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Most of the time, I don’t feel worthy of getting to do what I do. Why would God pick somebody like me? He should pick someone older, wiser, more educated: someone better… someone more WORTHY. Do you ever feel small and insignificant, like you aren’t making a difference? Do you feel like you’ve gotten chances […]
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I have two very distinct personalities to deal with in my life.One, is SO sweet and loving! She is in my face all the time, looking for a little snuggle! The other is… well, more self-sufficient. As long as nothing disturbs our normal routine, everything is fine. But, there are certain things that will cause […]
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Recently, I took one of those “Life Language” tests. It’s kind of like a personality profile. According to it, I’m too HARD on myself. Uhh… yeah! Knew that! Tell me something I don’t know! Lol. They did tell me that one of my “strengths” is that I’m STRONG! Awesome! Strong how? Like an Amazon woman? […]
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Back in the day, David would always sneak into the kitchen and take the first piece of pie! When he ate cake, he wouldn’t eat a WHOLE piece. He’d just glean some of the icing off the top. I guess, he comes by it honestly. His dad used to peel the thick chocolate icing off […]
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One time, when Ashtyn was about three years old, we were out shopping at a department store. Suddenly, I looked up and couldn’t find her! She was GONE! OMG!!! Have you ever told your kids to follow you…and then, they didn’t? I started yelling her name but she was nowhere around. I started running around […]
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