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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Act Like a Princess


April 16, 2018


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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When you live out in the country on a gravel road, the dust seems to stick to EVERYTHING…especially a dark-colored vehicle. So, your best bet is to drive something that’s already the same color as the gravel dust.

I guess, that didn’t occur to my husband the day he came home with a shiny black pickup truck. Besides being black, this truck only had 4 captain’s seats.

Our son, Austin, almost always had a friend with him and we were expecting Ashtyn in a few weeks. This truck just DID NOT FIT our lives!

I was HURT!

I was MAD!


I was eight months pregnant and extremely emotional! (That’s my excuse.)

I couldn’t believe that he’d spent all that money and made such a major decision that affected our entire family…without even CONSULTING ME!

I admit, peace is NOT something that I’m an expert on. I kind of went “off the deep end”.

As little girls, we dream of being the PRINCESS in the relationship. But sometimes, as adults, we act more like DRAMA QUEENS!

It makes the enemy SO HAPPY when we lose our cool, overreact, get mad and start yelling, because he who angers us, CONTROLS us!

We have the right and the ability not to give ANYONE that power over us!

David is a REALLY GOOD man. He swallowed his pride and took the truck back to the dealer.

Don’t let the situation get to you. Any problem you have can be as BIG or as small as you decide to make it.

“The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.” Exodus 14:14 (AMPC)

Problems can only have the power WE GIVE them.

Go ahead…act like a princess…and keep your PEACE!



Have you ever caught yourself overreacting to a situation? I told you my story. What’s yours?












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  1. Demetrice Williams says:

    Good morning Nicole Crank,I just love the positive energy you and your husband give to the people’s.I come to your church on Sunday at palm beach lakes.One Sunday your husband was preaching on it doesn’t matter what kind of car you drive give thanks anyway,I had a 1999 Toyota Corolla I was praising my car,I knew it was time for me to move on from that car,this year God bless me with a 2014 volkswagen jetta..I cried because I never had nothing new.I thank you guys very much for just being so positive and str8 forward..

  2. Evie Anderson says:

    I think I do this more than I would like to admit. When I first started coming to Church I usually had to drive from Delray Beach, I thought that the High School was right down the street from me so I could go in person once I got the okay from the doctor. Then I googled the Shiloh address and realized where the Church was but I didn’t mind at all because Faith Church has come through for me in more ways than I can mention on this reply, they have kept me alive and I found my faith and hope again watching it on T.V. Once I got there in person I kept getting asking by people why I traveled so far to get to Faith Church and immediately started thinking that I shouldn’t be going to Church there for some reason. I have been know to be a little shy and I felt a bit superficial because I was embarrassed due to the loss of most of my teeth from health issues.
    I Love my Church so if anyone asks me why I travel that far I take it like they mean I shouldn’t travel that far…nobody said that, I made it into that. I took the way I looked and put my being superficial about my appearance on people who just asked a simple question, probably because they were thinking this has got to be a great place to come worship if you travel that far. I go to Faith Church, I live in Delray Beach so it is a 45 minute drive. I finally realized that maybe they were asking me this question so they could understand what a special place Faith Church holds in my heart.

    I got into a pretty bad car accident last September and couldn’t get to Church for 6 months. Once again, someone from Faith Church told me of a service to help me get to Church which I now use. Now I am putting a resource list together to help other people who need resources for assistance with transportation, health issues and all sorts of things. My path is being revealed to me because a friend at Faith Church told me about a transportation service. When I got back to Church it was a rough on that first time back and I ran into a couple who reminded me of the resource list I was putting together and also gave me some more friends (community) that I now sit with during service. This amazes me still, This wonderful community at Faith Church gave me Faith again, and believe it or not ….”Lives are Changed”!

    My mind is now being put to work on something that can help not only me but other people in my position. I am a Princess, I have Liver Disease, but, I have a wonderful group of people I can call and a Church that I call home that I would do anything for because they would do anything for me. I get back what I put into life in so many ways and I do it without expecting anything at all. What doesn’t help me, will help someone else, if not now, down the road. I saw Pastor Nicole and she actually said, maybe this is your path!!! Thank you Pastor Nicole! Thank you also for the prayers for my son Dustin, he is in Syria and I just want to give thanks for what he does and Pray to God to bring him and all of those serving home safe. I love when we get to understand that our Pastor has the same feelings and goes through the same types of emotions and reactions to situations as anyone could. I blame mine on menopause, and I am Thankful that I am a woman that can be okay with using that as the reason I feel, felt and fixed the situation. Thank you Pastor Nicole, your an awesome role model and a wonderful example for all of us.

  3. Sharon says:

    I am a princess.
    Afternoon Pastor Nicole,
    I got to know you through your book called “Hi God, it’s me again”
    I haven’t read the book but one day i will.
    I am an African Lady from a country called Namibia.
    I have read your message but it really touched me. Lately i have realized that i am some how making a wrong decision or the devil wants to steal my peace. I am busy preparing for my wedding that will be in May the 11th. But there are few things that really turns me down. Example, i had my white dress to be done by my tailor but when is comes out it was not the way i was expecting it. I spent the money to do that and i have decided to do another one i want. My budget is disturbed by that and i couldn’t understand why this is happening. I was worried and stressed as i was questioning myself where will i get money to fix this, But after i read your message that says “Any problem you have can be as BIG or as small as you decide to make it.
    I am now going to walk with my head high and fix this. I will surely meditate on that scripture Exodus 14:14 as well.

    Continue blessing us Pastor and may our Lord increase your territory.



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