!) xoxo Love you and blessed to serve under your leadership.

  9. Carrie Westbrook says:


  10. JoAnn Dye says:

    BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for starting your blog. I’ll be a regular.
    I love the look of this. It’s very well done.

  11. Kim says:

    This is such a blessing for all of us!!! Looking forward to continuing to grow and learn with you!!! So blessed to serve under such an annointed leaders in a ministry that reaches out boldly to touch hearts and change lives!!! Love you…respect you…admire your wisdom and courage. xoxoxo 🙂

  12. Nicole,

    Your mind works much like mine! You explained what we go through as “people” so very well 🙂 And want you to know, the words, “Yes, I AM” confirmed exactly what I was thinking about last night as I went to sleep.

    Appreciate you!

  13. Jonathan says:

    Welcome to the blogosquere! I really enjoy reading your posts! Keep em coming! 🙂

  14. Babybloomr says:

    YAY Nicole– welcome to the blogsphere!!
    I have no idea how you managed to add yet another thing to your incredibly crazy/busy life, but I’m SO very glad you did. I will thoroughly enjoy reading your thoughts here, because I love and appreciate who you are– more than I can tell you.
    Keep ’em coming, girl!

  15. Miki says:

    Pastor Nicole-
    I am so glad you have joined the blog world! It’s a big step… in yet another area that you can touch lives of women that do and don’t get to see you here in St. Louis. I think you will be amazed at how many people are broken and imperfect perfections of whom God truely wants them to be. You GO Girl! Go impact your World for the Glory of God! In just a fraction of a second you are spreading His love around the world!

  16. Sam V says:

    Just what I needed to hear today, thanks 🙂

  17. Lisa Fannin says:

    I Love, Love, Love your New Blog – I am so excited about all that God is doing in your life as well as mine. I will enjoy reading about your daily experiences and thoughts….this could be better than Facebook!! XOXO

  18. Candace says:

    This is wonderful. I understand everything you said. I wish I was still in St. Louis to attend your church.

  19. Angela says:

    Thanks Pastor Nicole your brain is AWESOME I thank God for it everyday. Tonight is one of my favorite nights. It’s a Girlthing Meetings are such a rush for me because I know there is gonna be a Word from God delivered through you just for me SOOOO EXCITED SEE YA TONIGHT 🙂

  20. Nicole J. says:

    Pastor Nicole,
    This is awesome! I can’t wait to read your future posts on here!

  21. Jon McMorrow says:

    It is so good to hear from you. While reading your blog, tears welled up in my eyes. Because anything that helps women out moves me for my love for women. Your bro in Christ jon

  22. David says:

    Pastor Nicole,

    Thank you SO much for allowing us this glimpse into your thoughts! Can’t wait to read more and be inspired!

  23. Kat says:

    LOVE the words of encouragement & LOVE getting insight into your mind & What God has spoken to you! Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to many more blogs!!!

  24. Theresa King says:

    Yay! I look forward to reading this! It’s so nice to have somewhere positive to turn to 🙂

  25. Nicole, great job! So proud of you!

  26. Linda Pollard says:

    Nicole, you are a mighty woman of GOD . Thank you so much for your encouraging,inspiring,and loving words so many lives will be touched including mine..Looking forward to reading this daily..Love Ya

  27. STL Weddings says:

    We absolutely love your new blog! Looking forward to your next post.

    – Tyler & Kristy

  28. Todd says:

    Awesome – just awesome – this is what we need here in St. Louis. Nice to see you’ve taken this step.

  29. Nicole Crank says:

    You guys are amazing!!!! Everyone logging on and leaving such encouraging feedback! I am blessed to be serving God with people like you! WOW! Count joy number 47, 48, 49….!!!!!!!!

  30. Jessica Cornelius says:

    So glad you have a blog now. You have so
    much wisdom that needs to be shared!

  31. Shelly Gefroh says:

    Lovin the new blog! Keep feeding us Pastor Niclole, we love you!

  32. Nicole Crank says:

    I am loving the comments! But what I want to know is…..what do YOU want to read about?

