Worship music always puts me in a godly state of mind.
I like to turn the lights down, and turn the music up.
I turn me off, and turn the Lord on.
I cry. I laugh. I say, “God use me.”
“I surrender everything to you.”
But the problem with being a living sacrifice is that it’s easy to crawl off the altar!
You see, fifteen minutes into the “real world,” and I’m back to my old self.
In traffic, I’m frustrated by folks who, if we’re being honest, really cannot drive.
Like Carrie Underwood, I want to shout, “Jesus, take the wheel.”
Then I think about how stress-free our lives could be if we just let Jesus drive?
Give Jesus the Keys
Over time, I’ve focused on what it means to live a life of worship.
I’ve learned that worship is so much more than singing a few songs on Sunday morning.
And it’s definitely more than 15 or 20 minutes in a room by yourself with praise music blaring (but that’s a good place to start).
You see, worship is a heartfelt response that comes from an understanding of who God is, and what He’s done for us.
If you know who God is, and you understand what Jesus did for you on the cross, then you will respond with complete and total trust in Him.
To have complete and total trust in God is to surrender all.
Jesus surrendered All For Us
He freely gave His life. (John 10:18)
He was scorned, despised, mocked and insulted. (Psalm 22)
He was beaten. His beard was pulled out. He was spat on. (Isaiah 50:6)
The Bible says that His appearance was disfigured beyond that of any human being. His form marred beyond human likeness. (Isaiah 52:14)
He was crowned with thorns. (Matthew 27:29)
His hands and feet were pierced. (Psalm 22)
And being recognized as truly human, He humbled Himself and even stooped to die; yes, to die on a cross. Philippians 2:8 (WNT)
Through It All, Jesus Trusted God
The Scriptures say,
About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”). – Matthew 27:46
This is the first time in His life that Jesus called God, “God.” Prior to this time, Jesus referred to God as “Father.”
You see, in this moment, Jesus had fully taken our sin upon Himself.
Because God is holy, He could not bear the sight of His Son (full of our sin), so He turned away from Him.
Jesus was all alone.
He cried, “It is finished.” Then He died. (John 19:30)
That, my friends, is complete and total trust in God.
Was there ever a time when you had to put complete and total trust in God? Share it with us in a comment below.
Surrendering all to him for his glory and his honor.
It is so hard for us as mortals/humans to think and put all our trust in God because we are blinded by the world “rules”. We need these type of encouragement articles that help us realize and gives us confidence that we can beat the devil who tries to drives us away from God’s grace and love. I have had a few situations in my life where I had to trust God 100%. When I had to quit my job and move to a completely different city because my fiancee (at that time) he couldn’t find a job where I used to live. But God guided us through the way He wanted us to go. Me and and my now husband trusted that God will always do things for more and never for less. We got married, I quit my job and moved to St. Louis. I didn’t have a job, I didn’t have the legal right to work in the US because my paperwork was being worked on. We started coming to Faith Church and God put on Pastor David’s hear to preach the series “Doors”. That’s when we confirmed that God had a plan all along for us. A few months later I got my residency papers fixed in 3 months (when they say the average time is 6-12 months). I could now apply to jobs and work legally in the US. I got a full time job at a very good company and not to mention we got to be a members of the most awesome church ever – Faith Church! I am so grateful to God for guiding me through the right ways and for introducing to me a whole new community of holy people that encourage love for God and love for others. 🙂