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Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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I Can’t Believe They Took That From Me!


November 2, 2016


Nicole Crank is a USA Today Best-Selling Author, dynamic international conference speaker, powerful life coach, pastor, and well-known television host of “The Nicole Crank Show,” that is broadcast around the world! Nicole and husband, David, are the Lead Pastors of, with eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, Florida, and thousands more Online.

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Have you ever heard a noise in the house and been pretty sure someone that shouldn’t be there was inside your house? That’s usually about the time David makes me get out of bed and look around. (Giggle, lol just didn’t work here because I literally giggled. Can you imagine David wanting me to protect him?)

What’s worse than a house creaks and squeaks making you think an unwanted visitor is in the house (that isn’t there) is coming home and finding out someone has been in your house while you were gone and taken you things.

That has happened to me. More than once. The feeling of violation is maddening. You don’t even know who to blame. They just came. And stole. My things. That I had put away in special places. And some of them had precious memories attached.

I have gotten better security since then. Cameras, alarms, deadbolts and more. Because NOBODY likes a thief in their house.

Last night while I was sleeping, I felt the Lord impress on my heart, “Don’t let ANYTHING steal your joy!” In an authoritative way. I’d like to tell you that I had no idea where this had come from or why He said it. Except…

I’d let a few things – not little things, but certainly not earth shattering things – come along in the few days and derail my day. Hijack my mood. Change my direction. Invade my thoughts. Steal my joy.

Things were fine one minute and one text, phone call or email later – I was all hyper for some reason. Not cool.
The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. But I opened the door, invited the thief in and handed him my stuff. That’s not the way its supposed to work.

Here’s a statement that’s tight but right, “Happiness is a choice.” Ugh. Poo. I like to blame my aggravated demeanor on the situation that ‘stole’ it. But the fact is this, it can’t be stolen, just given away.
Ouch! Y’all are up in my business. But am I really alone? Have you let situations STEAL hours, days or even months from you?
I have a friend that walked through cancer, surgeries, radiation, chemo and more. I would call her to cheer her up and I would get off the phone realizing she had cheered ME up! Her outlook, her joy, her happiness was not being effected by her problems.

She might have lost her health for a while, but she wasn’t letting it steal her joy too. Wow.

I’m going to listen to the Lord and quit LETTING the thief in and handing him my JOY. How about you? When you share with us, it helps us all. Am I alone here? Or has this creepy thief taken some joy from you that we should have never let him have?

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  1. June says:

    Thanks, Nicole! Thanks, Lord, for reminding me not to give any “thief” my joy, my strength! ❤️

  2. CO RR I Ne Di Nardo says:

    I agree with you but when your children are suffering no matter what their ages hour it’s very easy to lose your joy I’m struggling with this right now and I need some prayer not just for me but for my daughter who struggling in so many different areas of her life please pray for her her
    Thank you and God bless you

  3. Kathy says:

    Thank you again Pastor Nicole! My son is getting married in Nebraska on Nov. 7th and it is a trip that normally our budget can’t handle, so I carefully planned to a ‘T’ every penny and looked forward to that extra paycheck at the end of the month. This gave me peace and joy……until last week our car broke down, my daughter who had said she had enough to get home from Maui where she interned for a year needed a plane ticket, plus the money I had lent her for her car payment wasn’t going to come back to me in time etc. etc. etc. I’m getting riled up as I speak!! HaHa…the word of the Lord you spoke to us today is liberating me!! Thank you Jesus I will enjoy my son’s wedding and the good provision which comes from YOUR hand, not that extra paycheck!!! I will trust you to get us there and to pay for our hotel and everything we need. Bwahahahahahahaha. We’ve got the Victory!! God bless Pastor Nicole and her family today!!

  4. Anjanette Walker says:

    That message really encouraged me today. For the past few days I have been allowing situations at work and my personal life to steal my joy. I just woke up and was praying to God to give me a word and boom there it was. Today I choose joy, peace and happiness. I won’t allow negative people or situations to steal that from me. Thanks again and be blessed



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