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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Are You Beautiful?


September 20, 2011


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Nicole Crank

Nicole Crank

Today someone asked me if I thought I was beautiful.

Wow. That is a loaded question.

If I say no, I get a pep talk about how I need to see how beautiful I am.

If I say yes, I’m conceited.

The truth is neither.

Now guys, before you tune this out as a chic message – you are NOT exempt from self-confidence issues.

Oh, you are? Then why did you suck in your stomach and puff out your chest in that last picture?

That is a beautiful thing about digital photography, the delete button.

I believe that there should be a law that says that the subject in a photo gets the first right of refusal before that picture goes anywhere.

Are We Beautiful?

Anyway, the point… Do I (or you) think that we are beautiful?

Truthfully… if nobody else has to hear the answer. More often than not, the answer is no.

Nose too long, head too round, body too big, body not big enough, bad skin, bad teeth, bad breath – all things that many of us think stand between us and what we think would make us beautiful – on the outside.

The thing is, I have a hard time finding people that are beautiful on the inside that are not beautiful on outside. There is something about that inner love, niceness, and consideration for their neighbor that makes them… well, beautiful.

Matchless Beauty

Watching an old woman who can’t get out of a chair alone anymore smile at children playing on the floor and then telling a story of when she was young.

A masterpiece.

Seeing someone confined to a wheelchair for life as a teen consoling someone else about things going on in the able-bodied persons life.

A priceless piece of art.

Being privileged to watch a complete stranger perform a random act of kindness and then fade into the crowd before a name can be exchanged or a proper thank you can be given.

I can’t contain the smile.

Perverted Beauty

In a world that has perverted outer beauty (for ladies) to 38-24-36, hair shiny from oil, fake lashes, makeup, cellulite removing lotions, self tanning lotion, working out like a fiend and undergarments to hold it all in and make it tight… that should be illegal!


C’mon Glamour, GQ, Vogue and Men’s Health – put someone on the cover that we should want to be like. NOT because of their abs, but because of the difference they are making in this world.

Hmmmm… So now that I think of it that way. I am beautiful!

I held the elevator for strangers and let them cram in to the point I was uncomfortable. I let older ladies go ahead of me on the escalator.

Maybe not world rocking, but world changing, one act at a time.

You’re Beautiful

So tell me, what are you going to do today to show the world your beauty?

Tell me in the comments and post a photo of yourself on my Facebook page.

Then, come and meet me this Friday night. We have our women’s meeting at our Earth City (Northwest) campus. Come and have fun!

I’m speaking and will be hanging out at our Caribbean night and treasure hunt.

Got beach garb or pirate gear? Wear it. It’s fun! See you there!

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  1. Thank you!!! It is nice to be reminded about true beauty, especially in this harsh unforgiving society we live in. By your definision of true beauty, God has graced me with the opportunities to speak into the lives of people whom I thought would not want to have anything to do with me because of past hurts and decisions either with me or my family members, thus He has allowed me to excerise my inner self. I often fail, but God prompts me to do better next time. God is good!!!

  2. Darlene Herrell says:

    Thank you so very much for this… I really needed it!

    The past few days I have not been feeling so pretty. I am tired, have bags under my eyes, getting home late every evening, restless sleep, nails look horrible, teeth need whitening (chuckle chuckle) and the list just goes on and on…..
    God has been trying to tell me I am beautiful and I have not heard him until now.

    To Casey and Jordan (Mom and Son) who are living on the streets told ME I was a beautiful person and thanked me for the food and blankets that were provided to them on Tuesday night at Street Ministries. Jordan who is 4 held my hand and prayed with me.

    To my Sister and Nephew who are now attending Faith Church – thanks to all your prayers – thanked me last night for geeting him hooked up with the Youth group. He tried out for the Youth band and MADE IT! A teenager who has felt misplaced has now found a home, and he is witnessing to his friends.

    Sometimes I “JUST DO” and forget to take the time to stop and really take in what blessings are happening in my life and how many people think I am beautiful on the inside.

    Tonight I am taking god with me as I witness to a Herion addict who needs a power greater than herself to pull her from where she is. May she find him now.

    Thanks Pastor.

  3. Stephanie Talley says:

    Wow! Once again Pastor Nicole leaves me speechless and fighting back tears. I find it funny that just the other day I happened to be flipping thru my notebook looking for my notes from last year’s Masterpiece Women’s Conference (coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous). I had never been to a conference before and I was definitely in for a long weekend full of faith and new truths. Over the last two years at Faith Church you have taught me that not only does God love me for me, but that I must love me as He does. I have to continually remind myself that if I have the paintbrush in my hand, then I’ve robbed God and I need to give it back. Seeing myself as beautiful is a tough battle to win… the devil frequently reminds me that I’ve battled with my weight all my life and that the battle isn’t over. But having been armed with the truth that God loves me and the devil is a liar I no that though I may still be battling, Jesus has already promised me victory! My self-esteem is no longer non-existent and I have great teachers, great friends, and a great church to thank for encouraging me to press in, even when it hurt. Thank you Pastor Nicole, for reminding me that I AM beautiful!



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