We all have our own personal MOUNTAINS to deal with.
• Mountains of DEBT!
• Mountains of HEALTH PROBLEMS!
And sometimes the day of the week it is determines which mountain we are facing.
We love to THINK about our mountain, WORRY about our mountain and COMPLAIN to everyone we know about how BIG our mountain is.
Just Say So!
Without doing what God says to MOVE our mountain, year after year, we just keep running AROUND and AROUND the same old mountain. (Just like the Israelites did in Exodus.)
We’re NOT supposed to run, push, shovel, worry, talk about or live in fear of our mountain.
We have to STOP telling everyone how big our mountain is…and start telling our mountain how BIG OUR GOD IS!!!
It’s our CHOICE. WE can move the mountains…or the mountains can move US!
Speak to the mountain right now. “MOUNTAIN, you MOVE, in Jesus’ name!”
Jesus Said…
“I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.” Mark 11:23 (KJV)
We have to finally decide to DO what God said to do; SAY something directly TO the mountain. And know that even mountains (no matter if they are made of rock, offense, debt, sickness, or people talking bad about you) have to bow to that name!
Prayer For Today
“Father God, thank you, that even the mighty mountains are subject to OUR VOICE when we speak to them in the Name of Jesus, Your Son.”
Share With Us
Do you have a story about how you moved a mountain with your mouth? Tell us all about it.
Speak though to the mountains so that they will be removed. I used to speak by only saying the words in my head and although God hears them…I feel so much more when I speak them aloud.