Lack of confidence is a real motivation killer.
When it happens to me, I want to climb under a rock.
I want to pack it in and call it a day.
Many times, right before I go on stage to preach, my mind begins to race.
I start thinking about what I need to say to win over my audience.
Then the enemy or the “Inner-Me” introduces negative thoughts and past failures.
It’s In These Moments, I Decide
Am I going to pay attention to these negative thoughts?
Or am I going to see them for what they are and dismiss them?
If you want to set yourself up for success, then there is only one choice.
Now, I know you’re probably thinking that this is easier said than done. Not true.
The problem is most people don’t do anything.
And that’s when negative thoughts turn into bad days, bad weeks, and bad years.
Do You Recall A Time When You Were Listening To The Radio And A Sad Song Came On?
Then next thing you know, you’re feeling down?
Then you changed the channel to find something more uplifting?
Suddenly you’re in a better mood!
This is what I call breaking the thought pattern or changing your focus. We can do the same thing with our thoughts.
Take for example the act of counting to ten. Try counting to ten right now in your head.
Go ahead, I’ll wait…
Pretty easy, right? Now go ahead and try counting to ten (in your head) again.
Now say your name out loud.
What just happened?
In order for you to say your name out loud, you had to stop counting to ten in your head.
That, my friend, is how very easy it is to change your focus.
Your Mind Is Subject To Your Mouth
The next time the enemy tries to remind you of who you were, remind him of who you are in Christ.
- You are holy and without blame. (Ephesians 1:4)
- You are greatly loved. (Ephesians 2:4)
- You are born of God and evil cannot touch you. (1 John 5:18)
- You are healed. (1 Peter 2:24)
- You are blessed going in and blessed going out. (Deuteronomy 28:6)
- You are the head and not the tail. (Deuteronomy 28:13)
- You are the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14)
The next time you’re getting ready for an important meeting, sales call, or presentation, take a moment to remind yourself of who you are in Christ.
Don’t just say it under your breath – say it out loud.
Speak it. You are what you say.
Amazing results happen when you confirm with your mouth who God has said that you are.
This is what you were made for!
I have the power and ability to control my thoughts and what they will be. Thoughts have power…so I am doing my best to control them to be positive, happy, and uplifting. When negative tries to creep in…no way!!!
I hate it when people I my life are negetive over and over . So much that it drains me of energy. I will start to feel defeated, depressed, aggrivated. And thenI will hear you need to be more confident or why are you so insecure.
Seriously. Its hard sometimes when you have someone that seems to be working against me.
God is my refuge.
I completely understand Judy, but you know what? God will restore everything they’ve drained out of you. 🙂 And you’re very right, God is your refuge. You may have people working against you, but you also have a BIG GOD who loves you, working for you! (Isaiah 41:10)