In the 8th chapter of Luke, we see a SERIOUS medical emergency!
Jarius, a leader of the synagogue, came to Jesus and begged Him for HELP.
His 12 year-old daughter was at the point of DEATH, and he wanted Jesus to go lay hands on her that she might be healed.
Jesus was walking with him quickly toward his home, when a woman (with issues) kind-of butts in line and STOPS Jesus in His tracks.
Press Pause
As the mother of a little girl, I can just imagine how disheartening this was. He had to be absolutely FREAKING out!!!
But Jesus had to stop and CELEBRATE the moment. This woman who had been suffering for SO long had finally been made whole!
The Bible says to rejoice with them who rejoice. But now, the miracle that Jarius had been hoping for, seemed to be ON HOLD.
Watch Out For Naysayers
So while this father was waiting, thinking his daughter could be taking her last breath…she actually was. She DIED!
Sure enough, here came a member of Jarius’s staff spreading the BAD news.
“Your daughter is dead. There’s no use troubling the Teacher now.” Luke 8:49 (NLT)
NO TACT at all! Can you believe this guy?
No Worries…I’m With Him!
Jesus overheard all this and told him not to be afraid, but only BELIEVE.
I like the Message translation. “Don’t be upset. Just trust ME and everything will be all right.” Luke 8:50 (MSG)
So Jarius patiently waited and stuck close to Jesus, and it turned out BETTER than all right. It turned out GREAT!
“Then Jesus, gripping her hand, called, ‘My dear child, get up.’ She was up in an instant…” Luke 8:54-55 (MSG)
Me First
So many times we see other people receive their miracle, their breakthrough or their prayer gets answered BEFORE ours.
But if we get jealous and turn a critical eye toward THEIR blessing, it will delay us from receiving OUR blessing.
When we genuinely CELEBRATE THE MIRACLE that God is doing in someone else’s life, it will ACTIVATE the compassionate power of Jesus in our own life.
love your message. i miss you and love you god gave me the best bday yesterday that i ever had im so blessed and you are the one that opened my eyes and heart to recieve god. ty ty
Pastor Nicole
You always have a word I need. Thank you for following GOD & using your walk to help so many, like me.