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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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X-Challenge: Step Two


August 28, 2012


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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goal settingWe have to see it to be it.

This is the process of expanding.

Whenever I sit down to a meal, in my head, I think I am going to eat like a dainty girl.

Then I find myself eating everything on my plate and going back for seconds.

More often than not, I am the last one at the table eating (and not because I am a slow eater).

In polite terms, we can say that I expanded my original goal.

Step #2 is Expand.

Expanding is the process of setting goals.

Goals are that place that we want to go. You know if we look at map, the first thing we find out is where we are. The second thing we look for is where we want to go.

If we don’t have a destination in mind, we will never know when we get there. The good news is you can get anywhere in the world from right “here.” You can get to Miami, New York City, or Spokane. You can even get to Paris, France.

As we work on expanding our vision by setting our goals – let’s take the limits off for the moment. We will deal with those later.

For now – let’s dream.

God is very interested in stretching us. He wants to enlarge us.

Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; spare not; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. — Isaiah 54:2 (AMP)

He’s basically saying, “Baby, this thing is going to be big and it’s going to get tight and it’s going to streeeeetch.” Kind of like my pants on Thanksgiving Day!

God is a God of faith and faith begins where the will of God is known. In order to even start thinking faith thoughts, we have to start setting goals. We have to start dreaming.

In order to know what faith words to speak, we have to have an idea of what our goal is. In order to start taking faith actions (the actions that move towards things that don’t exist yet), we have to think faith thoughts and speak faith words.

We have to set goals.

You have to be able to see it, to be it.

Close your eyes (although mentally you have to have them open to read this). I want you to think of a goal you have… whether it is a place you want to go, revenue numbers you want to hit, purchases or acquisitions you want to make, the job you want to have, graduating from school, or holding that baby in your arms.

Now I want you to see that picture in your head. You can’t head out for a goal that you can’t see. You need to be able to see with the eyes of your imagination, your heart, your faith and let God illuminate that thing on the inside of you.

Later this week I’m writing another blog about how to write goals. But today, your job is to start dreaming. Start visualizing. No rules. No caps. No right and wrong. Just dream!

Join the Conversation

Now share your dream with us! Tell me, what’s your dream?

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  1. Ashley Do says:

    People look at me and my family and assume that I have a perfect life. Little do they know, Im a 24 yr old single mom of two. I don’t own a vehicle or a home. My goal is to have that independence and peace of mind when it comes to raising my children. My goals are set…I visualize everyday, how it will feel to do laundry in my own house, to cook dinner for myself and the kids in my own kitchen, to pull into the drive way after a long day of work. When I visualize it, I get chills all over. My blessing is near….Im just patiently waiting. 🙂

    I thank God for blessing Pastor Nicole with such motivational words!
    Faith Church has truly changed my life!

  2. Shelly Clonts says:

    My dream is to speak to women & girls giving them hope beyond today, through the hope I’ve been given in overcoming the odds within my life’s story! I’m in the process of writing book and Bible Studies, and have a heart for every woman to KNOW within herself that she is treasured, and she is loved…just the way she is. I dream of sharing this hope around the world, and I’m in PREPERATION of doing so, through new and established alignments, total health inside & out, as well as continuing to make the next right choice in my daily routine! Thank you for your heart of transparency and loving leadership! Shelly Clonts

  3. Cheryl Morris says:

    Thank you pastor nicole for this wonderful blog. My dream is to graduate from college with an associate’s degree and work in a preschool with preschoolers. That has been my dream ever since I worked with preschoolers during my senior year of high school. I’m in my thrid semester at saint louis community college and I feel like I am so far away from my dream but I know I’m not. I am getting closer to my dream day by day. It may take a while to get to my dream but I know I’m going to get there God will give me strength to get there.

  4. Heather petrosky says:

    My dream is for my ex to be the man I know he can be….where he doesn’t judge me on what I’ve done but appreciate me for who I am. I love him but our relationship is toxic.I want everything to be good.I want a house with a backyard for my kids and have a dog.I want a better relationship with God.I want to be able to fit in a size 8 pair of Jeans. I want to have a job with benefits and in the arts. I want to feel loved and be loved.I don’t want to be alone any more.I refuse to settle for anything except the best!

  5. My goal is to be able to teach and inspire through design, words, and art. God has had His hand on me for a very long time and I cannot thank Him enough every morning for not letting me go. I know that the plan to get there begins with giving myself fully to Him, in every way. I’m certainly not perfect at it yet, but at least I “get it,” now, because He has shown me that it’s all going to be ok. I have heard His voice just as plain as if Pastor Nicole were whispering in my ear. I have let go of my worry and I face each day with a bright spirit, thanking Him fully for everything and everyone in my life. I know He will take care of the rest if I just keep at it daily, keep working, keep listening, praying, thanking and praising Him.

  6. Ricardo Velasquez says:

    Excellent. This morning while i was praying, came to my mind, the need to ask for a new dream, new motivation and new tasks, new challenges. This blog and article is 100% right in the direction that i have to start. God bless you Pastor Nicole, (i apologize for my granmar and spelling mistakes)

  7. There are ten things at the moment I want in my life and I know they are achievable dreams.
    First I want to be completely debt free, have a small savings of a thousand dollars, and an emergency fund of three months of expenses set aside. I’d like to get a pass port, travel, and go to Canada. I want a Job I enjoy and eventually to start my own business. I want to complete the remodel I started on my living at the beginning of this year. Lastly and very importantly I want to repair the relationship with my Mother.

    My life has lack security, stability, and the ability to be out of a survivalist mode for years.
    I thank God for breathing life into a broken and shatter life, a life that thought she had no value and was worthless. God has healed, restored, and truly lifted me up out of the emotional mess I was in for years.

    For anyone who reads this, I just want you to know… you are his BELOVED!
    The Worth and Value he sees in you is unbelievable but it’s true.
    God says you are the apple of his eye…no matter what someone else has said to you.
    You are Beloved, don’t forget it.



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