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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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You Have Been Called For Such A Time As This


March 2, 2016


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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You might have just read that and thought, “Yeah, that is for someone besides me!” That’s the first indication that this was meant for you today.

So often we are entering our ‘moment’ and it feels the exact opposite of what we think it should.

You see opportunity is so often wrapped in opposition that our opinion is that it isn’t what we should pursue. And then we miss it.

Opportunity isn’t necessarily the easy road.
If greatness were easy, everybody would have it.
You have to be able to see what is happening with the eyes of faith. Not the eyes that everyone else uses to see.

Want what everyone has? Just see what everyone else sees.

Esther was seeing what everyone else would see. An orphan girl that somehow got blessed to be where she was, yet in a horrific position to have a front row seat to see terrible things happen. She feels so responsible. But has no power to make a difference – or so she thinks.

The brink of the biggest problem you have ever faced might be the door of the most massive opportunity you have ever received.

When it seems like things are so beyond your control, that is when we are FORCED to acknowledge that God has done something amazing.

It was illegal and punishable by death for Esther to approach the king. Walking to what seemed like certain death, with God was a historic moment that caused her name to be inscribed in the faith halls of fame. She was obedient to do what seemed like the impossible at what seemed to be the worst time possible.

But God.

But God was pleased with her obedience.
But God favored her courageous footsteps.
But God knew something she didn’t.

She thought she was walking to doom. In reality, she was walking through a door of opportunity that God had ordained long ago.

She was afraid of dying herself. Instead she saved many from dying. She was chosen for such a time as this. And so are you.

Don’t let the dullness, sameness, challenge or hurt of today make you think that today is not the day that can bring the victory in your life. Open up the doors of opportunity. Shift you into the blessing you have glimpsed. And thrust you into the flood of favor that God has been planning for you.

You HAVE been created for such a time as THIS!

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  1. Matrecha Yates says:

    I would like my church family to pray for me today I take test I know, I will, pass it in Jesus name. Amen

  2. Angie says:

    My life is changing,I’m learning how to be a Christian again ,walk and talk to God . I was brought up going yo church by grandparents and my Mom on occasion. She tried ,teenage years took me away .I was baptized at 16 going to church with my sister.later got pregnant married my husband of 25 years and we have 2 children and 3 step children 10 grand children . I have realized I need GOD I Need To SHARE Him With My CHILDREN Before Its Too late. My parents are divorced I am caregiver to my Mother stage 4 demincha, paralized,etc I miss her every father 83 on dialysis diabetic not hoing thru radiation gor lung cancer, ,I’m in a place of feeling alone, like my family doesn’t understand my heartache. GOD IS AWESOME.

  3. ingrid cabalero says:

    Its amazing how God talks through your blogs… i’m so grateful for your life and for the courage to step into the unknown and write what God pours into your heart.

    I have always asked myself why me why would you chose me, if my record has like 30 pages long on failures and shame. but ironically that its what God is looking for so the world may see his greatness and his love reflected in people with no hope….

    this specific article made me cry because God told me once ” surrender yourself to me and I will make you the Esther of this generation” i’m still asking God what does that mean but he is answering in this blog. so thank you !!!!!

    YOU ROCK!!



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