  33. Julie Richard says:

    Pastor Nicole is the BOMB-DIGGITY!!! Looking forward to reading your thoughts…love your creative, but direct, spin on life!!!

  34. Nicole Reyes says:

    I am so excited for your new blog! Thank you for your honesty, your wisdom, your sense of humor, and your example! We all need to be reminded of how God sees us and of the great plans He has for us! I can’ t wait to read more in the weeks ahead! Thank you!

  35. Lisa says:

    Thank you so much for feeding into our lives! I thank God daily that He brought me to Faith Church St. Louis. Where my faith in my God has been stretched and my capacity to believe in God’s promises has been stretched. And we know that once your mind is stretched it will never go back.

  36. Marti Adams says:

    Wow, Pastor Nicole this is amazing !!! So many women ( and men) will be blessed by this. Thank you so much, You are truly a masterpiece! I thank God everyday for you and Pastor Dave

  37. Terri says:

    Wow! Wow! Wow! You have just touched my heart! I battle with this but refuse to allow anyone or thing to win but GOD! You have just touched me by sharing this. I absolutely love listening to you every time you open your mouth because of the commitment and discernment and love you have for the Lord.
    Having this blog and getting to hear from your heart and you is so exciting you have no idea. So many people’s life’s are going to be changed because you stepped out and did this. Thank you Pastor Nicole soooo much!

  38. Carla says:

    Your blog is wonderful. I have been looking for a church and have been viewing online. I really think I need to come to a service and experience you and Pastor David in person. I look forward to reading future blog posts!

  39. Lena Smith says:

    Pastor Nicole i read your blog this is a great way to keep in touch with whats on today!

  40. Todd says:


    I am sure you won’t remember me but I worked with you at Frontier Communications.
    I just wanted to say keep up the great work and I am so happy that you have found your purpose.



  41. Kathy says:

    Pastor Nicole, I really enjoy your words of encouragement. I know God is using me to help and love others. I struggle with feelings of self confidance and self worth. Sometimes I feel like I am not good enough to be a Christian. No wonder I do not have Christian friends. But you know what.. I do have Christian friends. At my job at Express Scripts.. others notice that I have a Faith Church calendar, and other notices from our church to help me remember activites coming up. and they start talking to me… and they know I love Jesus… and now I have Christian friends at work. The enemy is a liar.. and I am going to keep going to events at church. I will make Christian friends. I am very excited about my future. In the meantime, I am staying away from alot of my old friends.. because I do not want to fall back into sin. and I see a few of my old friends… because I am showing them the love of Jesus by helping them. I help this one lady who is diabetic and had a stroke, by cleaning her cat box and taking her to Salvation army sometimes for dinner. Please pray for her to give her life to Jesus. She may not live long and she seems child like sometimes. But I care about where she will spend eternity.

    I am lonely for Christian friends. and I feel like you are my Christian friend through this blog. God bless you, my friend.

  42. Hannah says:

    Hi. ur words are strong and touch my heart. i am 11 and God is my whole life. im not sure that all my friends are going to heaven. my friend Brianna believes in God but she told me one time at lunch at school “i don’t believe in the bible because if u read it again and again it doesn’t make sense.” i was so surprised. i was going to explain it to her that it was real but she moved and haven’t seen her since. my other friend Tristen didn’t believe in God and he was my friend so i talked to my dad and he said we shouldn’t b friends. so i told Tristen that, and he told me he believes God now. he kept switching saying he did believe God then said he didn’t again and again. sometimes im not sure he actually does believe God or is he just sayin it to b my friend. he doesn’t go to church. my new friend, Dalia, is really nice, funny, smart, and sweet, and fun to b around. but she is a … i forgot what its called. she doesn’t go to church or celebrate any holidays ( except for her birthday) but she does get presents on holidays. she doesn’t believe in any religion. well any way i really love God, He’s awesome!!! My God is a mighty God!!!

