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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Are You Groomable?


September 25, 2012


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Have you ever tried to brush your dog’s teeth?

My dog hates it.

So guess what? I don’t do it.

Trying to groom her is too much hassle and she doesn’t cooperate.

I’d rather pay someone else to deal with it.

I sure don’t want people thinking that about me! If I want to be groomed, I have to maintain a groomable heart and attitude as well as follow the instruction of the groomer.

How others see us determines how, when and by whom we will be groomed.

We can’t necessarily be groomed into greatness at the moment we decide we are ready.

We can’t always be groomed by the people we dream of grooming us. Otherwise Billy Graham and Oprah would be at my house right now!

If we do not allow others to see our potential because we are masking our it with moodiness or complaining, we will short-circuit access to our destiny.

If we display ourselves as unteachable, surly, or if we do not heed the counsel leaders have given us so far or have done what a leader has asked us with a poor attitude – why would they want to invest their life in an ungrateful participant who doesn’t listen?

Counsel that falls on deaf ears = a future with less counsel offered.

I remember a long time ago when a staff member got into a relationship. At the right time they asked what I thought of the relationship, of course expecting me to bless it.

Instead I told them what I thought the entire time in the most gentle way possible. I thought this person was not right for them and that they were bad news.

So what do you think the staff member in the grooming process did? They didn’t listen…

Leaders, mentors, parents, groomers… don’t be upset or surprised when people who ask your advice don’t follow it. People generally aren’t really asking your advice when they ask you a question, they are usually just looking for your blessing.

Sounds cheeky, huh? It’s true.

Friends looking to be groomed for greatness… if you plan to ask a leader that you trust to give you insight into a part of your life – be prepared to greatly weigh what they say. Don’t go into the conversation just looking for and expecting a green light.

Time passed at the office and the person in the relationship with our staff member showed their true colors. They weren’t pretty colors.

My friend’s heart was hurt. I hated seeing them hurt. This was the very thing I had hoped to help them avoid. But the not all bad came from the situation.

The team member’s trust in our relationship grew stronger through it. They knew I was on their side and I would love them whether they followed my counsel or not. They learned my counsel is truly to help them have a better life.

It was so funny when this person entered their next relationship, they asked me like every two weeks, “What do you think of this person? What do you think of this person?”

They were over over-anxious to get any input! It was like something from a comedy movie. They knew I had their best interest at heart and I just wanted them to be happy. And they are!

No Qualms About It

I have no qualms about pouring out time, attention, and energy in this person’s direction. Their ears and mind are open, even if their future decisions are sometimes different than what we discuss.

They are eager to spend time together with me. They know our relationship is built on trust. It’s there to help them to next level in their life.

Join the Conversation

Do you have someone that is grooming you in life right now? Why or why not?

What is the best thing that has come out of finding someone to groom you?

What do you think might be a challenge standing in the way of finding someone to groom you?

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  1. Gerry says:

    I am stuborn and out spoken, sometimes thats a good thing but more often than not, I am attending Faith Church to get a new lease on life, and it is working. I listen to only Christian music, I pray every day and night and I read from a daily devotional everyday but dont always get to it at night. I am not a emotional as I use to be. I use to wear my heart on my sleeve, not anymore. I dont take things personally anymore, that is thanks to the services at Faith Church by Pastor David and Pastor Nicole. I have made awesome friends at the Church and lasting friendships. My husband has been a groomer for me for years when it comes to patience, and I have been grooming him to come to Church, we have both been successful in helping each other. We love our new Church and we always learn something every Sunday. So I do believe God has placed us right where we both need to be. I am thankful for Faith Church, I do not think my husband Tony would have ever agreed to come to Church had he not seen Pastor Dave on T.V.!! it has been a wonderful experience for the both of us, but I know we both have losts more grooming to go…hahaha

  2. Adrienne Rainey says:

    Great read!

  3. Kim Arnold says:

    Loved this. Makes me miss my mentor who passed this spring. He was an older man who had much sucess. He shot from the hip and always told me the truth weather I was ready or not. I listened andlearned all I could. Boy I miss him. Thanks for speaking into mine and so many lives I listen and yes I learn. One that comes to mind is don’t bite the fight. Use it as often as needed. Thanks and many blessings.

    • Nicole Crank says:

      Kim – Finding gerat mentors is so hard!!!! I miss a gentlemen that mentored me when I was in the corporate world in my 20’s. I didn’t realize what a great leadership influence he was in my life until I had moved on and did not have a job where my boss was also a coach to me.

      I pray God brings another mentor into your life!



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