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Like me, you probably have a secret (or two or three). You know… that thing you’ve been trying to hide… from your past. We thought, for sure, it was going to kill us because the enemy kept telling us, “You’re not going to make it!” But I’m telling you, God has plans to USE our […]
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Do you know what I’m going to do on Valentine’s Day? It’s probably going to shock you. My plan for Valentine’s Day is to go to church, then, hop on a flight back to St. Louis with my husband, get home just in time to unpack and crawl into bed… exhausted!!! Sounds romantic…huh? But WAIT […]
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When I was a little girl, I remember getting in someone’s car, one day after school. It was all their fault… they asked me the question. They said, “How was your day at school?” Well then, I proceeded to tell them all about what I had for lunch— who I played with on the playground— […]
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It’s funny how you can be the happiest you’ve ever been and aggravated at the same time. Ever since my grandson, Liam, was born, there has been so much love spilling over in my heart! But then because of COVID restrictions, the hospital wouldn’t even let us go see him. (Talk about gritting my teeth…I […]
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Back when David and I first started, we only had one little church building in Fenton— and we were quickly outgrowing that! So naturally, we started thinking about how we could add on. The City promptly told us, “NO!!!” In fact, they told us that we would NEVER be able to build or expand ANYTHING […]
Whether you're working on your personal or professional life, one area specifically, or yourself overall, dig deeper with me on the topics that give us the fuel we need to take off.
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