  43. Lisa Vogt says:

    Wow Pastor Nicole,
    I don’t know how you found time to do one more thing, but I’m sure glad you did! Now, I have another idea for you. After you prayed this morning in service, I decided we need a “Pastor Nicole wake-up call” each morning to get us going! You can add us to the list, record your prayer and we get a wake-up call….now that would get us up and moving! LOL
    Love you,

  44. Jennifer says:

    So excited for you, and for us! Whatever you feel you want to write about is no doubt something that will touch my heart. Thank you Pastor Nicole!

  45. Amber Hohrein says:


    I am thankful our spirits connected, because I know whom I am and the devil had tried to take so much from me. I had a big beautiful house and I paid cash for everything including my nice car. I had a management position making good money and I was touching and reaching people for Jesus Christ. I sewed allot of seeds and it seems that I am at the end of my rope living at the salvation army. I just won’t give up, so the devil thinks he can discourage me, so I am just making him more mad and getting more than even. I just walk in love like God told me and one lady recieved Jesus last week. I have learned allot and I have grown up too! I can say it is very painful growing up spiritually, but I want to be a world changer and lead by example. I know God is faithful and true and I can say, I trust him. Yes the devil tries to make us feel rejected and defeated, but love from the Father is a revelation that changes our whole perspective. I was watching the Passion last night, God wanted to bring my attention to a particular part of the movie. This is an issue I have struggled with for years (unworthy of love). I was watching when Peter denied Jesus and then Jesus looked at him with these eyes of love and then Peter relized what he did. The part that God wanted me to reflect on, was when he got on his knees in front of Martha and Mary and cried and said I am unworthy of him and ran off wailing. I have had this issue all my life, but Jesus died on that cross and I am accepted in the beloved and he loves me. I appreciate your encouragement today and I am so thankful I have Pastor and you to help me when I need it. God Bless. Love you guys.

  46. Jennifer says:

    How refreshing to read such an inspiring, uplifting blog from an amazing woman of God! I am so excited about this and look forward to reading future posts. Thank you for your encouragment and all that you do!

  47. Pam says:

    WOW! Pastor Nicole – I loved your blog. I always learn so much from your messages and they always seem to hit home. I can’t wait for your next blog post.

  48. Kimberly Fielder says:

    Wow what a different direction your going and I look forward to what you have to post. While reading your welcome blog statement this part caught my eye “The thought keeps coming to me “AM I EVEN QUALIFIED TO SHARE ANYTHING?????? Since I’ve been going to faith church I have admired and looked up to you as being an strong spiritually awesome women of God, and two of your teaching “Damaged Goods & Super Girl” have touched my heart so much and to express in words would be impossible, especially you willing to share your past. So please continue to share and walk in the direction God has for you, for when you do this, you help all of us out in this world.
    Many hugs,

  49. David H. Hagen says:

    Looking forward to reading your thoughts on your blog Pastor Nicole! You have such a wonderful and unique view on the spirit of God and how to allow it to permeate every moment of our lives. God bless you!

  50. Dana Campbell says:

    Pastor Nicole you are such a blessing to so many lives!! I’m so excited to follow you on your new blog. You are such a busy woman and you always have it all together. Can you talk about how you keep the balance in all you do?

  51. Stefphe says:

    Simply and elegantly put…Each on of us is important. I am looking forward to more postings from you Pastor!

  52. La Tonya Thomas says:

    This is amazing! It’s funny how, the same question you asked yourself when starting this blog, is the same question I asked my son’s Cubscout leader as we were talking about sharing information with others. I believe that when God imparts wisdom to us, we should share it with others. It’s information like this that will make a huge difference in someones life. I’d like to see whatever it is that God places on your heart to write about. He knows what information is needed and when it is needed. You are truly a blessing!

  53. Phoinixx says:

    Thank You Pastor Nicole for continuing your commitment to God, our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ and all of us whom look for guidance to understand our Father in order to have a better relationship with Him and detach ourselves from the weight, worries, pressures and blindsighting events of the world. Congratulations on your new blog!!! I’m really excited for you and those of us who seek understanding, guidance, and teachings of righteousness and love.

