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Morning is my “Hi God Time” and my porch is where I usually go with a big cup of hot tea to study and pray. It’s quiet, so peaceful, and a great place to watch the sunrise. I can just relax, read, and talk to God. But before I know it, I really start getting […]
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I’m NOT a crier. No… seriously! I’ve been through a lot of tough situations in my life and I’ve learned how to focus my gaze, lift my shoulders back, and keep walking through the pain. But, it’s totally different when I have to watch others hurt. So sometimes… I DO cry! There’s such HELPLESSNESS that […]
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I remember, back in the day, when I could say ANYTHING to Ashtyn… and she would do it. No hassle. No back-talk. No negotiating. No funky looks. She just DID it! (Granted, I’m thinking of when she was two.) Since then, I feel like I’ve lost some of my influence with her. Now, the best way to […]
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A few years ago, David and I were in a New York City TAXI, going from one side of town to the other. Instead of just keeping to myself, I curiously asked the driver where he was from. When he said, “Haiti”, I was really excited to talk to him about the work we were […]
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Hi God. I can’t believe they’re gone! It’s kind of surreal, and I’m not even positive what I’m feeling yet. A little numb. A bit like it isn’t real. Then tears. Like something has been taken from me. Then a tendency to buck up and be strong. It feels like I’m trying to lean into […]
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