A lot of times in life, the way I act is NOT the way I want people to act towards ME.
When someone cuts me off in traffic, I get FRUSTRATED and BANG the steering wheel!
But when I need to get over…I want GRACE.
It’s All About Me!
If I’m in a hurry, I think there’s plenty of room for ME on the elevator, so I just crowd in.
But if I’m on the elevator when someone ELSE gets in and makes it a little bit crowded, then I think they’re just being SELFISH!
So I’ll stand COLD and quiet. Or I’ll make a LOOK. (C’mon, you know you’ve done that before!) Sometimes those looks just sneak out before you know what happened!
We DO…He DO!
• If we want mercy, we have to SHOW MERCY.
• If we want to be treated upright, we have to ACT UPRIGHT to others.
• If we want to be treated pure, we have to BE PURE toward others.
Psalm 18:25-26 basically says, that God will give us what we ARE to others. Forgive, get forgiveness. Show love, get love.
It means, we have to act right to be treated right…Oh MERCY! I have some tuning up to do!!!
Think About It!
Sometimes it’s easier to consider how we want to be treated BEFORE we interact with others. That way, we’re already prepared and in the RIGHT frame of mind.
So the CHALLENGE of the day is to go around treating everyone else like WE want to be treated.
The good news is, the Word says that God will give us back EXACTLY what we are sowing into other people’s lives!
I guess that’s why He said for us to do to OTHERS as we would have them do to US! Man…He’s smart!
Prayer For Today
“Father God, thank you, that You don’t always give us what we deserve. Help us to be more mindful and considerate of all our neighbors, so that the same mercy and consideration may be shown to us. In Jesus’ name.”
Share With Us
I’ve shared a couple of my personal stories. Now it’s your turn. TELL US about a time when you were eager to “dish it out” to others, but were reluctant to “take it” yourself.
This is so true.
N Jesus tells us not to judge others by their appearance, but we do just that!
I know I am being judged by mine. But I askd G-d to give me thick skin to not be offended b’cause I have dred locks. So I hold my head up knowng that I am His child, accept in the Beloved!!! #Mz.J
So true, Bennel! I’m positive that your dreads look amazing on you! You are you for a reason!
I love your prayer. It says it all.
If you want to quickly respond to another’s words or actions, think of this first: (from Jeremiah: “If you bring forth the precious without the vile, you shall be my mouthpiece.”).