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My heart was racing and I could hardly br… bre… breathe!!!
It was the weirdest thing! Returning to my old neighborhood in Ferguson-Florissant actually made me start to sweat!
I have so many bad memories about being abused, from my previous marriage… it was blowing my mind!
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Are you gonna let boredom steal your power? I almost did.
You may not know this about me, but I took Karate when I was in college. (Are you impressed?)
Actually, there was a physical sport requirement and Karate just sounded COOL.
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Wait… what just happened here?
A few years ago, I was speaking at a women’s event and the pastors took me out to IHOP for dinner. (We some classy people, huh?)
I noticed them whispering. (Oh NO! Did I preach okay? Did I have something stuck in my teeth?)
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Ooooops! Did I just say that out loud?
Have you ever caught yourself letting words escape your mouth… without totally thinking about them?
I mean, they may have seemed okay, at the time. But, maybe you were mad or hurt when you said them?
(Ummm… guilty!)
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It’s time to get NAKED! (Well… emotionally, anyway.)
Have you ever felt totally vulnerable? EXPOSED? Felt like everyone can see your flaws?
I was in a meeting, one day, and this person was all for the decision to be made. But later, in another meeting, this SAME person was now totally against it!
Whether you're working on your personal or professional life, one area specifically, or yourself overall, dig deeper with me on the topics that give us the fuel we need to take off.
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