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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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What If Something Happens That’s Terribly Disappointing?


September 10, 2014


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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What If Something Happens That’s Terribly Disappointing?

Is our first reaction to put our heads down and get discouraged?

I’ve found over the years, that every time I suffered a deep disappointment, God had already set up a NEW appointment for me to take its place.

Had I continued with the original plan, He would never have been able to reappoint me to an exciting new season of opportunity.

The Best Laid Plans

“We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)

More than one time in my life I’ve had a plan to do something. But then when I moved toward that plan, the whole thing just fell apart! So when you’re feeling down, discouraged and or even depressed.

Remember that WITH GOD, every disappointment will ultimately result in NEW and BETTER reappointment. “Impossible,” you say? With God all things are possible!!

Who Knew?

Many of you know that I was married at a young age. (MY plan) And although it hurt my heart tremendously, that marriage ended in divorce. A lot of us have experienced that feeling of incredible disappointing loss, overwhelming loneliness and exhausting defeat. I was pretty sure that my happy life was over.

But God… arranged for me a fresh reappointment (HIS plan) with David, my soul mate.

He planned for me to marry this incredibly gifted life partner He knew that I would have to have in order to build this ministry. He made ALL THINGS (even the painful breakup of a disappointing relationship) work together for my good! How cool is that?

A God Perspective

“Man’s steps are ordered by the Lord. How then can a man understand his way?” Proverbs 20:24 (AMP)

We just don’t get it, because we’re trying to understand events based on our flawed natural ability. But God, from His unique perspective, sees the beginning from the end.

Trusting Him is one of the most extraordinary steps that we could possibly take toward moving beyond our negative feelings. Hang on, because it’s going to be awesome!

Our God already knows how He’s going to turn this disappointment around and make it one of the most AMAZING highlights of our life!!!

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  1. Sonya Fleming says:

    Wow, GOD knew I needed to hear that right now. I’m going through an experience that has me questioning my every move
    Wondering did I really hear from GOD, because my situation to me looks worse than before. But I know GOD works in mysterious ways, and he will turn what I think is a major disappointment into a amazing reappointment! !!!!!

    Thank you Pastor Nicole for allowing GOD to use you to help so many, you & Pastor Dave

  2. Heather Hannick says:

    I’m in the midst of a major life changing disappointment. I meed to get back to attending church at Faith. I know that would help me and my boys in thia time of crisis.

  3. Sherri says:

    I needed that Nicole. Thank you i am going through a little rough patch. And im discouraged. Disappointed so thank you i needed to hear that. You are so gifted thank god
    God bless

  4. Becky says:

    Thanks for sharing! I felt like it was writin just for me 🙂

  5. danielle says:

    Pastor Nicole. This blog hit home. I have been hit hard today. But i am sure the Father has sent my soulmate. But i am being held back by. Me or God for a reason my soulmate is in reach but unreachable for now

  6. Deborah K says:

    Hi Pastor Nicole,
    I am going thru some tough, tough disappointments right now myself, craters all over the place. I say Amen with you and hold on to the one TRUE God knowing He WILL see me through even though it looks bleak. I might as well add it here since I have wanted to connect with you….I am so thankful too for your “Declarations” CD I received when I came as a ‘visitor’ to Faith Church. I too ‘declare’ them every day on my drive to work! You have NO idea how much they minister to me!! Thank you!! I do want to meet you but the ‘Mega-church’ has its demands & you are always “busy” with so many, soooo, maybe one day I can! I wanted to come to the “new members” but was unable… but I thank you for your Blog & Faith Church & of course Pastor David too!!!:) . I am so thankful for being a titheing partner with Faith Church!

  7. sharon ward says:

    PASTOR NICOLE !!!!!!! I so needed this I love my FAITH CHURCHURCH and MY PASTORS !!!!!!!!! and of course I LOVE MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!

  8. Antoinette Chivetta says:

    I walk in faith; I believe but I feel like Job with trial after trial. It has not been for 70 years but close to it. Some by choices I made with outcome that were not within my framework of understanding. I have not seen an accomplishment for my labor. The latest is with my oldest Grandson who is 18 and enlisted in the army. He altered every plan the Lord had for him ;as he is an addict of every sorts and has totally removed himself from his family. We do not know his present whereabouts. It is very hard for me as his grandmother who has cared for him in every way and loved him more than anyone could know. He was my healing process after my infant son died. Pray for his safety and that he will come back to his family and be clean. Yes, he knows our Saviour but is lost. I work with special needs students and can make a tremendous difference in their lives but yet I haven’t seen this on a personal level. I struggle with an inner voice these days that says this is a crock that all things are turned around for good. Yes, I am grateful for all blessings given to me and for trials but right now I am under the gift of too much and feelI am spinning out of control. I would like the happy ending and yes selfishly before I die. Pray I have continual strength and a stronger faith. I don’t see Jesus wanting me to be happy but at times I do get peace from Him. I feel that I am His long term suffering servant. I make my declarations daily but the devil is very active in the life and that of my family.. God bless you and pray for us.

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Antoinette, I know it’s hard, and I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. I do know this though…Jesus wants to see you happy! Only the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy your joy. (John 10:10) I believe you’re right around the corner from you’re breakthrough, just keep holding on & keep trusting God. Don’t breakdown before you breakthrough. You’ve been carrying a bunch of burdens, & it’s time to give them to God. Your grandson will come back to God. Sometimes it’s in our darkest moments that we finally see God’s light. Know that he’s in God’s hands. I am praying for you & your grandson. 🙂

  9. Libby Fatseas says:

    Pastor Nicole, thank you so much for sharing this encouraging message. It gives me such renewed hope after a recent disappointment. God bless.

  10. Paula says:

    thanks! I think was a message I needed to see! Have been struggling to keep a marriage that just isn’t there alive! today it died when I talked to my soon to be ex. we were married for 25 years this past April and didn’t even acknowledge it! he has had a girlfriend for years as I recently found out and just admitted it to me today. I do believe there is something amazing waiting for me. thanks for having this message here for me to see today!



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