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One night, we were just strolling down the streets of Havana, when Ashtyn thought she heard worship music and darted through the doorway into a strange house! WHAT??? Through the opening, we could see that “church” was going on! People were packed in with no air conditioning, with their hands raised worshipping God. OMG!!! I […]
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Here’s the deal. Sometimes I’m cool when things don’t go my way. Other times… Don’t look at me in that judgmental tone of look! (lol) We all do it! How do you react when you don’t get your way? When I was in Guatemala, I preached at a church that had 11,000 seats. With that […]
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Ever had a conversation with someone who wasn’t there? It seems like, it’s in the shower or the car where I have the most conversations with invisible people. Lol (Tell me, I’m not alone in this!) We talk out loud all the time: to the IDIOT in traffic, what we SHOULD have said to that co-worker, or just […]
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Have you ever felt like, “How could God possibly use me?” When I graduated from high school, I had a scholarship that I was really excited about! (Almost as excited as my parents.) But, when I called the college to inquire about childcare… they just hung up on me! How in the world could God use […]
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One time, I was traveling alone and sat behind these two guys on a flight. Honestly, I wasn’t intentionally tryingto overhear their conversation. They were just talking loud enough for me to hear. One of the guys was complaining about EVERYTHING! He had arthritis in his knee! He hated traveling for his job! His salary […]
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