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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Called and Qualified


January 29, 2018


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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OK don’t judge my bangs and the outfit… This was more than eight years ago!  When my husband, David, first asked me to preach, I didn’t feel QUALIFIED. You know my testimony. What about my mistakes? Did you forget about my past?

He encouraged me to start by, simply, sharing my heart. Each time, it got little easier and I got a little more comfortable and confident.

I was overwhelmed by the response I got!

I had NO IDEA, how many people would identify with my personal story! I didn’t realize, that out of my MESS would come my calling to help so many people.

For some reason, we think we have to be qualified BEFORE we’re called. But God qualifies the ones He calls.

You think you haven’t been called to the ministry. But the truth is…YOU HAVE! There’s a call on everyone’s life to fulfill a particular vision and purpose.

You were called before the beginning of the world. And God’s is just waiting for you to STEP UP, instead of listening to what the enemy is telling you.

The enemy tries to STEAL our “ask”. We have not because we ASK not.

So, if we don’t ask and make a withdrawal on God’s provision for our lives, He’s NOT obligated to pour that out of Heaven for us.

He’s just waiting for us to show a little FAITH. If we don’t have faith, we’ll never ask.

After all, we ALL have a past. But, God’s forgiveness is so much bigger and overcomes EVERYTHING! ___________________________________________

Do you ever feel unqualified, at your job, as a parent or as a Christian? Tell me about it, below.

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  1. Erica Gilbert says:

    This speaks to me so much! I have a call to teach, and to teach big ????. The Lord gave me a vision of myself standing in a stadium here in my town. I also know I’m not ready for that yet. I recently did a couple small group studies that were great but I didn’t get the response I thought I would. Then He gave me this… to start a YouTube channel and teach others all over. That’s my passion to reach people everywhere, in my town and out, the only thing is I’m not sure how to “launch” it. This that you’ve shared made it clear. To start where I am and where I came from! I love listening to you and Dave. You both make it so easy to grasp. What a blessing ????

  2. Gloria. Restoy says:

    Nicole ,I received a word from God two years ago to write a book . I feel so utterly unqualified, and yet he tells me I can because he will help me . The enemy has tried to discouragement , fear , apathy and of course doubt and unbelief.
    I have had to take authority , I have taken a stand and I fight and pray , not allowing the enemy to steal my destiny. God gave me a huge test and he converted it in a testimony for his Glory, in Jesus name I will not be silent the story will be told!!!

    Thank you so much for your faith and your walk , you have helped me so much with your messages . I pray blessings over your life , your ministry and your marriage.

    Sincerely ,

    Gloria Restoy

  3. Ericka says:

    I can def relate to this, however little different. Ive always loved & was raized in Church. Although growing up i thought my life i could have the carreer i wanted. So i went to college for ‘BA in Science for law enforcement. It was great or,i thought well,…God closed that door. YeRs go by, God has me leading a womans Bible study, not somethung i ever thougbt would happen it just kinda fell in my lap. Again yeaes go by 2012 i move to MKE attend a great school this time for Culinary well as time goes by Gods pullin at my heart, & some how i lost my passion for culinary, move again and some how wind up in STL at earch city campus. Kinda like i was wrong about my life the whole time. The pun is i went all the way to milwaukee, when STL is only 2 hrs where im from. God was saying i guess u dont have to travel far to receive what i have for u. Now typing this for myself it all makes sence.

    U make me pick my brain thanks! ????

  4. Psalms 91 says:

    I have a child that was diagnosed with Autism and Sensory. I went to work part time to help him out more finding out I was diagnosed with PTSD for my past trauma that I never truly dealt wtih. I left 5 months pregnant got divorced which my ex husband in not in the picture and has not paid child support in over 3 years. I am getting the healing and seeing what God is doing and why he has me in this season which he opens many doors. Walking out of a mess and into His amazing grace. God is a good good father.

  5. Sandra says:

    This word is timely and amazing! Thank you Pastor Nicole. For me at work, the situation is all the others who think they know how qualified I am to speak on my behalf. So much to the point of calling me out. I am qualified because I am attuned to whose I am, who I represent. Greater is He that is in me… I walk in authority.. I am the Child of a King, therefore I’m royal. Not on anyone’s calling and purpose, but my Father. I don’t put a question mark where my God places a period. Thanks for the word. I am QUALIFIED!!!

  6. Carri Jones says:

    Feeling called to be a Christian counselor! After 28 years of being one behind the chair as a Hairstylist.
    Satin puts doubts in my head, but I’m asking God for the provision as well as the door to open to the right school!

  7. Marinda Ferrell says:

    As a Secondary Educator; I don’t think you never feel qualified to adequately serve passionate young people. They are youth confronted daily with issues. I pray constantly for them and all of us who are impacting their lives. It’s not an easy job.

  8. Diana P. says:

    It takes great courage to step out of our comfort zones and turn our “messes” into “messages”. It takes humility, it takes trust, encouragement from others, but most of all, faith in our Father and that according to Jeremiah 29:11, He has GOOD things planned for our lives — we need only take that first step of faith and TRUST Him! You are blessed to be yoked with a great man of faith, PN, who has encouraged you to answer God’s call on your life in such a meaningful and far-reaching way. You are a source of inspiration and hope not only in my life, but to all who are blessed to hear your story!

  9. Theresa Wells says:

    All three areas at one point or another have been touched by feelings of inadequacy; however God is so good at bringing someone in our lives at the right time to bring encouragement and see things in us that we don’t see or feel confident in. Thankful for his mercy, great grace, and his loving kindness towards me. So excited for this year and new opportunities daily to share with others about how much He loves us, loves us…loves us.

  10. Alejandra says:

    Hello, so… I read this email this morning right before I went to an interview that I felt far from qualified… I kept thinking about how unqualified I was and how they probably wouldn’t want me… and then I read this!!! And it was a reminder that all I needed was to know that wherever God takes me He will qualify me for it!!! Thank you for that reminder! ????

  11. Priscilla says:

    All the time. I have to hear pep talks such as yours to keep me moving towards my purpose. Looking past distractions and jealousies of others, I continue to pray for protection. I know God has called to a place of freeing others. Thank you.



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