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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Who Are You?


July 25, 2011


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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self reflection

Who are you, really?

I mean… I know that you are reading my blog.

You are in cyberspace. We may be Facebook or Twitter friends.

Or maybe we are church friends, old high school buddies, or former co-workers.

Maybe we have never met – cyber or in person.

But Who Are You?

What’s strange, is many of us hedge at that question. We answer with roles we play in life. I’m a mom, dad, wife, husband, child, etc…

But who are WE? And does who we are even matter in this crazy mixed up world?

Many of us feel that our contribution to society is negligible at best. That the world moves so fast that we are overlooked, passed up, and swept aside.

This is how the enemy keeps us back from our destiny.

Each one of us was born with a specific destiny and purpose. (Jeremiah 29:11)

We were formed from the dust of the earth by God and His pneuma life breathed into us so that we can go into our sphere of influence and love, support, encourage and point people to God.

A lot of us don’t even feel worthy of that calling. Well, guess what? You are all that and more!

In studying about who God chose to be the genealogy of Jesus (in a message I call ‘the real housewives of Jesus’ genealogy’, mmm, hmm – it’s THAT dicey), I found out that God used all kinds people to accomplish his will.

God Wants To Use You

Matter of fact, He says,

You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. — John 15:16 (NLT-SE)

Imagine a world where all of God’s children know who they are…

No wondering, no looking, no inferiority complex, no low self image – a world where we, as Christians, took our place in society…

A world where instead of tearing others down because we feel inferior and insecure ourselves – we tell others who they are in Christ.

God uses the most unlikely people to do the most amazing things, And THAT is how we qualify.

You Qualify

If you need to be reminded of exactly how significant, important and planned you are, then I encourage you to listen to our livestream archive video from Sunday night’s service.

This archive will only be available on the website for a short time, so don’t delay. Click here to watch the livestream video now.

What has been the one action, phrase, saying, or verse that you have heard has reminded you of how important you are?

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  1. kimberly fielder says:

    Thank you *tears*

  2. Sharon Wheelehan says:

    “You are the child of God”…..Pastor Nicole what an awesome sermon. I wept at the very last phrase you spoke. How impactful, I grew up not every wanting to say who I was cause my mother and father both were drunks, we had very little in life. Many years I have lived thinking I was a nobody, not important to anyone. Thank you so much for the great sermon.

  3. Jen V. says:

    The bible verse that comes up in my mind right away is the first part of Jeremiah 1:5:

    “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
    Before you were born I sanctified you;….”

  4. dethier02 says:

    As being one who was never good enough for the physical male figures within my life including my biological father and husband, but with that internal gnawing that I am special, I have chosen not to be someone else emotional/mental baggage carrier , but to be true to who GOD made me to be. It has been a long journey and still not the best I am going to be. I have finally realized that I am daughter to a King and sister to a savior, how blessed am I. I have always been special and have felt that internally even though I am different that the norm….I now embrace this, love who I am and am looking forward to be all I was meant to be as child of GOD! I’m here to make a difference in this world and reflect the light of my father to others, thanks for being my spiritual cheerleader and reminding me of my true calling is to empower others to do the same, as you do for me 🙂

  5. Carla Borders says:

    This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing.

  6. dawn wheat says:

    As you grow…you teach…we hear…we grow. thank you , Pastor Nicole

  7. ccl says:

    I still don’t know exactly who I am or what I am here for, but I have always known God is my father and Jesus is my savior. The difference now is I don’t need to know who I am or what I am here for HE knows. My Father knows and I have complete confidence in HIM and have learned to trust HIS knowledge and follow HIM. Keeping my eyes on HIM not what is going on around me. Accepting HIS guidance and leaving the judging to HIM. This has given me peace and a welcome quiet inside of me now that I am in the fall, perhaps winter of my time in this world. You and Pastor David have helped me to achieve a peace, a quiet in side of me that I have never known before. I call you both blessed and pray our church continues to follow the path you have shown us.

  8. tom says:

    Aren’t we all rotten sinners, deserving of hell? (Romans 3:23)



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