    I love you Pastor Nicole!!!
    I pray thatchu Be Blessed n the name of THE LORD

  54. Diane says:

    Amen Sister!!! We all have a gift and a calling and sometimes we wonder when and where God will use us in this world. But I just wait, because I know Gods not done with me yet and His timing is perfect. I know He will hand out the blessing and make it happen. I always say God is 4 days late, but right on time.
    Thanks for your blog and will be looking forward to your next one.
    God Bless You,

  55. Patti says:

    I have been hoping for a blog or devotional from Faith Church and you delivered!! Boy, did you deliver. This is exactly what I needed to hear and a message that we all need to share. Thank you God!!

  56. Kristy Kelley says:

    That’s a great idea Patti! I think a devotional would be a great idea for blog posts!

  57. Christine Nichols says:

    I would like to Thank You, for all the work you have done getting this church together.
    I mean it!! Have a wonderful week.

  58. Patti Bennet says:

    Pastor Nicole,
    Your blog is awesome – you’re such a blessing!!!!!

  59. Kelley says:

    Pastor Nicole,
    I am really excited about your blog. You are truely an amazing women. Im looking forward to all your words of encouragment and your advise from the things you have expereinced in life. You are a blessing in my life.


  60. Rebecca Parker says:

    Pastor Nicole,

    You are such an inspiration!! Thank you for doing everything you can and using all that God has given you to reach those that are lost and hurting!! You mean so much to me and I know you mean everything to so many others!! We love you and thank you for all that you do!! May God continue to bless you and honor you and use you to make a difference in this world!!

    Love Becky (Rebecca) Parker 🙂

  61. Donna Miller says:

    Dear Pastor Nicole,

    Your an amazing lady! Thank you for taking out the time in your busy day to write so that many people can read and be blessed.

    Donna Miller 🙂

  62. Shannon says:

    Thank you, Pastor Nicole. I am in agreement that due to the enemy we owe it to ourselves to program/memorize what God thinks about us into our brains. So that it ingrains into our hearts and Spirit… So that when the enemy voice sneaks in… It is quickly crowded out by the Truth that we know inside and out. It is this truth, that if I personally will memorize it and speak it more often out of my own mouth, into my own life, will give me the confidence to claim the unique one of a kind that is ME. There will never be another like me and that makes me qualified to be who I am where I am right now. No one else can do what I can do in my own unique way. Just as you are so fantastically gifted in your ways – which I love so much! Thank you for doing this blog!!! And for taking the risk!

  63. Raimoni boyd says:

    hi pastor nicole i really love coming to faith because it make me fill welcome and this is my first time on your new blog. i was wondering how do you sign up for you dance please call larhonda at 314-***-**** love your church and your new blog love peace and Faith

  64. Gloria says:

    Would you please give more details to the 10 10 80 plan. I thought the testimony Sunday was great.

    Thank You.

  65. Nicole Crank says:

    Shannon – Great insight! I hope you share often.

    Raimoni – Dance it Off was in January and is over 🙁 But the Chic Chat Madhatter Tea Party is Feb 25 and looks like it is going to be a first for us and amazing! Check it out on the events page here. You don’t have to sign up – just show up 🙂 And that night the girl’s are wearing our tea party ‘dress ups’. Girly dresses or gowns, hats, or gloves. Girls love a reason to pull things out of the closet that we never thought that we would get to wear!

    Gloria – I am so glad that you are interested in the 10-10 80 principle. we just had a phenomenal testimony this past weekend at our church of a couple whose life has been dramatically impacted. And another couple shared a very similar story of life change through applying the biblical 10-10-80 principle in their life BEFORE the service and the other testimony was shared!

    If you email me at, I will make sure that we get a teaching to you on this subject. Just come back to the blog and share the life change!

  66. Dear Nicole, I really love your message of hope and encouragement. Like a breath of fresh air!!Sue and Indy

  67. Mick says:

    The Lord has placed You and Pastor David in our lives. It is so good to be a part of a church family that loves and makes you feel welcome. What a great idea to have a ‘blog’. May God continue to bless you (so you can be a blessing) .

  68. Krista says:

    Dear Nicole,
    I wanted to share a poem with you that I’ve written. I’ve attended your church a few times with my family and I wanted to get your honest opinion. Please let me know what you think. This poem is called A Letter To God.

    Where did you go
    Why didn’t you stay
    You left me in my darkest hour
    Alone and afraid
    I saw no light
    No comfort no hope
    Instead there was darkness
    And the shadows they came
    They promised to protect me
    If I stayed
    I learned quick
    And I learned well
    That they were the master
    And me a mere servent
    A slave
    They said you abandoned me
    They claimed you lied
    I believed in them
    And the comfort I thought
    I had found
    Yet one day
    The shadows were scared
    A light shown bright
    In my world of darkness
    I wanted to go
    I wanted to stay
    They’d been there for me
    When I thought you had strayed
    I started to come
    The shadows held tight
    They said if I went
    You’d leave me again
    When I need you the most
    I took my chances anyway
    Wondering what my future held
    Though I want you to know
    The shadows still lurk
    Waiting for me
    I don’t quit trust you
    But I want to stay
    They haunt my days
    And overpower my nights
    Reminding me
    Of what I left behind
    I am still weak
    In mind and soul
    And sometimes I wonder
    If I should go back
    To the life i’d known
    But your true love
    And power hold me where I am
    Between life and death
    Light and darkness
    Truth and lies
    I don’t know what to believe
    And yet somehow I believe in you
    Because I feel your strenght
    Within me
    Calling me
    Holding on
    And saying
    All will be okay

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    From, Krista

  69. Krista Stewart says:

    Hello Pastor Nicole…
    I just want to say how much I enjoyed the message over the weekend during the marriage conference. My husband is a new truck driver and was on the road and could not make it, but I still went and I am so glad I did. The message on Friday night really struck something in me, because I know I deal with pride, and some of things mentioned on Friday, I didn’t even realize was pride. It something for me to be more conscious of. You and Pastor David have been a blessing to our family. We have been attending the church for a couple of months now on a consistent basis, and we are looking forward to the next membership reception, and officially coming apart of this Great church. God has truly put an annointing on both your lives, your teachings are what I like to say “real time” and have been fruitful in my husband and I walk. God Bless You…and Thank you

  70. Darline Nabbie says:

    Pastor Nicole Crank,

    Thank you!! 🙂

  71. Dear Nicole:

    I just wanted to say how much your messages really encourage me and always bring me to a challenge to stretch my faith a little more each week. When you have been talking about tithing and giving, it is such a blessing to hear your encouragement. I have been stretching a little more with my tithing by going from the gross instead of the net. I knew the that God was wanting me to move to this and I felt ready to try Him as He said in Malachi. And He certainly has proven Himself back to me and is showing me that He can out give me.
    Also, the devourer being stopped..I have seen in our good health and teeth with no formal medical insurance…but God’s insurance, machines that keep going, our kids protected….all those things I have remember in opposite when I didn’t tithe. That is a real tried and true principle the Lord has told us to do.
    I just recently received a much needed harp gig for paying down on our bills at the hand of a local harpist friend….just in time. And even though I have heard the message many times before, it seems it is always new when it comes.
    I also loved you and Pastor David’s message last Tuesday night about relationship and his comment about family first and then the church. I have felt this way for so long, even in some circles where it has been challenged. It is so good for hear it from the pulpit and David’s boldness to say it.
    I feel so privileged to be a part of our church family and almost like a Mary where the words just soak in and I can meditate on them for a more productive life in the Kingdom.
    Thank you so much for your love for us as your church family.

  72. Dan McDonough says:

    Thanks Pastor Nicole! You are a wise soul.


    In a world where one is told to be this way or that, it is nice to know that
    God wants us to be ourselves – no matter how quirky or nerdy.

  74. Victoria Mendez says:

    I’d like the confessions please.

  75. Hi Pastor Nicole
    This is my first time to find your blog! I love it! It is just the divine wisdom I need. I just have been indefinitely laid off from my job and your blog and Hi God book is really encouraging me alot!!! Thank you so so much!! You go girl!!:)



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